Thursday, July 12, 2012

Cahaya Hidayah

Last week, a very touching moment happened at our weekly meeting (Usrah) ...

One of our usrah's member, Jamilah, has a son who is studying in Beijing Foreign Studies University, Republic of China. Last wednesday, he came back to Malaysia with a group of his friends, for a summer holiday. 
A few of his girl friends from the same University also came back for a holiday, bringing together with them their Mandarin Language lecturer, named Wang Laoshi. She wanted to come to Malaysia with them in order to know and experience herself the Islamic environment, which she couldn't get in mainland R.O.C.

 According to Afiqah (one of her students there), Wang Laoshi had already learnt few Islamic teaching and ALREADY FINISHED (QATHAM) READING THE AL-QURAN (translated in Mandarin) TWICE!! According to Laoshi, she reads the Quran translation every night before she went to bed.
Nur Hidayah with Seri (Jamilah's daughter) and Afiqah (both can speak Mandarin and became her translator)
She just arrived in KLIA that Wednesday  evening and Jamilah brought her to refresh herself in one of the sister's house. Then she came to our usrah with all the Malaysian students. At that time, we have just finished our maghrib prayer.  Then Jamilah together with her daughter and friend, were getting ready for maghrib prayer also. So, we decided to have a chat with her at the dining table in the dining hall, while waiting for Jamilah and her daughter perform their prayer.  Wang Laoshi can speak English very good, then suddenly she told us that she wanted to sit besides Jamilah and her daughter while they perform their prayer.  She wanted to hear the Quranic recitation when they prayed, especially Al-Fatihah,  because she told us she found it very peacefull , her heart feel so serene when she hears the Quranic recitation. 

She recalls the day when she first heard the recitation of Al-Fatihah in one of their pitstop during their journey while travelling to some of the places in R.o.C. Upon hearing the surah read by the Imam, she suddenly stood still and tears started rolling down her cheecks. She didn't know why she cried, it happened naturally.. she told us she felt very pieceful in her heart...not the same when she listened to any songs .....MasyaAllah...Subhanallah ! The recitation of Al-Fatihah had touch her heart! That moment is the starting point, after that with the help of her students (Malaysian students), she started to read the Quran translation and books...nearly two years went by, her interest in Islam grows, but as Allah plans, she still not ready to say syahadah yet..(then later she told us that she was waiting for the right moment to say it~ but we deeply knew that Allah hadn't granted the Nur Hidayah to her yet...)

Then we continued with our usrah where we read a story about one of the companions, or Sahabah. Wang Laoshi listened carefully with Afiqah translated it to her in Mandarin. We didn't plan it to be, but the story of the sahabah that we read, really match like her situation. The sahabah was very closed to Rasulullah SAW since they were little, grew up together, but he didn't embraced Islam until Fathul Makkah ~ which he had wasted 20+ years. The sahabah said, even if given a mountain of gold to him, it couldn't replaced all the time he had wasted...he had lost...but it all came back to the fact that it is in Allah's jurisdiction to give the nur hidayah to who, where and when...

Upon listening to the translation, Wang Laoshi's face suddenly seemed radiantly glowed and with a smiling face she asked us, can she say the syahadah NOW? she didn't want to wait any longer, she didn't want to feel lost like the sahabah ...and all of us at the table were stunned! and without realizing it tears of joy started rolling down ... Subhanallah......Alhamdulillah seemed that Allah SWT had bestowed her nur hidayah ...had opened her heart to the truth! the real truth!

Then our naqibah, explained to her about kalimah syahadah and it's meaning..etc...
and now Wang Laoshi is NUR HIDAYAH, on her first day in Malaysia ...and we feel very honoured because Allah had chosen us to witness and experience  this very special moment.
Nur Hidayah with our Naqibah ...


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