Showing posts with label triplet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label triplet. Show all posts

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Triplet ~ Kembar Tiga

Last week I stumble upon this blog, KEMBAR TIGA: A Wondeful Life with Three Little Angels, It is a blog written by Nani, a mom of a triplet...Fauzi, Faris and Fahmi. I really couldn't put my eyes off their cute, smiling little face. Sooooo  adorable... since once upon a time I too was really hoping I could get a twin also (berangan aje..)...well, in my mother's side there are severals twins, but none any from my father's or hubby's side.
Love to read their happenings ...Let's see some of their piccas, don't you think there are soooo adorable?
Rasa macam nak cubit-cubit aje pipi dia orang nih! Comelllllllnya...

 Beg pun kena 3 jugak!
 Seronoknya main keretapi bertiga...
HuHuHu...nak gi shopping pun kena 3 jugak...alamak! Kenapa nangis tu?
Pict ni yang paling saya suka tengok (walaupun tahu mesti parents they all masa nilah yg paling haru biru nak tenteramkan anak-anak ni) Mana taknya, seorang nangis, yang lain pun start nangis jugak!

All the best to Nani and husband, Semoga Allah kurniakan kekuatan dan kesabaran yang tinggi dalam perjalanan mendidik anak-anak kembar mereka membesar menjadi anak-anak yang soleh. Semoga Allah Limpahkan Rahmat dan HidayahNya ke atas mereka sekeluarga. Ameen.

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