Showing posts with label Story of My Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Story of My Life. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Baru-baru ni member group wasap masa zaman belajar dulu ada bagi link untuk dapatkan photobook percuma.Katanya kita hanya perlu register di untuk mendapatkan voucher code. Lepas tu masukkan gambar2 yang kita ndak, submit, bayar kos pengeposan sahaja.. dan 2-3 hari lepas tu photobook yang awesome akan dihantar ke rumah.

Sounds good.. tapi saya blurr gak.. amende photobook tu? So sayapon google image..

 Inilah dia 'photobook'. Ia adalah koleksi gambar-gambar yang dibukukan.

Bila dah tengok inilah rupenya photobook tu, saya rasa.. wow! Biasanya pengantin je wat photobook, tapi sekarang sesapa pon boleh buat photobook. Awesome k.

 Inilah email yang saya dapat dari photobook beserta dengan voucher code.

Saya buat dengan gigihnya sehingga pukul 2am sebab menurut member saya tu, hari tersebut adalah hari terakhir promosi Free Photobook tu. Free punye pasal.. memang sanggup. Huhu..

Jumlah sebenar untuk photobook 20 pages size 6"x6" softcover ialah RM79. Tetapi, disebabkan saya ada voucher code untuk photobook percuma tu, saya masukkan je voucher code yang diberikan, dan bila ditambah dengan kos pengeposan RM8, total kos yang saya perlu bayar hanyalah RM8. Awesome..awesome..awesome..!!

Tadi masa balik keje, tengok-tengok photobook saya dah sampai. Memang pantas! Mereka gunakan GDEX untuk penghantaran. Kualiti kertas photobook amat baik. Walaupun softcover, tapi tidaklah lembek. 

Tada.. inilah photobook yang saya usahakan sampai kul 2am tu..

Kualiti kertas kilat yang cantik!

Saya rasa promosi ni dah abis, tapi saya tak pasti. Korang leh tengok sendiri di website photobook ye. Pada pendapat saya, photobook ni amat sesuai untuk dijadikan travel photobook. So, bila rasa nak belek2 kenangan indah semasa bercuti, leh baca photobook. Mudah.. takyah nak onkan PC atau henfon. Leh susun kat rak buku jadi koleksi percutian. Best, kan..?


Note : Saya promote photobook ini tanpa mendapat sebarang commission tau. Saya gembira dengan hasil photobook yang saya dapat, sebab tu saya tergerak hati untuk masukkan entry ni.. sebagai ucapan terima kasih kepada depa.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Saya suka nak share 'perks' dan kelebihan menggunakan kad kredit yang tepat dengan rakan-rakan bloggers. Salah satu daripada kelebihan yang diberikan oleh sesetengah bank ialah memberikan perks dan promosi-promosi tertentu kepada pemegang kad mereka. Salah satu yang menarik ialah kelebihan/promosi untuk menonton wayang.

Sekarang pemegang kad kredit Visa Siganture boleh merasai pengalaman menonton wayang yang mewah di Golden Screen Cinema (GSC) Siganture. Mereka menawarkan beli 1 percuma 1 tiket di Golden Class dan Premier Class auditorium rangkaian GSC Signature. Sesekali, bila terasa nak belanja yang tersayang, nak meraikan seseorang, atau saja-saja nak merasai apa yang orang2 berada selalu rasa, bolehlah menggukan peluang ini.

Harga tiket
Premier Class : RM18/person
Golden Class : RM70/person

Saya dan suami memang suka nak experience benda yang kita tak dapat (a.k.a. tak sanggup) nak buat selalu.. especially kalau takde promosi macam ni memang jangan haraplah. So, bila dapat tahu Visa ada buat promosi ni, kitorang pon gediklah nak try. So, En. Suami pon beli tiket online.. untuk pengetahuan beli online ada service charge. Kitorang amik Golden Class. Total untuk 2 orang ialah RM150. Haha.. amik ko! Tapi lepas En. Suami masukkan nombor kad kredit Visa Signature, automatically diskaun 50% ditunjukkan, so hanya RM75 je yang dikenakan.

Sememangnya mahal! Tapi disebabkan nak merasai pengalaman tu, apa salahnya. Bukan selalu.

1. Masuk-masuk je kat check-in area, dah rasa macam orang hebat-hebat jer. Kat situ ada banyak sofa untuk pelanggan yang sedang menunggu waktu tayangan (so tak perlu terpacak menunggu di luar ramai2 macam tengok wayang biasa)
2. Setiap penonton Golden Class diberikan minuman percuma. Boleh pilih antara air mineral, air bersoda (Sprite, Coke, etc) atau minuman panas (kopi atau teh). Tak perlu susah2 angkat sendiri minuman tu.. dorang yang akan hantar.
3. Dalam auditorium tu ada 20 kerusi sahaja. Memang exclusive!
4. Setiap penonton mendapat kerusi sofa kulit mewah yang lembut jenis recliner, so leh adjust sofa ikut keselesaan. Nak adjust untuk tidur baring pon boleh. Siap dapat 1 biji bantal kecik dan sehelai selimut. Memang selesa sangat-sangat.
5. Kerusi disusun berpasangan. Antara kerusi tu ada meja untuk letak makanan/minuman dan juga disediakan service button. Kalau kita perlukan apa-apa semasa menonton tu, tekan je butang tu, nanti berlarilah pekerja mereka datang membantu kita. Kalau nak order apa2 makanan, suh dorang belikan dan bawakan untuk kita.

Tiket amat mahal! Tapi kami berpuas hati sebab servis yang diberikan bersesuaian dengan harga yang dikenakan. Walaupun berpatutan, saya dan En. Suami tidak bercadang untuk repeat lagi. Cukuplah sekadar merasa. Sayang duit nak bazir cenggitu.

Bagi pemegang kad kredit Visa Signature, jangan lepaskan peluang ini. Promosi ni masih berlangsung dari sekarang sehingga 31 Januari 2015.

Sunday, January 11, 2015


Well, this is out of the blog theme.. it has nothing to do with travel, but I have to write it down. Keeping the excitement boiling inside me is not healthy, because it would make me look like a crazy person smiling to myself and (maybe) talking to myself.

I passed the PMP exam on the first attempt. I was among the 2 person who passed, another 10 or more candidates that share the same exam time with me have failed. I am very sorry for them, as the exam is not cheap. It's about USD555/exam. PMI is very good at making money. These poor candidates will have to forked out another USD250 ( if I am not mistaken, you can check for more info) to sit for the exam again. But if I were them, I wont part with my money unless I am really ready for it.

It was the last day of 2014, on 31st Dec to be exact. The exam took about 4 hours straight. I went to the loo only once, for I fear that I'd waste time outside of the exam time. And yes, the clock still running even if you go out for drink or toilet break. So, the lesser time taken to leave the exam room, the better. After the 4hours time finished, we were asked to complete a questionaires on the exam centre. At that time, my heart was pounding so quick and my hands were shaking. I was informed that the exam result will be shown right after the exam. So, the waiting is killing me. Then, suddenly there was it..There was a big "CONGRATULATIONS" note on the screen. And it was then that I started smiling...



I decided to take the PMP exam to validate myself as a certified project manager. Being one of the world-class recognition in project management, it is not easy to get certified. The exam is known for its difficulty, because almost 80% of the exam takers have failed the exam. So I attended the 5-days PMP Preparatory Exam at CADD Centre, Petaling Jaya in Sept 2014 with some of my office colleagues. Our trainer, miss Gythri was an excellent trainer. The classroom session was dry, as we have to adsorb all the theories from PMBOK. The class went on Saturdays and Sundays. Once completed the 5 days session, me my colleagues registered with PMI for the exam. We purposely selected the last day of the year in order to get the RM2,500 refunds promised by government of Malaysia.

Aahh... yes, I have to inform CADD centra that I have passed the exam to request for the refund!

What did I do to pass the exam for the first time?
1. I read PMBOK 5th edition from cover to cover. Never miss even a page!
2. I allocated minimum 1 hour study everyday. Because I have a full time job (hence cannot study at work) and a mother (hence cannot study when children are around), I woke up at 4.30am every morning to study. 
3. I used Rita's book (8th edition) to make myself understand the PMBOK further.
4. I did a lot of mock-up exam questions / sample exam questions. Some given by my trainer, but mostly from the internet. I just googled 'Free PMP exam questions PMBOK 5th', and lots of links shown.
5. Pray hard and get the blessing from my husband.. (thanks, sayang!)

But, hardwork alone will not guarantee to pass the exam. From the 4months of torturing myself with study and after sitting for the exam, below are five important tips that other PMP-inspired people out there should know :
1. Earned value is very important. Lots of questions on SPI and CPI. You have to understand it's basis and know how to put it in use.
2. Change management is very critical. You wont be able to answer it correctly if you dont understand the fundamental of change in project management. I think, more than 10 questions were about change alone!
3. You dont have to remember all the ITTO... but you have to understand the sequence and where every processes and tools are used. Rita's book is very good at giving you the understanding.
4. You must always picture yourself a project manager of a big project in a big organization. The questions will require you to answer based on that perspective. 
5. Allocate 1 min per question. Never more. If you cant answer it, mark it for review and proceed with next questions. You can go back to it later. Given time, you brain will secretly find its way to find the correct answer. You'll be able to answer it right when to review the question again later.

I hope the above will give you some ideas on the PMP exam and what to do before sitting for it. If you have questions, feel free to comment below, or email me at 

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