Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Smartphone & Internet

(Got this from a friend in my mail box, just for sharing only)

This is how Friends Hang Out Today

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: CF576CE06B56479DB8C5A48E42CA3BA9@HomeLT
Grab a cup of coffee  
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 8DE434363A6C4FAE8F74C31F926EA48C@HomeLT
Go to your local pub  
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 6903A9CEDEC24FE2BF0AD08A8938A39D@HomeLT
Dine out at your favorite restaurant

Description: Description: Description:   Description: Description: 810C23D4F768471C975BAA3637C7E2F9@HomeLT
Spend some time at the museum
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:   654B37223ED04EBEB25DD4F27DB38B76@HomeLT
Meet at a popular diner  
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 3662D65E36084FE3B1DFB412B2301360@HomeLT
Relax at a beautiful park 
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 86E35EEDDDD8402D90B4DE9C978CB4BF@HomeLT
Go to a live game 
Description: Description: Description:   Description: Description: B97DBCEFBC2E41829BF69548C5009B52@HomeLT
Go to the movies together 
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: E2E7E88F4CF34955A4CAA39B6C207ED2@HomeLT
Going out on a date 

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: A68911474C964512942A7E70D8E5B158@HomeLT
Take a drive around town

 It’s a busy world, no quality time
 Description: Description: Description: Description: Image     

 Cuba perhatikan disekeliling anda semasa ada di luar rumah atau semasa dalam rumah ... fenomena yang sama? 

Semester Baru

Alhamdulillah, Syukur. masih dapat bernafas menempuh semester baru bermula semalam, Isnin 10hb September 2012. Selepas lebih kurang 2 bulan cuti semester, hari ini dapat bertemu semula kumpulan pelajar-pelajar yang sangat saya teruja bertemu mereka. Alhamdulillah juga pada semester ini saya mendapat kursus baru untuk di ajar dan bertemu dengan kumpulan pelajar yang sama dengan semester lepas. 
Saya sangat teruja untuk bertemu mereka semula, kerana ini adalah kumpulan yang pertama sepanjang hayat saya menjadi pensyarah, di mana keputusan peperiksaan final semester lepas adalah yang terbaik! lebih 50% daripada pelajar dalam kumpulan ini telah mendapat A-. A dan A+ dalam subjek yang saya ajar pada semester lepas...
TAHNIAH diucapkan kepada kumpulan CS2303A.

Mereka adalah pelajar-pelajar yang sangat ceria, sentiasa memberikan maklum-balas dengan cepat apabila disoal dsbnya...kerana itu sepanjang 1 semester mengajar mereka , saya langsung tidak berasa bosan ... mereka saya anggap seperti anak-anak saya sendiri...
Semoga dengan bermulanya semester baru ini akan memberikan satu pengalaman baru bagi saya dan anak-anak murid saya nanti ...
Yang paling kita doakan adalah, ilmu yang diajar dan diterima semuanya diBerkati dan diRahmati oleh Allah SWT...semoga ianya menjadi ilmu yang berguna dan dapat dimenafaatkan oleh anak-anak muridku di masa hadapan...InsyaAllah..

Monday, September 10, 2012

Konvo PSP 12 dan Derma Darah

Bermula 7 sept Raptai, 8, 9 dan 10 sept, Majlis konvokesyen berlangsung di PSP utk graduan sesi Dis 2010, Jun 2011, Disember 2011. Pada hari pula diadakan kempen derma darah serentak di Politeknik politeknik seluruh Malaysia. Psp mensasarkan 700 penderma, 12000 penderma bagi keseluruhan Politeknik di Malaysia untuk dicatatkan dalam Malaysia Book Of Records.
live band pun ada
suasana dalam dewan konvo

dewan seri mutiara PSP
pekena kopi dulu

Keratan Akhbar

Cipta sejarah
keratan akhbar derma darah
mai la ambik darah aku 

Kempen Derma Darah di PSP
Dari kiri: YB Ariff Shah, Pengarah PSP, Timbalan Pengarah PSP

rekod tercapai

Saya sayang awak sampai bila bila

Percaya dan yakin pada Allah. Sinar Harian 11 sept 2012

Las Vacas at Jalan Yap Kwan Seng

Las Vacas is a meat shop restaurant. When you enter the restaurant it feels like the raw meat section of a supermarket. The tables and chairs are all brown colour and wooden so its very Aussie like. The meat are from Australia. The restaurant is located along Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, next to Oldtown. It used to be Tony Roma's before this. I saw another Las Vacas branch at Mont Kiara.

My friend recommended me to try Las Vacas because I have been a bit burger crazy lately and so, why not try the burger at Las Vacas.

The cuisine in Las Vacas is Western. You will find normal western stuff like stirloin, beef, lamb shoulders, soup, salad etc. Maybe they are different than other Western restaurants because their meat is fresher.

For appetizers we had steak pie and mushroom soup. It was not too bad. But, still nothing to rave about.

For their burgers, I had a taste of the lamb burger and beef burger. Burgers comes with a side of fries. We had a choice of the size of burger patty we wanted. Size ranged from 150g to 500g. We ordered the 150g patty and it was really filling. The chef told us that there was a western customer who ordered a 500g burger and finished it!

Taste wise wasn't really that amazing. It did not have enough flavour in my opinion. The patties were not that juicy too. The lamb patty was quite oily till eating half the patty gives a 'jelak' aftertaste.... I needed a cup of tea to get rid of the taste. After that i was at BIG in publika and the sight of burgers was a turn off after those two burgers.

The portion of the burger is big. I should not have ordered their mushroom soup coz it definitely filled my tummy and left no room for all the burger.

We requested for the burgers to to cut into four. Sharing is recommended. It isn't very horrible, but it could be better.

We also had beef salad. We wanted grilled beef but it came as boiled beef. This was because all the waiters/waitress were foreigners. The one who took our order did not understand what we wanted. She was like ok ok can grill, but still came out boiled. We requested for the beef to be more brown, but the waitress told the chef that we wanted it more cooked. Then the chef, who is Malaysian, came to our table after our meal to chat and he told us what the waitress told him. He was shocked too coz if it was boiled more, the beed would be tasteless. The salad was tasteless actually. When we were served the salad, we asked the waitress if we should toss the salad to eat since it was tasteless, and she walked away and brought us an extra fork and spoon *really facepalm*

It cost about rm110 for two mushroom soups, one lamb burger, one beef burger, one beef salad and two steak pies and a slice of chocolate cake.

I made spaghetti

Nothing beats homecooked spaghetti for dinner after a long day out!

Tahniah Haiza selamat melahirkan bayi lelaki..

Nur Iman Syafie

Tahniah buat Haiza dan suami  atas kelahiran bayi yang sekian lama dinantikan  Lahir sekitar jam 8.30pm pada 9 sept. Semoga menjadi anak yang soleh

sumber: zarul umbrella.com

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