Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Nasi Ayam Warisan KD


Bosan-bosan kat ofis petang ni Mrs. Yan nak upload cket gambo nasi ayam yang ktorang makan lunch tadi. Dah alang-alang g site kat Kota Damansara tadi, tetibe teringin nak makan nasi ayam kat KD ni... Bukan Kris Dayanti okkaip.. Kota Damansara. Hari ni Mrs. Yan g site bawak Ms. Nisa. Bosan lak tetibe nak drive sorang... Boleh macam tuh... Mrs. Yan pun memula tak sure kat mana kedai ni sebab penah makan skali je. Tu pun dak Iwan yang bawak Mrs. Yan. Kalo nak tanya jalan, macam konfius gak tetibe kat mana. Tapi Mrs. Yan tau kat Jalan Cecawi, Kota Damansara. Pusing punya pusing sambil Ms. Nisa dok kerah otak kat mana tempat dia sebab Mrs. Yan cakap kat Mcd yang ada Shell.
Nasi Ayam Warisan KD ni gerai kat tepi jalan je. Sebelah Persiaran Surian. Korang try search Jalan Cecawi 6/19A. Berdepan dengan shop lot. Paham tak...(Harap kamoo paham yee...) Ok, dah jumpa, kat bawah ni gambar kedai kalo korang nak tengok ok.. :)

Ktorang bawak balik je. Makan kat ofis sebab belikan untuk ofismate skali.

Nasi ayam RM5.00, Sup kaki ayam RM3.00
Peace yoo...

Tapi kan korang... Ni yang macam nak meluah rasa ni... Sedap macam mana pun nasi ayam ni kan, still takleh lawan nasi ayam kat Alam Megah. Dulu masa Mrs. Yan servis keta kat Perodua kat sana, try la makan nasi ayam pakcik ni. Pakcik ni menjual guna lori je. Takdak kedai ke gerai bagai... Perghhh, skali try nak lagi lah... Dengan dia punya bihun sup tu, sup dia pekat... Adeyy la.. Air liuq leleh jap. Dulu kalo rasa teringin nak makan nasi ayam sanggup dari Taman Medan ke Alam Megah... Tapi sekarang dah takde. Mana ntah pakcik tuh pegi. Sedey tau drive jejauh 2, 3 kali bila sampai tengok pakcik tuh takde... Oh Pakcik Nasi Ayam Alam Megah ( Nasi ayam dia takde nama, so suka hati Mak Jemah la nak letak nama apa), silalah kau hadir memberitahu dimanakah lokasimu sekarang... Haishhh...
-Thanks for reading- 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tradisi Pelik Menggangu Pengantin Di Malam Pertama

Charivari (juga dikenali sebagai Shivaree) mungkin adalah tradisi perkahwinan yang paling memalukan bagi pengantin baru.

Charivari mempunyai definisi "nyanyian atau teriakan sumbang yang disertai bunyi pukulan periuk, cerek dan perkakas lain yang akan mengeluarkan bunyi bising untuk mengganggu pengantin baru ketika malam pertama".

Tradisi yang pelik ini menjadi popular di abad ke-19 dan

The making of an interior decorator

  What's your interior design aesthetic?
"What's that you ask?  Design aesthetic?
Should I have one ?  Perhaps I do! " 

This is not a question I could have answered in my teenage years, but it was those early years that laid the foundation for what I would come to understand and appreciate about design in my adult life.

 I believe our  interior design aesthetic (aspects of interior environments we are attracted to) is developed from what we've been exposed to  through our life experiences:  the house we grew up in,  homes of friends, your home town, reading, travel, and various forms of  media, etc. 

 The road to my house just before my birth

My house age 8

 Is this a town that raises a design conscious gal? 

 How did that happen?

I was exposed to very functional decor growing up in a small town in Newfoundland in the the  50's and 60's, but there were always  handcrafted  items in our home and I was encouraged to participate in their creation. There always seemed to be lots of scraps of wool, fabric and thread around.  I  appreciated what an individual could create with very modest materials, and I  believed at an early age that I could create anything I wanted.  That's a pretty powerful beginning.

The Singer sewing machine got lots of use in our home. It was a sound I did homework to, read to and even made it hum myself. 

What came off it was varied: curtains, quilts, bedspreads, and even mini skirts and tent dresses. Fabric remnants came from family members in New York.  That link assured I was current in textile designs! When not sewing I was busy with  crocheting , knitting , and hooking  rugs. All added warmth to our home.

At 13 I discovered the library in the next community and my design world expanded. 

Good Housekeeping

 There were books and magazines  that took me well beyond the small town I grew up in.  I devoured them, imagined, sketched, and rearranged our bedroom (with my sister's help) numerous times.  Mom took it all in stride. 

 Quite the design statement!  I had nothing to do with this decor, but I did make the dress! Not bad for a 15 year old.  At the time, I thought I would be a fashion designer, but good old Newfoundland practicality took over. 

TV programming added to my understanding of what was in style. I jet setted around the world with The Man (Men) from Uncle without ever leaving my living room. 

 And got my first taste of that famous British style on the Avengers. 

What we now refer to as Mid Century Modern design was in its prime in my formative years.  For the youngun' reading this think  Mad Men. 

When I was 19 I spent the summer in New York. It was a trip of firsts.  First time I went to large department stores,  first time to see art galleries,  first play.....   And what about what I saw on the streets and in store windows?  It all went in and somehow came together into a feeling, a sense of what I liked and wanted in future interiors.While this type of decorating was happening in New York....

Albert Hadley, New York, 1971

The average homeowner was living in this.

That was a pivotal time in my understanding of the broader world and the vast discrepancies among the homes I was used to and the homes of the "out of reach". I began to read more and think about what elements and principles interested me  in the designed interiors I was viewing on TV and reading about. My design aesthetic was forming.  

In 1973 I got my first apartment and  it had a lively colour scheme of white with red and navy accents.  All very fresh and simple.   All second hand and dressed up with lots of covers and paint.   I moved from being a university student to a teacher - a different kind of designing! I continued to read about design and do lots of DIY projects. 

It wasn't until the mid 80's that I decided to study interior decorating and it would be another twenty years before I officially advertized as a decorator.  I would contend I was always one. During that time I also began to paint.  It was this activity that honed my colour sense and gave me a firm understanding of the elements and principles of design. 

 My design interests today can be traced back  to my roots as a mid century modern girl.  I still love clean design without too much "fussy".  I like  furniture with straight lines,  geometric motifs especially circles, lots of texture, light colours, hand made items and abstract art.  I describe my look  as casual contemporary with a quiet edge.

What's your design aesthetic?

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Contoh Soalan Temuduga Lembaga Jururawat Malaysia November 2013 | Soalan Temuduga Jururawat

Apakah contoh soalan untuk sesi temuduga SPA bagi jawatan Jururawat? Saya kongsikan beberapa contoh soalan temuduga yang mungkin bakal ditanya kepada calon temuduga sesi November 2013 profesion jururawat.

Contoh soalan temuduga Jururawat November 2013 

Apa yang saya kongsikan ini mungkin hanyalah soalan umum untuk temuduga jururawat. Antara soalan yang mungkin ditanya semasa temuduga jururawat ialah;
  1. Siapa menteri Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia sekarang?
  2. Apakah kadar bacaan normal nadi, tekanan darah dan pernafasan seseorang?
  3. Boleh berikan beza antara sister, matron dan seorang jururawat?
  4. Kenapa pilih bidang jururawat berbanding bidang lain?
  5. Boleh sebutkan beberapa isu semasa tentang bidang kesihatan sekarang? Tips: Sila bersedia untuk ditanya kembali oleh penemuduga tentang isu yang anda bawakan. Contoh, kalau isu demam denggi semakin meningkat. Bersedia dengan jawapan bagaimana ia merebak, simptom demam denggi, cara nak diagnose dan cara nak elakkan terus merebak.
  6. Apa yang anda faham tentang tugas seorang jururawat?
  7. Boleh ceritakan serba ringkas tentang SL1M, BRIM, Klinik 1 Malaysia.

Ini antara kemungkinan soalan yang bakal ditanya oleh penemuduga dalam sesi temuduga jawatan jururawat. Yang penting, anda jangan panik dan gelabah. 

Buat persediaan yang lengkap dan bacalah isu semasa yang masih panas sekarang. Ada lagi masa untuk anda siapkan diri untuk menghadiri temuduga jawatan jururawat November 2013 ni atau pengambilan sepanjang tahun.

Perlukan bantuan Panduan Soalan Temuduga Jururawat?

Kalau dah kesuntukan masa, mungkin panduan di bawah boleh membantu anda untuk bersedia dengan lebih baik. Banyak lagi himpunan soalan temuduga yang lengkap untuk anda baca. Siap sekali dengan contoh jawapan soalan temuduga jururawat.

KLIK gambar di bawah untuk terus download panduan temuduga jururawat ni.

Selamat berjaya. Jangan tangguh-tangguh, sebab ramai lagi calon lain yang juga bersedia dengan panduan lengkap contoh soalan jawapan temuduga jururawat ni. Anda macam mana?

Jangan bertangguh untuk miliki panduan ini kerana ramai yang sudah berjaya lulus temuduga jururawat dengan jayanya. Anda bila lagi?

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Bunga Pelik Menyerupai Wajah Monyet!

Bunga orkid yang unik ini mempunyai keanehannya yang tersendiri. Bunga orkid yang dinamakan, 'Dracula Simia' ini sangat pelik kerana menyerupai wajah seekor monyet.

Jika diperhatikan, hampir keseluruhan bunga orkid ini betul-betul menyerupai wajah seekor monyet. Orkid monyet ini biasanya tumbuh pada ketinggian hampir 2,000 meter di hutan tenggara Peru dan Ecuador.

Nama saintifik bunga ini

Design Solutions: A bed between two windows

Work is keeping me quite busy over the last several weeks and blogging always drops off when this happens.  I'm beginning a series of posts called Design Solutions that will  address common design issues that often crop up when I work with clients.This is a great way for me to come to  terms with options and at the same time it provides a written commentary that I can send clients to in the future.  If I can help my readers in any way, it's a bonus.

Being a lover of asymmetrical balance, I can't explain why I am so attracted to the placement of a bed between two windows.  But I am. The windows become part of a larger design tableau in such instances, and the whole wall must be considered as a unit including headboard, night tables, lamps, table vignettes, art, window treatments and bedding.   Here are several guiding principles to keep in mind.

 Keep it symmetrical


When you start with a layout that is symmetrical, it works best to continue using this form of balance in your design .

Consider  your headboard shape when choosing art

  No headboard

 The height  and shape of your headboard will dictate what you place over it .  When you have no headboard you have to choose something that will fill the space well, and circular shapes with lots of texture and warmth are brilliant.

High headboard

The pillows act as  the center of interest in this layout of high headboard framed by draperies.  No art is needed.

Many designers are attracted to  groupings of three objects (art) between two windows.  This is an option, but not one I usually advocate.  When there are too many rectangles my eye craves  something curved or solid. In this room  the art reaches the top of the windows filling the space in between thus making the windows, headboard, and art one large rectangle. 

Low headboard
Design Solutions: A bed between two windows

This is a beautifully designed space, both elegant and simple at the same time.   The headboard  is low and the six art works fill the space nicely.  It is always interesting how you can depend on one element or principle  of design to  negate problems with another one.  With all the lines in the windows you might expect  that 6 pieces of artwork would be overkill in this space.  Not so here.  The dark frames and lines in the romans make the window lines almost unnoticeable. Contrast always wins when vying  for attention.  The curves in the spectacular roman shades also provide some relief from all the rectangles.  I rarely hang roman shades from the ceiling, but in this case it works especially well.

Curved headboard

It is difficult to hang art over a curved headboard; it is often best to let the curves be the statement.  In this room a spectacular light fixture adds additional visual interest to the larger vignette.

And the exception to the rule... there's always one!  The lamps fill in the curves and the three pieces of art look especially good hung in a straight line.  It doesn't hurt that there is a circle in the headboard. The art is light and the bed becomes the center of interest in the room.

 Follow the lines of your curved headboard to place three pieces of art....

or use a round mirror or sculpture at the top of the curve.

Use window treatments to frame the bed

My preferred solution for a window treatment on matched windows is draperies.  They soften all the hard edges and make great frames for the bed and the night tables. Think about your table colour when choosing your drapes.  The tables should stand out not disappear. Yes, I would change the black, wrought iron rods! Love the simple pillow arrangement and circular mirror.


Consider using blinds behind draperies for privacy. and be adventurous when mixing designs  in the space. I think this combination works well because all the  patterns have the same colours.

Hanging a drape on the outside edge of both windows and using a shade of some sort is another option for a window treatment .  This solution opens up a small room and gives the bed more room to breathe.    The shades are the centre of interest in this room because they are so dark. Patterned fabric adds another element of interest.   I love  round night tables when there are two windows because they serve to soften all the straight lines.

If you want to maximize visual space keep your shades and drapes light and matching. Be careful when you choose rods for your window treatment.  Rods are functional and to my mind they should blend into the decor not make a statement that draws your eye upward. There's nothing else black in this whole room so why choose black rods? Check out a previous post on Choosing Rods.

Romans are simple and linear.  You would never call them soft, but they can frame a bed nicely when they are used in conjunction with tufted or other luxurious materials in a bedroom.  By choosing a simple monochromatic scheme these romans serve to move your eye around the room and allow the white window details to frame the bed.  The white art is a repetition of the the frames. 

 And why not make your window treatment the focal point in the room? Overload on draperies.

My parting comments:  This small  monochromatic space maximizes design in every way. If you want to put three art pieces above the bed it works best when there are soft draperies on either side.  The simple images and large white borders connect with the white bedding and lamps.  The larger white accessories are simple and perfect.   The dark furniture anchors the space and I don't even mind the black rods!

Links to all images can be found on my Pinterest board Bedrooms.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Misteri Gereja Dibina Daripada Tulang Manusia

'Kaplica Czaszek' atau Gereja Kecil Tengkorak di Czermna, Poland, adalah sebuah gereja kecil yang bahagian interiornya dihiasi dengan puluhan ribu tengkorak dan tulang manusia.

Tulang itu adalah milik ribuan korban perang dari Perang Tiga Puluh Tahun dan Silesia, dan korban wabak kolera.

Lebih daripada 21,000 tulang lain terletak di ruang bawah tanah di bawah gereja. Sisa-sisa kerangka

Gambar Belangkas