Thursday, April 2, 2015

3 lagi filem Fast And Furious akan menyusul selepas Furious 7

Forbes melaporkan, pengerusi Universal Pictures, Donna Langley mengatakan filem FAST AND FURIOUS akan berlanjutan hingga sekuel kesepuluh.

Donna berkata, "Kami fikir akan melanjutkannya hingga tiga kali lagi. Paul (Walker) menjadi bahagian yang penting dari cerita ini. Namun, ada banyak karakter baru yang lebih kuat akan muncul."

Donna menambah lagi, "Saya fikir (filem ini) masih meraih keuntungan yang besar. Kita lihat saja apa yang akan terjadi pada FURIOUS 7, tapi filem box office ini telah berkembang selama tiga hingga empat sekuel terakhirnya. Kami fikir akan membuat keuntungan dari sana, namun kami sedar bahawa hal ini juga sangat memenatkan."

FURIOUS 7 akan ditayangkan di 63 buah negara di seluruh dunia membabitkan 10,500 buah pawagam bermula 2 April 2015.


Selepas empat bulan diburu, beruang matahari yang ditemui pekerja ladang sawit dalam keadaan kekurangan zat berjaya diselamatkan semalam.

Beruang matahari atau nama saintifiknya ‘Helarctos Malayanus’ diselamatkan pekerja selepas terserempak haiwan berkenaan di ladang sawit berdekatan Jalan Bintangor-Sibu, di Sibu, dekat sini, sekitar jam 9 pagi.

Jurucakap Perbadanan Perhutanan Sarawak (SFC) berkata, sekumpulan pekerja ladang terjumpa haiwan itu ketika mahu memulakan kerja di ladang berkenaan.

“Disebabkan keadaan kesihatan beruang matahari semakin menurun, pekerja ladang menangkap haiwan itu sebelum menghubungi SFC.

“Susulan itu, SFC menghantar wakil ke Sibu dan beruang matahari terbabit dibawa pulang dan akan ditempatkan di Pusat Hidupan Liar Matang, di sini.

“Sebaik tiba, kami akan menjalankan pemeriksaan ke atas haiwan untuk mengenal pasti punca penyakit dan memberi rawatan sebaik mungkin,” katanya.

Sebelum ini, SFC mengesahkan haiwan misteri ditemui pekerja ladang sawit di Bintangor, Sibu, 28 Januari lalu, adalah beruang matahari.

Pengesahan itu dibuat selepas rakaman video berdurasi seminit 25 saat mengenai penemuan bintang itu tersebar dan menjadi viral dalam laman sosial sejak beberapa hari.

Haiwan terbabit dilaporkan mengalami pelbagai penyakit menyebabkan berat badan menurun secara mendadak.

Pasukan SFC berusaha menyelamatkan haiwan, namun mereka dilaporkan tidak dapat masuk ke ladang berkenaan berikutan sebahagian kawasan itu masih ditenggelami air akibat banjir.

Have you tried Neybers?

 We all have our ways to relax; one of mine is experimenting with design using different design apps. Several weeks ago I found Neybers.  Have you heard of it? You can spend way too many hours perfecting a design, and there are so many designs to look at.

Modern magenta, Margaret Ryall using  Neybers

What is Neybers?

Neybers is an  interior design app created by amagumo games and available on ITunes.  Users  can decorate rooms with images of thousands of real products from  international interior design brands.  There is also a social component to Neybers, allowing you to follow other people, like specific designs, and make comments.  It is a fun, easy app meant for everybody.

Using Neybers

Choose a room backgrounds/template that can be decorated by clicking to select wallpaper, paint and flooring.  Windows and doors can be added, cloned for multiples, and sized. You can even choose a scene to put behind a window!  If you change your mind mid design you can go back and adjust any of the  room template options.

Once your room background is set you import images of  furniture and accessories.   These are items from real designers and brands,  many with a modernist bent that can actually be purchased.  All information regarding designer, source etc. is available for viewing. The more creative you are, the more ways for can find to use the available items in your designs.

Added items can  be move around, sized and moved forward or back in the picture plane.  There are lots of orientation choices, and I love the fact that you can change  the perspective  of many items right in the program.  Other items have various orientations you can choose from.  All items are searchable, but you can also view them by category, colour and style/genre.

Once your dream room is created you have the option of bringing it to the next level with filters for a vintage, grayscale lighter or darker look.  Acid, bleach or vignette are also available.

You next step is publishing to the app, and if you wish, share it on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or by email or IMessage.

Perhaps one part of the design appeals to you more than another.  No problem. I Just move the viewfinder over the part you want and press the button.

And viola here's what I am publishing.  Only part and I've included the darken filter to make it a little more moody. 
After three weeks of using Neybers, here's my review of the positives and annoyances:


There are many! Neybers: 
  • is easy to use, and is a great way to pass the time if you are interested in design;
  • is free to download;
  • encourages  total creativity if design is your field,  don't have to consider client budgets, likes and dislikes, etc.;
  • provides opportunities to work out space layouts, but not to scale;
  • has a social component if you  want to participate in it;
  • allows you to create and store an unlimited number of rooms with or without publishing them to the Neybers community;
  • has many options for finding objects; I particularly like the colour and genre categories;
  • allows you to see what others are creating, and many boards are strong in design and show creative use of available materials;
  • offers  easy to manipulate stock background templates;
  • presents many pieces of furniture in various orientations allowing you to place furniture in a 3D space (side orientations);
  • allows manipulation of the perspective of wall art, curtains and some furniture;
  • provides many choices in wood flooring in  room templates;
  • lets you share your designs quickly and efficiently;
  • offers new items on a continuous basis, but slowly.


Every app has them, and Neybers is no different.   My commentary must be tempered by the fact that I am an interior decorator and artist with a keen sense of colour and design.

This is my personal set of irritations after using the app for three weeks:

  • limited sampling of furniture and accessories if you are interested in a certain style, but lots of styles are represented;
  • being an accessory junkie, I'm always looking for new options: pillows, curtains and art items need more variety; 
  • wall treatment choices in room background templates are very limited and consist mainly of wallpaper which I would rarely choose in real life; 
  • choices for wall colours (painted look) are not subtle (mostly garish really), which usually leads me to choosing wallpaper;
  • no cropping; if it had cropping abilities it would be just awesome;
  • it is really difficult to put together a design with perfectly matched undertones mostly because of limited choice in wall finishes and accessories;
  • the terminology for categories takes a little getting use  to, and some objects are not in the obvious place;
  • there's less selection if you are interested in more traditional design;
  • some of the really desirable accessories to finish a design must be purchased from Neybers by buying coins, or won by completing tasks.

 Here are several other  colourful, modernist designs I created with Neybers.  

White on white, Margaret Ryall using Neybers

Leading with orange,  Margaret Ryall, using Neybers

Go on, if you have an IPad give it a try;  it is fun.

5 Nama Unik yang Jarang Ditemukan di Indonesia

Yoechua Blog - Ada banyak hal-hal unik yang ada di dunia ini, salah satunya mengenai sebuah nama. Nama merupakan sebuah identitas yang di gunakan oleh kita untuk membedakan antara manusia satu dengan manusia lain ataupun untuk mengidentifikasi sebuah benda. 

Wikipedia menuturkan bahwa Nama adalah sebutan atau label yang diberikan kepada benda, manusia, tempat, produk  dan bahkan gagasan atau

BN akan kalah pada PRU14, kata Tun M

SHAH ALAM - Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad menegaskan ahli dan pemimpin Umno perlu menyedari hakikat tersebut dan BN akan kalah pada PRU14 akan datang jika Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak terus memimpin parti itu.

Beliau berkata, rakyat Malaysia didakwa sudah hilang kepercayaan terhadap kepimpinan Najib sebagai perdana menteri apabila banyak tuduhan yang dilemparkan gagal dijawab dengan baik.

“Sesungguhnya rakyat, baik Melayu, Cina, India atau suku kaum Sabah dan Sarawak sudah tidak percaya lagi kepada Datuk Seri Najib.

"Apabila Umno kalah, orang Melayu akan kutuk kepimpinan yang menjadikan parti keramat ini begitu lemah sehingga ditolak oleh bangsa Melayu sendiri. Sekali Umno kalah, ia tidak akan dapat dipulih semula,” katanya dalam tulisan terbaru di blognya, Chedet, hari ini.

Dr Mahathir juga berkata, ahli dan pemimpin Umno didakwa menunjukkan kesetiaannya kepada Najib secara membuta tuli.

“Saya juga setia tetapi kesetiaan saya ialah kepada parti dan orang Melayu yang diwakili olehnya. Bukanlah mudah bagi saya menulis blog ini. Tetapi demi bangsa dan negara saya terpaksa dedah semua ini.

“Melayu hanya akan selamat jika bersikap bangsa lebih utama daripada diri sendiri,” ujarnya.

Katanya lagi, dasar pemerintahan yang diperkenalkan Najib juga hanya menimbulkan kemarahan orang Melayu dengan mengetepikan Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB), semata-mata untuk meraih sokongan pengundi Cina.

“Namun, penolakan BN dalam PRU13 membuktikan orang Cina tolak pemerintahan Najib,” katanya. - SH

Menteri Kaki Belit

Sampai bila nak belit datuk? Hang ingat hang dah pandai, tapi orang lain lagi pandai.

Rakyat jadi mangsa!

Ada Sesuatu Yang Tersembunyi Di Dalam Gambar Ini.

What Is Wrong With This Picture?
What Is Wrong With This Picture?

What Is Wrong With This Picture?

Ia sebenarnya adalah sebuah model rumah oleh  Michael Paul Smith, jurugambar yang mencipta gambar-gambar zaman lampau Amerika Syarikat.

Gambar Belangkas