Showing posts with label malaysia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label malaysia. Show all posts

Saturday, April 11, 2015


BUNYI paluan gong sayup-sayup kedengaran di Kampung Ansip, Keningau, Sabah. Bunyi itu menandakan terdapat kematian yang berlaku dalam sesebuah keluarga.

Sejurus gong dipalu, semua penduduk kampung perlu berhenti daripada melakukan apa-apa aktiviti. Jika ada yang masih berdegil, mereka perlu memberi seekor babi kepada keluarga si mati.

Selang beberapa minit selepas gong dibunyikan, seluruh ahli keluarga dan penduduk kampung berkumpul di rumah keluarga si mati untuk menangisi dan meratapi pemergiannya.

Mayat kemudian akan dimandikan, dikenakan pakaian cantik dan dibiarkan berada di rumah keluarganya selama dua hari sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam tajau iaitu tempayan yang diperbuat daripada tanah liat.

Bekas itu boleh didapati dalam pelbagai saiz dan dibeli daripada penjual tajau.Selesai upacara memasukkan mayat, tajau itu akan diusung untuk diletakkan di lima sirap iaitu sebuah pondok besar dan tinggi.

Menurut pembuat lima sirap, Simon Susuru, bagi suku kaum Murut, mereka percaya urusan kematian perlu dilakukan dengan tertib dan mengikut adat resam bagi mengelakkan berlakunya sebarang bencana atau musibah.

Mereka percaya mayat yang sudah meninggal harus dikebumikan seperti kedudukan mereka di dalam rahim ibu,” kata Simon.

Bomoh Babalian
Tambah lelaki berusia 61 tahun itu, proses pengebumian masyarakat Murut terbahagi kepada tiga bahagian iaitu sebelum, semasa dan selepas pengebumian.

Sebelum pengebumian, ahli keluarga akan membunyikan gong dengan bunyi tertentu untuk memberitahu seluruh masyarakat kampung bahawa terdapat keramaian bagi menghormati si mati.

Bunyi yang dihasilkan akan membawa maksud berbeza bagi mewakili jantina, pangkat dan punca kematian seseorang itu,” ujarnya sambil memberitahu aktiviti penguburan itu lazimnya diamalkan oleh masyarakat kuno Murut di Sabah sejak beratus bertahun lalu.

Simon yang merupakan suku kaum Murut daripada etnik Paluan berkata, pukulan gong itu akan dilakukan pada tiga hari berturut-turut.

Paluan pada hari pertama untuk mengkhabarkan terdapat kematian, manakala hari kedua bagi memaklumkan yang mayat masih berada di rumah.

Pukulan gong pada hari terakhir adalah untuk memberitahu mayat sudah dikebumikan.

Racun lontong
Bercerita lanjut, Simon memberitahu, pada hari ketiga, barulah mayat akan dimasukkan ke dalam tajau berkenaan.

Untuk memasukkan mayat ke dalam tempayan itu, terdapat satu upacara yang akan dilakukan oleh bomoh Babalian yang dipercayai boleh berhubung dengan kuasa ghaib.

Upacara yang perlu dilakukan bomoh itu adalah menyiram mayat dengan air panas untuk melembutkan otot dan tulang-temulang mereka supaya mudah untuk dimasukkan ke dalam tajau tersebut.

Mayat ini dilipat seperti kedudukan bayi dalam rahim ibu sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam tajau. Jika tidak muat, mayat ini dimampatkan sedikit sehingga dapat dimasukkan. Pun begitu, perkara ini jarang berlaku kerana mayat seolah-olah akan bergerak sendiri seperti sudah tahu cara kedudukan mereka.

Pernah juga terjadi yang mayat tidak boleh dimasukkan langsung tetapi setelah dibaca mantera tertentu, akhirnya ia berjaya diletakkan dalam tempayan berkenaan, ceritanya lagi.

Selesai upacara memasukkan mayat, tajau akan ditutup menggunakan penutup dan diikat dengan raut kulit pokok damar supaya baunya tidak keluar.

Di sebelah bawahnya pula, tajau ditebuk dan diletakkan buluh bagi mengeluarkan air mayat. Masyarakat Murut akan mengambil air tersebut kerana mereka percaya cecair itu boleh dijadikan racun yang dipanggil lontong.

Tambahnya lagi, bomoh Babalian kemudiannya akan memasang lilin pada tajau bagi menghalau roh jahat selain menakutkan hantu serta syaitan daripada datang mengganggu.

Jika lilin itu terpadam pada hari pengebumian, mereka percaya sesuatu yang malang bakal berlaku kepada keluarga si mati.

Acara pengebumian berakhir dengan ahli keluarga si mati mengadakan jamuan bagi mengucapkan selamat jalan dan sebagai kepercayaan rohnya akan selamat ke syurga.

Dalam pada itu, pembantu pembuat lima sirap, Taruly Bantangan, 58, pula berkata, selesai upacara memasukkan mayat dalam tajau, bekas itu akan diusung untuk dibawa ke sebuah pondok yang telah disiapkan dalam tempoh tiga hari sejurus mendapat khabar kematian.

Jelasnya, lima sirap yang dibina di kawasan tanah lapang di dalam hutan mempunyai ketinggian tidak lebih daripada 2 meter dan dilengkapi tangga, atap serta pintu. Ia dibina tinggi daripada tanah bagi mengelakkan ancaman binatang buas dan kecurian.

Setiap lima sirap yang dibina akan dibuat berdasarkan identiti si mati. Bagaimanapun, nama mereka tidak diletakkan baik pada tajau mahupun pondok tersebut.

MAYAT akan dibiarkan selama dua hari di rumah keluaraga si mati sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam tajau.

Lima sirap
Jika yang mati itu merupakan seorang pahlawan misalnya, maka senjata tradisional seperti sumpit, parang dan puputul (baju lelaki yang diperbuat daripada kulit kayu) akan digantung pada pondok tersebut.

“Begitu juga jika yang meninggal itu seorang wanita, lima sirapnya memiliki hiasan lain yang bercirikan identiti dirinya,” jelas Taruly.

Tambahnya, lima sirap dibina menggunakan kayu daripada batang pokok lembut seperti cengal, meranti dan keruing. Atapnya pula dibina daripada daun pokok belian, manakala raut pepohon buluh dijadikan tali pengikat kerana pada zaman dahulu tiada paku.

Mayat itu akan ditempatkan di lima sirap buat selama-lamanya kerana ia merupakan tempat persemadian akhir, ujarnya.

Sementara itu, Ketua Unit Pemulihan Kraf dari Perbadanan Kemajuan Kraftangan Malaysia Cawangan Sabah, Laurence Kintau berkata, kini sudah tidak ramai masyarakat Murut yang mengamalkan adat kematian seperti itu kerana zaman sudah berubah dan mereka bebas menganut agama masing-masing.

Dalam lingkungan 10,000 keluarga, dianggarkan hanya 10 hingga 15 peratus sahaja yang masih mengamalkan upacara pengebumian tersebut. Itupun dalam kalangan orang-orang tua yang tinggal di kawasan pedalaman sahaja.

Selebihnya, mereka akan melakukan upacara pengebumian mengikut kepercayaan agama masing-masing seperti ditanam atau diletakkan di dalam keranda,” katanya yang turut memberitahu, kos untuk melakukan pengebumian tradisional tersebut menelan belanja kira-kira RM5,000.

Thursday, April 2, 2015


Selepas empat bulan diburu, beruang matahari yang ditemui pekerja ladang sawit dalam keadaan kekurangan zat berjaya diselamatkan semalam.

Beruang matahari atau nama saintifiknya ‘Helarctos Malayanus’ diselamatkan pekerja selepas terserempak haiwan berkenaan di ladang sawit berdekatan Jalan Bintangor-Sibu, di Sibu, dekat sini, sekitar jam 9 pagi.

Jurucakap Perbadanan Perhutanan Sarawak (SFC) berkata, sekumpulan pekerja ladang terjumpa haiwan itu ketika mahu memulakan kerja di ladang berkenaan.

“Disebabkan keadaan kesihatan beruang matahari semakin menurun, pekerja ladang menangkap haiwan itu sebelum menghubungi SFC.

“Susulan itu, SFC menghantar wakil ke Sibu dan beruang matahari terbabit dibawa pulang dan akan ditempatkan di Pusat Hidupan Liar Matang, di sini.

“Sebaik tiba, kami akan menjalankan pemeriksaan ke atas haiwan untuk mengenal pasti punca penyakit dan memberi rawatan sebaik mungkin,” katanya.

Sebelum ini, SFC mengesahkan haiwan misteri ditemui pekerja ladang sawit di Bintangor, Sibu, 28 Januari lalu, adalah beruang matahari.

Pengesahan itu dibuat selepas rakaman video berdurasi seminit 25 saat mengenai penemuan bintang itu tersebar dan menjadi viral dalam laman sosial sejak beberapa hari.

Haiwan terbabit dilaporkan mengalami pelbagai penyakit menyebabkan berat badan menurun secara mendadak.

Pasukan SFC berusaha menyelamatkan haiwan, namun mereka dilaporkan tidak dapat masuk ke ladang berkenaan berikutan sebahagian kawasan itu masih ditenggelami air akibat banjir.

Monday, January 5, 2015


Pangkalan Bun: Pencarian baki mayat pesawat AirAsia Indonesia QZ8501 diteruskan dengan bantuan lapan ustaz yang diterbangkan menggunakan helikopter Super Puma ke lokasi dipercayai terletaknya bangkai pesawat berkenaan di Laut Jawa, pagi ini.

Komandan Lapangan Terbang Iskandar Letkol Jhonson Simatupang berkata, mereka membaca doa sebagai ikhtiar untuk memudahkan usaha penemuan mayat mangsa dan serpihan pesawat.

"Mereka berada di dalam helikopter untuk berdoa. Lokasinya (berdoa adalah) di kawasan sektor 1 dan 5," katanya.

Salah seorang ustaz, Muhammad Ali berkata, mereka berdoa supaya proses pencarian berjalan lancar dan baki 125 mayat mangsa dapat ditemui segera.

"Kami sebenarnya dalam hati sudah lama berdoa, sebelum ada inisiatif dari pimpinan kami (dibawa ke sini). Bagaimanapun, kita manusia masih ada kelemahan," katanya.

Tinjauan di lapangan terbang berkenaan mendapati, lapan ustaz yang memakai pakaian serba putih itu berjalan memasuki helikopter sekitar jam 6.50 pagi.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year 2015

"But in Malaysia, a sombre mood prevailed after the crash of AirAsia Flight QZ8501 carrying 162 people in Indonesia and flooding in the country's northeast which has displaced almost 250,000 people.

Year-end countdown celebrations have been cancelled, with many companies instead launching fundraising campaigns for flood victims."

- See more at:

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Samba Brazillian Buffet @ Avenue K

My cravings for good beef, lamb and seafood was satisfied with a trip to Samba in Avenue K. Samba is a new Brazillian buffet restaurant recently open at the 3rd Floor in Avenue K.

The 3rd floor is like a hidden treasure for food because you cannot see this floor from the Ground level. *thats why level 3 toilets are the best to use because its so clean!*

My usual haunts in Avenue K are the gym, Sushi Zanmai, MBG and the food court, Taste Enclave. Would you believe I have been having Sushi Zanmai on a weekly basis since it opened few months back.

Samba - quite expensive. Dinner cost rm100 and it does not include drinks. A glass of water cost rm15! For that buffet pricetag, it would be a once a tear occasion or once in a blue moon. 

The service was very good. The concept of the buffet- there were plenty of choices  on the buffet table ranging from cold seafood luke crabs, prawns, oysters and mussles, a variety of salad, fruits, desserts, soup, pasta, paella etc.

As for the meat like chicken, beef and lamb, a waiter comes around to your table to personally carve slices of meat of your choice for you. One slice may seem little and measly, but a combination of slices of meat was really filling. 

Ideally, this buffet is best to be eaten during dinner because too much meat makes us sleepy and you can spend plenty of time slowly enjoying the food. They also have an option for lunch buffet which consist of just meat, no sushi. Thats fine with me too coz the sushi did not really look good.

Overall, it was an enjoyable affair :)

Monday, March 10, 2014

Fresco, Jaya Grocer @ Intermark/ Double tree KL

I found out that I could go to Jaya Grocer in Intermark to buy fresh salmon or lamb or beef and have it cooked at Fresco. Fresco is a small restaurant located just outside the main entrance of Jaya Grocer. To get fresh salmon cooked on the spot With NO extra charges is a great deal!

Example: I buy a salmon from Jaya Grocer which cost rm21 and I get that exact portion cooked with no extra charge. We all know how measly portions in restaurants can be when it comes to serving salmon and lamb.

I also ordered something off the menu in Fresco - Aglio Oglio. It had beef bacon in it which was too salty to my liking but the spaghetti was reallllllly good.

This is my 2014 highly recommended place to have salmon and lamb and pasta :)

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Bubba Gump Shrimp @ The Curve

Onion tower had too thick batter.

Bucket of fries, lobster, shrimp amd fish. Alll fried.

First time at Bubba Grump Shrimp and I regret choosing those two dishes because it was all fried stuff. But it did taste good if u r a fried food lover.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Mentaiko Spider Roll @ Sushi Zanmai

Sushi Zanmai is still my favourite restaurant for Japanese food! A must have - mentaiko spider roll

Friday, November 15, 2013

Urbean @ Avenue K

If you have not checked out Avenue K, you should. They have completely revamped the place and there are plenty more interesting shops than before. Previously, their concept was for the rich. Currently, the shops are more affordable such as Sushi Zanmai, Daiso, Nichii, H&M, FOS, Cotton On and others. Even their supermarket called Presto is not that expensive. 

There are a few restaurants located at the  Concourse level like Noodle Shack, Miso Korean BBQ, Expresso Lab, Old Chang Kee, The Loaf and Urbean.

I have tried Noodle Shack and Miso, but They were not to my liking.

Urbean's concept reminds me of Plan B. The menu is short and simple. I liked that they have smoked salmon in their menu at an affordable price.

Urbean's menu:

I had smoked salmon sandwich with their gourmet bread. Their gourmet bread was walnut bread. It was sooooo good omg that I gobbled up everything in a jiffy and I wanted more!! The layer of chives with cream cheese was amazing :)

I have been shopping at H n M more of late because of their buy 1 free 1 shirts which are good for gym.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Election 2013

I think I felt the passion of the Malaysian people much more than I ever did in previous elections. Not only the old, but the young were standing out too to fight for what they want. Isn't that what a democratic country is all about?

When I was in USA, my American friends were so passionate about the parties they wanted to vote for. They were so involved and knowledgable about political issues going on in their country while for me, I stayed away from politics just because politics is dirty everywhere. It did amaze me that american students in high school and colleges were holding conversations on politics and their opinions mattered. There were also plenty of American homes with American flags hoisted at the front of their houses the entire year, not just during Independence day or election time. How many Malaysian homes put up the Malaysia flag at any other times except Merdeka Day?

I never had interest in politics or election. Election every five years would just pass me by. I wouldnt even read the newspapers about what happened during the previous elections or the outcome of it. But, I guess because of technology -facebook and blogs- there has been so much input and opinions about the election, that its hard not to know at least the gist of what has happened. Its been long known that whatever has been written in our local newspapers were being controlled by the present gov. So, some facts may not be entirely correct. I know of people who have stopped buying newspapers just because of that.

All I am trying to say is that Eventhough I am far away, to be able to feel the vibe of what the people went through this time was encouraging and shows there is still a chance for change, just not this year.

Statistically, it was a pretty close fight.

One change I really want is to be known only as a Malaysian with equal rights, not chinese/indian/muslim Malaysians. I have had Scottish people asking me why We have to be so specific about our race when we were all born in the same country and hold the same colour passports. The People in Singapore are Singaporeans and in Indonesia are Indonesians. No further segregation needed. Also, opportunities should be based on knowledge and capabilities instead of racial quotas. Then, just maybe, more people will proudly hang the Malaysian flags outside their homes instead of the white-green flag or blue flag.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Miss Malaysia 2013

Have you seen our Miss Malaysia 2013, Carey Ng? I must say, she is pretty attractive. Unlike the previous Miss Malaysia winners, I only needed one glance at her to go 'Wow'.
Checkout her facebook page for more info.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Lululemon Malaysia by Lululemon Athletica

I have been mentioning Lululemon a couple of times in Facebook in the past hour. If you have not heard of Lululemon, it is because that brand has not penetrated the Malaysian market yet.

Fret not, because Lululemon Athletica is bringing Lululemon yogawear to Malaysia for a limited time only. This limited offer also comes with free delivery from Canada.

All you have to do is:
Place your orders by 2nd March 2013 and get free delivery. Mail to:
You will receive your delivery in April 2013.

You can also follow Lululemon Malaysia on instagram: @lululemonmalaysia

What you should know:
You should know that Lululemon originated from Canada and right now, if you were to google 'Lululemon', you will see many pictures of ladies proudly posing with their Lululemon purchases. It is really the in thing right now in Canada and United States to own a Lululemon. So, why not grab the chance to own one.. Since it also comes with free delivery all the way from Canada, I would say that is a good bargain. You have noticed that the price is quite high, but thats because Lululemon is a very high end brand in Vancouver.

Why buy a Lululemon?
Just by looking at the pictures, you can see how it will accentuate your assets and make you feel good about yourself. Well, I have been told it does not really accentuate till you look too sexy or slutty. Everything just falls perfectly into place. A perfect fit.

Besides that, I loved the idea of a pocket with zip for the skirt and also a small pocket to keep your gym locker key when you wear a Lululemon sports bra.

The price is steep as the material is good and it was specially made for exercise. They have a few range where the material does not make you feel drenched in sweat after exercising. In addition, a friend who owned her Lululemon top for five years says it still looks brand new after so many wears. It does not shrink or becomes fuzzy after wash. The colour does not fade too.

So, order by 2nd March 2013 and judge for yourself. I believe the amount of people who have purchased one, came back for more after that :p

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Star Trek Exhibition at The Science Centre

The Star Trek exhibition held at Bukit Kiara Science Centre ends on the first week of April. So, be sure to add this to your diary :)

My sister told me about the exhibition and told me to promote to my friends in KL. But, I did not because it is Star Trek. I am not a Star Trek fan to begin with. So, how was I to promote something when I have no interest with it ;p

Firstly, if you have not met my sister and want to meet her, then go to exhibition because she works there :):)
Look at that cool bubble my sister made!!

Secondly, it cost only RM20 per entry. My other sister from Canada says it cost 20Cad in Canada to see the exhibition there. So, it is cheap in KL, why not go. (If you cannot afford RM20, then go and play Phewtick. I am sure by April you will earn RM20 :P:P)

Thirdly, my family went to the Star Trek exhibition few days ago and I wished I was there after I saw the photos. The things I saw in the exhibition looked cool! Below are pictures taken during the exhibition I took from my sister's facebook.

I have nothing else to talk about the exhibition because I am not there.. Except, some people like my mum, will confuse Star Trek with Star Wars :P:P:P My mum says it is interesting...

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