Friday, May 31, 2013

Ikan Bilis Jantan, Ikan Bilis Betina?

Berkesempatan ke Lumut baghu2 ni.....
awok ke kedai menjuei Hasil Laut....
pernah dengo Kedai Hasil Laut Tarmizi dan Zalina.....
haa... tokeh nye le pun yang menanyakan soalan ni pade awok....

dalam banyak2 ikan bilis.....
macam mane kome nak kenal...
yang mane jantan.....
yang mane betina....

kome teka dulu....
haghi2 cuti ni....
kite berteka teki......


Chocolate hazelnut cheesecake @ Barolo Grill

Me: I read raving reviews on their chocolate hazelnut cheesecake. We should try it.

The Scottish: What? You want pudding?

Me: Not pudding. Cheesecake!

The Scottish: Same thing.


The cheesecake at Barolo Grill was simply out of this world. We were so stuff from the pizza that we decided to share a cheesecake. 

At first I was imagining the cheesecake to be a triangular shaped size, but it was round. It looked really small when served and was not fit for two people to share ;p

The Scottish: Are you sure you want to share?

We did share because the pizza was quite filling. The chocolate hazelnut cheesecake had a texture like praline and mousse. Imagine taking Nutella from the bottle but a bit softer! It tasted like nutella I guess because of the hazelnut but it was not as sweet as Nutella. One spoon into the mouth and it melts to perfection. It was not cheesy and the base was made of biscuit like other cheesecakes.

The cheesecake was topped with orange peel which went really well with the cake. I'd say its better than eating pizza and steak!

On another note, it was an enjoyable evening because company and banter with the Scottish makes me very happy.
Never a dull moment :)

Muzium Beruas

Awok sempat singgah ke Muzium Beruas....
Muzium yang terletak betoi2 ditengah Pekan Beruas...
jangan le kome riso.... senang beno mencaghi nye....
 awok letak link kedudukan Beruas kalo kome daghi Lebuhraya Ipoh - Lumut....

Awok suke Pekan Beruas ni bukan ape....
walopon kecik....  tapi semuenye ade kat sini...
opppsss terceghite pasei Beruas pulak...

berbalik pade Muzium Beruas...
dikatekan semue artifak ato tinggalan Kerajaan Gangga Negara ..
ade ditempatkan disini....

Pekan Beruas
Gile oldies....
sayang betoi....
awok sampei lepaih waktu deme habis beroperasi....
awok punye le kejo nak tengok ape yang ade kat dalam Muzium Beruas ni....
tapi takpe..... awok letak dulu2 gambo2 sekitar muzium ni.....
dan awok akan ulang balik ke sini....
oh ye...takde caj dikenakan untuk masuk melawat.....
jadinyeee..... pergilah melancong!!
Pekan Beruas
Ini le sebabnye.....
awok sampei udah nak senje....
mane deme nak bukaknye....

Pekan Beruas
Depan tu pondok pengawei.....
lawo tempat ni....
tenang je rase bile ade kat sini...
tempat cantik terjage.....

Pekan Beruas
Muzium dirasmikan 1998....
kalo kighe2......
udah 15 tahun tu......
kalo oghang udah bulih ambik PMR...
errrr... PMR ade lagi???

Pekan Beruas
Kalo kome sampei je di Pekan Beruas...
kome kompem jumpe Muzium Beruas ni...
tapi kalo tak jumpe jugakkk...
tu..di Jalan Pejabat Penghulu.....
abeikan apebende yang kome tak nak tengok ye....

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Watch The Girl Next Door (2004) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading Another Teen comedy

see-turkeyThe Girl Next Door a good comedy film with some decent laughs. You will be surprised by how enjoyable the movie is. It's a great teen chick flick movie, it's from the greatest teen comedy of the last ten years. The sotry is good and the characters are nice. I would definitely recommend watching it t everyone. Enjoy.

How to watch The Girl Next Door For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch The Girl Next Door (2004) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. It's very easy. It's very easy. Watch The Girl Next Door 2004 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Misteri - Milik Siapa Kubur Ini?

Semalam awok ade koje luo .....
tak jauh pun.... Lumut je....
tapi memandangkan awok pergi ateh urusan rasmi.....
sume bende dibuat ateh name tempat koje awok....

balik daghi Lumut semalam.....udah pukoi 6.30 petang....
kebiasaannya ...kalo daghi Lumut....
memang kompem awok akan balik gune Highway Ipoh- Lumut...
tapi 'pilot' opis awok cadangkan gune jalan lain melalui Pekan Beruas....

Pekan Beruas meghupekan pekan kecil yang terletak di dalam daerah Manjung......
walopon kecik.... Pekan Beruas ni ade pakej yang awok rase lengkap...
deme ade Muzium sendighi....
deme jugak ade kawasan air terjun sendighi....
dan kawasan pelancongan yang awok rase bulih diterokai lagi.....

bab2 muzium dengan kawasan air terjun tu....
kite ceghite lain kali la ye....
kesah kali ni....macam ni....

macam yang kome sedia maklum......
Beruas pernah gah satu mase dulu.....
Kerajaan Gangga Negara pernah bertapak disini....
make tak heghan le.....
bile banyak artifak2 sejaghah yang dijumpai dikawasan Beruas....
tapi bukan itu ceghitenye.....

dalam perjalanan balik tu....
'pilot' awok ade berceghite pasei Kubor panjang di Beruas...
jadi nye.... dalam senja2 tu....
kami pun kesitu sekadar untuk melihat......
awok ingatkan ade satu le kubor nye....
rupenye banyak......
tapi persoalannye kubur milik siapakah ini...
sebabnye....awok peghatikan Batu Nisan nye same je....
dan ade yang maklum bile awok tunjok gambo ni....
ini batu nisan Aceh lama.....

sayang betoi le tempat ni tak terjage......
kubor camni pun kalo ade sumber yang lengkap...
boleh jadi tempat pelancongan ni.....
kome layan....
kalo ade sape2 yang tau kubor siape ni...
boleh maklum pade awok.....
oh ye...lokasi kubor ni...di Kg Kota Lama Dalam, Beruas.....

Kg Kota Lama Dalam, Beruas
Banyak rupenye kubor lame kat sini....

Kg Kota Lama Dalam, Beruas
Udah berbusot kubo ni...

Kg Kota Lama Dalam, Beruas

Kg Kota Lama Dalam, Beruas
Design Batu  Nisan ni dengan yang bawah ...
beza nya yang ni tak berbucu.....
tapi masish bercirikan yang sama....

Kg Kota Lama Dalam, Beruas
Awok percaye..... Kubur ni milik kerabat raja 

Kg Kota Lama Dalam, Beruas
Kubur ni kami jumpe betoi2 didepan rumah orang....
tapi sayang tuan rumahnye takde....
kalo tak.... mau awok interbiu die....

Kg Kota Lama Dalam, Beruas

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