Saturday, January 1, 2011

Scottish food

The one thing I've always wanted to know was, "What is Scottish's food?" Every Scot I have asked could only name me one - Haggis. Some say soup! Before coming to Glasgow, I've been told to try Haggis too. SOURCE

So, I found a couple more Scottish food.. I could make one of my new year resolution as "To try all the Scottish food!"
Haggis - A Scottish Staple. A bag stuffed with minced heart, liver and lung boiled in lamb stomach.

Roasted Grouse

Abroath Smokie - Scotland's version of salted fish

Scotch eggs - Hardboiled eggs wrapped in minced sausage and coated with breadcrumbs.
This doesn't sound too hard to be eaten or made.

Black pudding - Congealed blood wrapped in intestine, battered and deep fried.

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