Monday, July 21, 2014


Amsterdam - Anne Frank's secret annex

 When you visit "The Secret Annex", you can feel cold spots in certain areas of Anne's room. If you walk around to the back around midnight, you can see the figure of a young girl(believed to be Anne herself) gazing out the window, motionless. Some have reported hearing a loud sort of rumbling down the stairs leading to the basement and that dates back to an event that occurred while Anne was still living, in which a sack of uncooked beans was spilled down the stairs accidentally.

Amsterdam - bell tower

 once every year on the 2nd of June a little boy and his family dressed in 1900 style cloths walk up the stairs and disappear

Breda - Klooster op de Nieuwstraat

 It is an old monastir where the nuns used to live. Now it is used to give students a place to stay. If you walk into the smallest chapel at midnight you can hear a nun walking around with her keys. At the same time you can hear the churchbells ring.

Denekamp - Singraven Manor 

 At the beginning of the sixteenth century Singraven Manor became shortly the residence of some Franciscan nuns. As a building sacrifice a nun was bricked up alive. Since then there was not much happiness at the house anymore. Owners and family died young, got in serious financial trouble or were the victime of some deadly accidents. One of the owners burned alive after an oil lamp fell over and set the unhappy man on fire. The ghost of the nun still haunts the house, which is now a museum. Her appearance predicts disaster and shame.

Hoensbroek - Kasteel van Hoensbroek

 There is a blue lady wandering around in the castle of Hoensbroek. She is said to have been a inhabitant of the castle, whose two children died at an early age. They were supposedly buried inside the castle walls while the blue lady wasn't informed. Now she searches for them at night. Many people that have worked at the castle at night claim to have seen the blue lady. One security guard swears that he heard chairs being moved in a room he had just visited and when he went back to take a look, he indeed found the chairs in a different position than he had seen them just a moment before. The walls of the castle sound solid when knocking on them, except for one wall which sounds hollow. It has never been investigated, but could this be the place where the two children are buried?

Monster - the house in monster

there is a small town in Holland (about 25000ppl) and its called monster (used to be "Monaster") and one house in it is haunted. The people who move into the house usually sell it after a year because they hear voices and things move. Screams come from the basement and it’s been in the local paper a few times.

St. Oedenrode - Highway between Schijndel & St. Oedenrode

a 15 year old boy is haunting on the road where hey died he hitchhiked with cars and suddenly disappears.

Voorschoten - Castel Duivenstein
There's a story that an old owner of the castle every night is checking is tree gards. Inside the castel is it most of the time empty but outside the walls there's a lot of energy. If you go, you should take a picture of the long lane by the castel!

Waardenburg - Waardenburg Castle
`Waardenburg Castle` is one of the most haunted houses in the Netherlands. It is also one of the creepiest. The houses is unoccupied for the greater part, because it is a ruin and waiting for restoration. At night an unseen ghost walks up and down the stairs, footsteps are heard, in some rooms you can hear whisperings, toilets are flushed on places where there never was a toilet, in the east wing there is a ghost room, things move by themselves, cold drafts are felt in some parts of the house, etc. Human bodies were find in the cellars, and it is said that the medieval wizard dr. Faust lived at the castle, and was taken to hell from there by the devil. Two bloodstains at the window, that can't be whipped out, are silent witnesses of the happening.

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