Sunday, November 17, 2013

Kajian bersama Wujud Paranormal Team

Buat pertama kali PAGparanormal Malaysia dan Wujud Paranormal Team melakukan kajian bersama.Kajian kali ini memperlihatkan sesi rakaman secara live streaming oleh pihak WPT dan rakaman offline (youtube) oleh pihak PAGparanormal.Dua sukarelawan akan di bawa ke lokasi dan masing-masing dibawa oleh WPT & PAG sendiri.Sila layari Facebook PAGparanormal untuk keterangan lebih lanjut.Sekian terima kasih.

Cara pasang widget related post nrelate

Sebelum ini Admin ada membuat posting tentang cara memasang artikel terkait linkwithin.Nrelate adalah satu widget yang serupa dengan linkwithin tetapi lebih menarik kerana anda mempunyai pilihan bagi mengubah setting pada widget ini.Terdapat enam styles widget yang boleh anda pilih serta pilihan untuk tidak memaparkan logo nrelate pada paparan widget.

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   Paparan berikut akan terpapar setelah berjaya log in ke akaun anda
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Jika anda ingin membuat perubahan pada widget,log in ke nrelate dan pilih menu setting,disana anda boleh menetapkan bentuk paparan dan sebagainya dan akhir sekali jangan lupa pilih save untuk menyimpan setting anda.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Hari Ihtifal SRI HIRA' 2013

Tinggal Hana seorang sahaja di sekolah rendah. Tahun depan Hana akan naik darjah 6, setahun sahaja lagi, InsyaAllah. Selepas itu masuk sekolah menengah pula. Ini bermakna setahun lagi, tiada lagi anak yg bersekolah rendah.
Semalam 16hb November 2013, Hari Ihtifal SRI HIRA' telah diadakan.  Ini seperti Hari Anugerah Kecemerlangan di sekolah kebangsaan atau sekolah lain. Alhamdulillah berkat usaha gigih tanpa jemu, Hana berjaya juga meraih kedudukan top 3 dalam kelas, dan top 5 keseluruhan kelas darjah 5.  Walaupun keputusan pertengahan tahun Hana agak menurun, tapi cabaran yang saya berikan kepada Hana' agar meningkatkan keputusannya pada akhir tahun telah disahutnya dengan bersungguh-sungguh.  Sehingga merayu kepada saya sebelum peperiksaan berlangsung agar membenarkan beliau tidur di rumah sahabat baik baik beliau, Aisyah, untuk belajar bersama-sama.  Aisyah adalah pelajar yang sangat pandai, setiap kali peperiksaan penggal dan akhir tahun akan mendapat nombor SATU dalam kelas dan keseluruhan.

Hana' menerima hadiah kecemerlangan

Top 3 in the class 5 Zaid Harithah

Tahniah juga diucapkan kepada Puan Mazni dan suami kerana anak beliau telah mendapat Anugerah Tokoh Murid (Lelaki) 
Puan Mazni adalah rakan pensyarah di fakulti yang sama dengan saya.

Alhamdulillah, semoga semua anak-anak yang belajar di mana-mana sahaja akan mendapat kejayaan yang cemerlang dan yang paling penting ilmu yang diperolehi akan di menafaatkan dan dijadikan panduan di dalam kehidupan.  Ameen

Friday, November 15, 2013

Urbean @ Avenue K

If you have not checked out Avenue K, you should. They have completely revamped the place and there are plenty more interesting shops than before. Previously, their concept was for the rich. Currently, the shops are more affordable such as Sushi Zanmai, Daiso, Nichii, H&M, FOS, Cotton On and others. Even their supermarket called Presto is not that expensive. 

There are a few restaurants located at the  Concourse level like Noodle Shack, Miso Korean BBQ, Expresso Lab, Old Chang Kee, The Loaf and Urbean.

I have tried Noodle Shack and Miso, but They were not to my liking.

Urbean's concept reminds me of Plan B. The menu is short and simple. I liked that they have smoked salmon in their menu at an affordable price.

Urbean's menu:

I had smoked salmon sandwich with their gourmet bread. Their gourmet bread was walnut bread. It was sooooo good omg that I gobbled up everything in a jiffy and I wanted more!! The layer of chives with cream cheese was amazing :)

I have been shopping at H n M more of late because of their buy 1 free 1 shirts which are good for gym.

The big cover up

No it's  not a scandal!  Nothing juicy really.  I got to thinking about the artful display of throws when I came downstairs this morning to find this jumble left from the night before. 


I am interested in comfort and function as well as style.  While this throw gets used almost daily it  also adds to the overall feel of our family room.  In terms of design, the main attraction when I  first saw it at Costco  was its texture and muted colour;  I knew  it would sit nicely on my family room sofa and not disrupt the pattern play of the two pillows.

accessories throws   Designing Home
 Margaret Ryall

Here is where it first lived when I brought it home.  After several new furniture purchases the chair has moved to another room and the throw and pillow are now on the sofa. As you can see, it still serves the same design purpose  as on the chair by adding texture. Apart from function, here are some of the reasons a throw might be a good purchase for your living room:

Use a throw to add texture to a space.

This throw has two elements for the price of one.... lots of pattern too.

The ultimate texture ... fur real or fake.

In this perfectly neutral scheme the throw adds very subtle texture.

Use a throw to solve a design dilemma

 Margaret Ryall

This Turkish throw helps integrate the railing between my living and dining room  into the colour flow without having the orange undertone in the stain as an accent colour.  It also serves to break up the expanse of rail. .

If these lovely navy and white throws were not on these chairs they would totally disappear into the wall. They also serve to add a third pattern into the scheme.

Use a throw to add an accent colour

This is an interesting arrangement of throws in a chair.  I would rather not see the fringes, but the layering is subtle and lovely. Love the yellow and gray.

It seems  yellow is a very popular colour accent! The National Geographic magazines under each table are an interesting touch given the area rug looks like written text.

This room has a lovely colour flow and the folded throw moves the green to the two ottomans. 

 Use a throw to add pattern

 I have throw envy with this one.  Love the bold geometric pattern, and I quite like a throw over the arm of a chair. Notice the other one on the lounge section.  Lots of texture.  Two seems excessive to me, but probably there are two homeowners who like to cover up.

 Stephanie Wiley Photography

Although the pattern is very subtle on these chairs, it does add to the room.  I think I would have added it in the pillows, but that's just me. 

Misteri Mayat Membaca Al-Quran Di Mekah

Ini adalah kisah benar yang telah diceritakan oleh pelajar-pelajar Malaysia di Arab Saudi dan disahkan benar oleh Ustaz Halim Naser, penceramah bebas yang amat terkemuka di Malaysia.

Gambar hiasan.

Ceritanya begini, pada suatu hari di musim haji yang lepas, pelajar Malaysia yang sama-sama menunaikan haji telah mengikut seorang Arab untuk mengebumikan mayat seorang yang meninggal dunia pada

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Moto pun nak kena tol...

Apa kes ni. Dah xdak benda lain nak pikior ke. Asyik nak menggutip duit rakyat jer. Rakyat miskin lak tu....kalu yg naik moto besor2 tu xpe gak, ni kapcai pun x moh bagi nek kot hiway dah. Org suruh buat lorong motosikal, dia terus nak hapuskan moto. Nak buat lorong kena kos 2 juta sekm. Kalu x bg moto kecik masuk hiway, jimat duit la. PPuuuuuiiiii....tang tu je tau nak jimat. Bila minta elaun di potong, melompat macam kera...

Arwah Ustaz Azizan dulu pun potong elaun dia bulan2. Tu beza dia ustaz ngan ahli politik ni....

Asyik org miskin duk kena ni. Harga minyak naik, ayam, ikan, tepung, gula. Bagi BRIM RM500 ja setaun. Sebulan jatuh RM42 inggit ja. Gula naik 3 kupang sekilo, minyak 2 kupang seliter, ayam n ikan lagi, boleh ke duit tu menampung kenaikan, silap2 makan modal lagi...

Semua duk pikir kepentingan diri sendiri, orang lain dicop x tau bersyukur. Padahal org kg x buat pa pun, undi ka x undi ka sama ja. Harap anak ada keja kerajaan la. Yg xdak, masuk parti gerakan, x gerak x makan.
yg jem keta, moto lak x leh lalu hiway....aptb

Cuba pikir bagi ringan masalah rakyat miskin. Yg kaya biar pi la. Bagi bantuan rumah, air, api, sekolah, perubatan. Bila yg ni dah cukup, yg lain senang la depa nak pikir sendiri.....

Tun Mahathir pun kata Melayu mudah lupa. Masa susah kata kat pemimpin, itu x kena ini x kna, bila dah jadi ketua, dah lupa, semua org bawah lak dia kata x betui.....dia ja betui....tukang angguk lak ramai duk keliling.......huhuhuhuhuhuhu

Wallahu a'lam.....

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