Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Lemau di musim hujan...

Wuhuuu... baru dapat update blog hari ni, bukan ape 2-3 hari ni memang tak sedap badan di tambah lak ngan vitamin 'M' menyerang ! hujan lagi, makin menjadi-jadi lah kemalasan ku ini sambil buat taik mata haa... Tapi xtvt blogstalking harus beb tetap seperti biasa terjah menerjah.. =)

Terjah punya terjah terjumpa satu blog nih, memang deena lama cari nak blaja buat menda alah nih, tros jatuh cinta dan skang tengah usya material dan bahan asas yang lain. Kalau nak tau ape menda deena nak godek nanti selalu2 lah skodeng blog ni k, tak bleh bgtau link blog tu skang tak suprise la pulak kan...tak janji dalam waktu terdekat ni bleh tunjuk hasil kerja deena tuh, ape2 pun tunggu jer sampai lebammm... ;)

p/s: sib baik basic jahit menjahit ado... 

Monday, September 26, 2011

It's never perfect

There's room for improvement in most decors because perfection is difficult to create and every set of eyes will see a design in a different way.  I'm amazed by the discussion that ensues when several decorators look at the same photos of a project.  Often an  aspect of a  room that I will focus on may be ignored by someone else or one of my colleagues will bring up an aspect of the design that I didn't even notice. 

  Look at each of the photos below and see how you feel about the decor. You will notice a general theme of art work running through my commentary.That's because I feel strongly that art work can make or break great decor.   What do you think are the strengths in these rooms?  Is there anything that bothers you?  Is there anything you would change  (add or take away) if you could? Or is the room just perfect in your eyes?  Decide what you think and then scroll down to my commentary.  Did we focus on the same strengths and things that could be changed to improve the overall design?  Did entirely different things come to light for you? Remember it's opinion.

Number 1

A bed between two windows calls out for symmetry which this decor has.  The colour scheme that supports the light wood tones is very soft and  pleasing  which I predict would make sleeping in this room pleasant and relaxing. Given the overall symmetry of the room, I find the artworks above the bed begging to be lined up with each other.  Better still I would have just one piece hung since the second piece almost reaches the ceiling.  I crave  pattern for variety and it could be added in pillows , a throw and/or and with the addition of an area rug under the bed. I'm personally not fond of all the wooden furniture matching  and think that something more bench like  would work at the end of the bed.   The lovely cabinet could be moved to another room.

Number 2

I like this neutral bedroom that just sings with the splashes of orange red on the bed and in the art pieces above it. Any art work arranged in a grid interests me, but this bed seems to need larger pieces above it.  Even with the massing of smaller, brightly coloured  works, the scale doesn't work with the bed.  It's crying out for something with more visual weight. I bet there is another spot in this room where these pieces could be used to better advantage.

When choosing artwork for over a bed I like to see at least 2/3 of the linear space occupied. With a queen bed,  I'd aim for  two 18 x 20 or 20 x 20 inch works or one larger piece of approximately 40 inches in length. The higher the headboard the smaller the vertical measurement.  Something brighter and larger in scale could be added to bring more visual interest to the bedside table that is visible. While there isn't much pattern in this room, the little bit on the pillows appears enough for my tastes.

Number 3 
Shelter Island House #2 contemporary living room

The elements in this room are quite interesting, especially the inclusion of the yellow flowers that are beautifully framed by the doorway beyond.   The zebra is an unexpected touch and creates some pattern in this room which seems a little devoid of it. The two things I find jarring are the two pieces of artwork.  I want to line up the small piece on the left with the chair under it and the large piece on the right  is much too large for the space and looks awkward and squat. Sometimes this forced confinement of a work can be used to great advantage, but this work doesn't have that kind of imagery. I want to see it on a large wall which allows  breathing room all around it. The brown  light fixture  is  large, but it works because the room is vaulted and the dark colour connects with the wood on the ceiling.

Number 4
Room contemporary living room

Many times in our homes we have to use the furniture that is available  and arrange it to best advantage.  I think the table is such a piece of furniture.  It reads as just a tad too big to place between the two chairs, but thought has been put into creating  visual flow with red to connect the disparate pieces and make the vignette look inviting.  Your eyes have no choice only follow the pops of red that have been set up in the age old triangular format.  My one great annoyance in this room is the plant that obscures the art work behind it.  It is never a good idea to mount art work and then cover it up with the next layer of design.  Perhaps it is only me who has this pet peeve;  it might be the artist in me rising to the top.

IMHO... in my humble opinion. As I said, there's no one correct way to design a room and we all perceive a room differently.  Do you have any reaction to these rooms? 


Pica, a disorder characterised by an appetite for non-nutritive substances such as rocks, sticks, bricks, house plants or light bulbs.

Recently it has been reported that a three year old girl has this disorder.

While her favourite delicacies are rocks and sticks, Natalie has been known to wolf down almost a whole brick, 'like it was a chocolate chip cookie'.
Her mother Colleen, 31, says every day is a constant battle of wills as she tries to stop her daughter eating something that could kill her.
Colleen said: 'She doesn't try to eat glass so much since it hurt her, but she will try and eat rocks and sticks she finds in the garden.
'I have had to call this poison helpline so many times that it's on my speed dial. You name it Natty's tried to eat it.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2041931/Toddler-addicted-eating-munches-LIGHTBULB.html#ixzz1Z6evUB59

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bertudong - Trend ato Wajib???

Diana AMir dengan Siti Nordiana....antaghe artis terbaghu yang bertudong......

Seghonok (seronok) awok dengo due tige menjak ni....
beghebot2 (berebut2) artis pakei tudong....
elok le tu, bende baik ni jangan kite laghang (larang).....
bio kan deme...

macam2 pesyen...
macam stail deme lagham (laram) kan ....
yang Hana Tajima nye,....
yang tudong safiyya nye...

macam2 le....
awok bukan le nak sangke bughok (buruk) bile deme pakei tudong ni...
satu je...
awok tak ndak le deme pakei tu disebabkan deme ikot trend...
bukan sebab wajibnye tutop aughat (aurat) deme....

tak pasei2 le tak dapat pahale...
kan rugi tu!!!!
silap2 dapat dose pulak....

P/S: ehem...ehem...udah bertudong tu....baju usah le ketat pulak ye.....


Alhamdulillah pada minggu lepas, 17hb September kami ke Mersing kerana menghadiri kenduri kahwin anak saudara saya (sebelah suami) ... kami bertolak hari Jumaat,  Jumaat cuti 16hb sept ..cuti Hari 1 Malaysia.... bertolak tengahari...singgah di bandar Bukit Mahkota rumah sepupu ada open house Raya... dalam 1;30tghr bertolak ke Mersing...sepanjang jalan hari mendung dan hujan ... kami sampai di Mersing tepat jam 7mlm... abang ipar telah siap sedia menyewakan chalet di tepi pantai utk kami saudara-mara bermalam... chalet bernama CHALET KASSA INN GOLD BEACH,  di Sri Pantai, Mersing...

Dah lama tak ke pantai...menikmati suasana pantai Mersing di pagi hari selepas subuh melihat matahari terbit... Subhanallah ...sungguh indah alam ciptaan Allah ini...berdiri di tepi pantai dalam suasana yang nyaman dan sejuk semulajadi (bukan sejuk air-cond!)
 Sinaran matahari di pagi hari.....

Friday, September 23, 2011

Tips dan cara rawatan jika bayi tersedak susu

sumber: google
Wahhh sekejap jer dah ari sabtu kan ? hujung minggu pasti ada yang dah bercuti atau kerja separuh hari, takpun memenuhi jemputan rumah terbuka * ada lagi ker ? :) *. Bagi kaum ibu yang berkerjaya, hanya waktu sebegini lah yang dapat meluang masa kualiti untuk anak-anak dirumah, sedia maklum kan hari bekerja anak2 terpaksa di tinggalkan dengan pengasuh atau pembantu rumah. Tak banyak sikit tumpuan dan perhatian tu kurang skit bila kita keluar bekerja. Tapiiii... cuak tak rasa kalau kita tinggalkan anak kecil yang masih bayi di bawah jagaan pengasuh ?? dan kisah-kisah bayi tersedak susu di rumah pengasuh hingga membawa maut sering kali dipaparkan di akhbar dan tv.

Mungkin ada sesetengah dari kita fikir kenapa dan macam mana si bayi tadi bleh tersedak atau tercekik susu ? Ada banyak sebab benda ni boleh terjadi seperti kedudukan bayi ketika menyusu, size puting susu, dan bayi di biar kan keseorangan walau sedang menyusu ! * dapat plak pengasuh yg xder langsung pengalaman jaga bayi * sape nak bertanggungjawab ?  So di bawah deena nak share beberapa tips dan rawatan jika bayi kita tersedak susu atau tercekik. mungkin bleh dijadikan panduan dan dipraktikkan andai dalam keadaan kecemasan insyaallah...

Bagaimana bayi boleh tercekik / tersedak ?
Apabila seorang bayi tertidur semasa sedang menghisap botol susu, susu tersebut akan terus mengalir membuatkan bayi akan tersedak dan susu tersebut akan masuk ke saluran pernafasan.

Tips mengelak bayi tersedak / tercekik.
  1. Sebagai pengasuh atau ibu bapa, amalan meletakkan kain atau bantal untuk menyokong botol susu adalah sangat tidak baik kerana ia boleh meningkatkan risiko insiden yang tidak diingini.
  2. Apabila tersedak dalam jumlah sedikit berpotensi menyebabkan pneumonia. Ada bayi yang muntah selepas minum susu, jika ini berlaku, cepat-cepatlah angkat bayi tersebut dan pastikan bayi tersebut sedawa setiap kali selepas minum susu.
  3. Cara terbaik untuk mengelak bayi tersedak atau lemas susu ialah dengan memberi susu badan. Ini kerana apabila menyusu badan, susu hanya akan keluar apabila bayi menyedut sahaja.
    Jadi apabila bayi tertidur ketika menyusu badan, susu tidak akan mengalir dan mengurangkan risiko tercekik susu.
  4. Kalau di pusat jagaan anak-anak pula, pastikan jumlah bayi di situ tidak begitu ramai. Lagi sedikit jumlahnya lagi baik kerana pengasuh boleh memberi tumpuan kepada anak asuhannya.
    Ini amat penting bagi memastikan tumpuan maksimum dapat diberikan kepada bayi tersebut terutama ketika mereka sedang minum susu dari botol.

Jika bayi tercekik Juga ?
Jangan panik. Bertenang dan perhatikan keadaan. Jika bayi tercekik dan masih boleh menangis, maksudnya bayi tersebut masih boleh bernafas. Kalau tak bernafas? buat CPR

Lepas tu boleh ikut langkah berikut.
  1. Terbalikkan bayi (pusingkan dengan keadaan muka di bawah) dan letakkan pada lengan anda.
  2. Dengan menggunakan hujung tapak tangan, urut bahagian belakang bayi antara kedua-dua bahu.
  3. Jika kaedah tersebut gagal, letakkan bayi di pangkuan anda dalam keadaan duduk.
  4. Letakkan dua jari anda pada tulang dadanya dan satu jari di bawah paras puting susunya.
  5. Tekankan dada hingga satu ke satu setengah inci dan tekan sebanyak empat kali secepat yang mungkin.
  6. Pegang bayi anda dengan muka bayi menghadap ke bawah.

Berikut kaedah rawatan bayi dari 0 - 1 tahun :-

Harap dengan adanya tips diatas kita boleh atasi masalah bayi tersedak/tercekik dan tak panik, Anak adalah anugerah dari Allah SWT yang amat bernilai, kasihi dan beri sepenuh kasih sayang, dan perhatian pada mereka...

p/s: sebaik-baiknya beri susu badan, tak hairan lah org dulu-dulu jarang anak tersedak susu..

Masalah Gambo tak keluo....

Awok tanye sikit pade kome ni....
awok semenjak due menjak tak menulih kat sini....
asei awok nak upload gambo awok ke blog....
tak mau keluo nye...

pueh (puas) awok tuko setting gambo..
daghi (dari) saiz large kepade medium...
tapi sampei sudah gambo tak keluo jugak...
awok baghu (baru) je cadang nak upload gambo ghaye (raya) awok...
stended le awok....
tunggu oghang (orang) habeh (habis) beghaye (beraya) baghu (baru) nak upload gambo ghaye (raya)...

tulong kome......
awok tak dapat ndak detect ape ke masalah nye....

Gambar Belangkas