Thursday, December 30, 2010

cara letak border pada widget

search widget
Meletak border pada widget ini boleh dianggap sebagai penyeri pada sesuatu widget, juga sebagai pemisah diantara suatu widget dengan widget yang lain.

Sebagai contoh saya nak masukkan widget search pada blog ini dan saya hendak letakkan border dan juga background.

Mula mula masuk ke dashboard dan pilih Layout

Kemudian pilih Add a Gadget ..

pada senarai yang terpapar pilih search box.

Seterusnya klik butang save pada widget tersebut:
Untuk mendapat widget id anda perlu membuka semula widget tadi dan paparan seperti dibawah

custom search

widget id bagi  search box  tadi yang bertanda warna hijau seperti rajah diatas.

Widget id berada dibahagian atas dihujung sekali iaitu CustomSearch1  Biasanya berakhir dengan widgetId=CustomSearch1.

Kemudian masuk semula ke dashboard—Layout--edit HTML
Cari kod  ]]></b:skin>

Dan letakkan kod seperti dibawah ini diatasnya:

border: 3px solid ;padding:3px;
background:url(letak url imej disini)repeat;

Pada background url masukkan url untuk imej jika ingin meletak latarbelakang
Kemudian save template.
Untuk widget lain anda cuma perlu dapatkan widget id dengan membuka semula widget yang nak dimasukkan border dan masukkan widget id tersebut pada ruangan teks hijau pada kod diatas.

Alhamdulillah dah sihat!

Alhamdulillah, kereta saya yang masuk "hospital" tempohari telah "sihat".
Saya ada bercerita mengenai bagaimana kereta saya telah mendapat "ciuman" di jalanraya di sini.
 Memancar-mancar kilat nya berbaju baru! 
Sehingga nampak bayangan pokok dan langit!
 Alhamdulillah dimurahkan rezeki dapat memulakan semester baru dengan kereta "baru" yang tidak baru! 

Dalam hadis, Rasulullah saw bersabda yang bermaksud: “Empat perkara yang membawa
kebahagiaan kepada manusia, iaitu (memiliki) perempuan (isteri) yang solehah, rumah yang bagus (luas), jiran yang baik, dan kenderaan yang bagus.”

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Yes.. ! Malaysia bawa pulang piala AFF Suzuki !

Tahniah pada pemain-pemain " Harimau Malaya" dgn kemenangan aggregate 
4-2, kepada Indonesia di Stadium Utama Gelora Bung Karno malam tadi.
cayok... !!  walaupun deena tak berapa minat sukan bola ni, teruja gak bila melihatkan corak permainan pemain2 terutama penjaga gol kebangsaan Khairul Fahmi Che Mat  ( Apek ) menepis sepakan penalti Indonesia, Firman Utina pada separuh masa pertama... dan jaringan Mohd Safee Mohd Sali.

Cewahhhh... semangat tul deena beri komen kali ni, teruja beb biarpun diancam pelbagai provokasi dari pihak media, isu laser dan penyokong Indonesia, pemain Harimau Malaya tetap mempunyai kekuatan mental dan fizikal menahan hingga ke titisan akhir dengan kemenangan sebagai raja bola sepak Asia Tenggara. 

Nampak gaya Sotong Gudel nyer ramalan tak menjadi sama sekali, elok nyer di buat sambal sotong lagi sodappp... wakakakaa... haiyaa tipu punya sotong !

P/s : esok PM umum cuti... pakat gi pasar sok cari sotong masak lomak... =)

The Face of Anorexia

The latest news is about the death of Isabelle Caro, a french model for anti-aneroxia ads. She was 28 years old. SOURCE

Even a whole cup of tea for her was too much!

It is sad to have a eating disorder. To me, it is almost unfathomable given the unsurmountable feast I have had.


A youtube video about Isabelle.

Piala AFF Suzuki 2010

Sana sini bola... 
semua orang telah, sedang dan akan bercakap mengenai pertandingan bola malam semalam di antara pasukan harimau Malaya dengan Garuda...

punyai anak bujang seramai 5 orang di rumah bersama abi... memang perlu menonton bola sama ..agar saya faham dan tahu apa yang mereka bualkan tentang bola...

rasanya rata-rata semua orang sudah maklum keputusan perlawan semalam, dan PM pun dah umumkan Jumaat ini cuti ... (tapi bagaimana pula dengan orang Terengganu dan Kelantan yang memang sudah sedia maklum memang cuti pada hari Jumaat??? Adakah mereka akan menuntut agar Ahad juga cuti bagi mereka???

tapi malam semalam Kak Long ajak pergi Giant shopping barang-barang kering yang perlu dibawa ke Jordan semula... flight kak long hari Sabtu ini...
sampai sahaja di Giant ... Alhamdulillah ...memang sudah ku jangkakan... pasaraya Giant lengang sahaja... lazimnya pasaraya ini mesti sentiasa penuh dengan orang ramai yang shopping barang2 keperluan dapur... mesti semua bapak-bapak sedang duduk mengadap TV dan juga memenuhi kedai-kedai mamak di seluruh negara...! 
kalau ada ibu-ibu yang ajak shopping waktu itu, mesti bapak-bapak kata .... 
"yang, kita shopping malam esok aja lah ya..."

TAHNIAH buat pasukan Malaysia..!

 Diharap, dalam keseronokan meraikan kejayaan ini, jangan ditinggal solat Maghrib dan Isya'... sepatutnya kesyukuran patut dipanjatkan ke hadrat Allah SWT .....

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Pre-Christmas lunch at Mussel Inn, Glasgow

Many weeks before Christmas Day, it was decided that the people who were not going to London should have a meal together somewhere fancy and also try something out of the ordinary. Hence, with some scouting and researching, we came to an agreement to give Mussel Inn a try. Their Christmas Menu managed to tantalise our tastebuds and thus, attracting us to said restaurant.

However, we were not able to dine at Mussel Inn on Christmas Day or the Eve of Christmas because Mussel Inn was not open on those days. Therefore, 23rd Dec 2010 marked the day we planned to satisfy our cravings. With the change of plans, some who were going to London the day after were able to dine with us.

Mussel Inn was just a 15 minute walk from the halls. Pretty chilly day to be out walking.

When we arrived at Mussel Inn, the table reserved for us was set up with a present for each person. Inside the wrapper were tiny gifts like mini book keychain, cards, screwdrivers and others.

Ambience wise, I'd say its a great place to wine and dine. It wasn't noisy when the lunch crowd came in. Service was not too shabby either.

Some of us ordered the 2 course meal. A basket of bread and butter was served to us on the house. The bread was refillable which complemented the the Seafood Platter main course.




Main Course:


A third choice which none of us ordered was Grilled Seabass on Lemon and parsley mash with sweet shallot, tomato and crayfish sauce. It didnt sound too bad, but Mussels were definitely the main choice on most of our minds.

We skipped the dessert. The choices were:
Apple cinnamon strudel with vanilla cream and honey
Warm sticky date pudding served with toffee sauce and ice cream
Affogato- Coffee, Ice Cream and a Liquer of your choice.
Coffee or Tea.

The meal was great. A tad bit too rich for some of us who had the chowder and the platter. Nevertheless, it was a good experience which I don't mind repeating if I were to earn in pounds ;)

Should I follow colour trends?

Do you plan to change your colour scheme in the new year?

Have you been  looking for a colour scheme you won't see in every other house you visit?

Washington Park Residence 06 traditional kitchen

Here's a post just for  you.

Striving for individuality in your home is an up hill battle as I know from choosing colour scemes for my own home. Six years ago I repainted the first floor of my house at a time when heavy earth colours were popular .

 The thought of using  dark  colours on my walls depressed me because they absorb too much outside light, and I need light to be happy.  So I choose a  colour scheme that was light and  neutral based on creams and grays.  I threw current trends to the four winds and created rooms I was happy in.  Six years have passed and now  my house is trendy!
While I'm very aware of design trends, there's an aspect of my personality that likes to fight them a little. Rather than giving advice to follow the latest colour trends, I feel the most important aspect of my role as an interior decorator is  to help clients develop a colour scheme that makes them happy  and comfortable.  That means keeping an open mind about all colour.

I'm a firm believer that you can use any colour you want in a room if it works with your furniture and the light. It's a matter of finding the value of the colour that works  and then expanding the scheme  with accents.  

You can develop your own style by starting with a colour you love and building on it. If you love yellow and think it is too much on walls, use it as an accent.

 If you love pink, use it!

If pristine is more to your taste , go there.  


"Be faithful to your own taste because nothing you really like is ever out of style." ~Billy Baldwin

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