Monday, May 6, 2013

PRU 13

Bn menang tp bilangan kerusi parlimen kurang masa Pak Lah dulu walaupun kedah dapat balik. Anak Tun M lak jadi menteri besar. Mesti Tun M bangga, usaha dia disambung oleh anaknya. Buleh la dia berehat lepas ni....

Tp sayang PAS berkongsi ngan DAP dan PKR, aku lebih suka kalu PAS lawan semua tempat. Baru lawan tetap lawan. Tapi kata orang di negara majmuk ni, kalu nak menang kenala join dgn kaum lain.

Keputusan PRU 13
Sekurang2nya dalam parlimen nanti banyak juga pembangkang. Harap ini akan membantu pentadbiran negara menjadi lebih  mantap dan bersih....InsyaAllah....Semoga semua ahli parlimen akan dapat melaksanakan tanggungjawab demi kepentingan rakyat dan negara...

Dalam Islam menang kalah x penting, yg penting usaha dan tawakkal. Biar Allah tentukan. Jgn putus asa dgn rahmat Allah.

Menteri Besor Kelantan Baru

Tuan Guru bersara diganti oleh Timbalannya Datuk Ahmad Yakob. Semoga kesinambungan pemerintahan Tuan Guru berterusan. Tengok la walaupun dapat jadi menteri besar tapi tetap merendah diri, kata ilmu tak setinggi Tuan Guru. Alhamdulillah.

Menteri Besar Kelantan Baru
Aku orang Perak tp kalut pasal Kelantan buat pa? Bukan kalut, TGNA kan idola kita.....Pemerintahan yg mengutamakan syariat dari kebendaan. Kemajuan rohani diutamakn, kemajuan fizikal kemudian pun xpa. Macam dalam hidup kita gak, kerohanian perlu dititikberatkan, reta benda tu sederhna dah la....

Hanya Tuhan mampu membalas jasanya...

Election 2013

I think I felt the passion of the Malaysian people much more than I ever did in previous elections. Not only the old, but the young were standing out too to fight for what they want. Isn't that what a democratic country is all about?

When I was in USA, my American friends were so passionate about the parties they wanted to vote for. They were so involved and knowledgable about political issues going on in their country while for me, I stayed away from politics just because politics is dirty everywhere. It did amaze me that american students in high school and colleges were holding conversations on politics and their opinions mattered. There were also plenty of American homes with American flags hoisted at the front of their houses the entire year, not just during Independence day or election time. How many Malaysian homes put up the Malaysia flag at any other times except Merdeka Day?

I never had interest in politics or election. Election every five years would just pass me by. I wouldnt even read the newspapers about what happened during the previous elections or the outcome of it. But, I guess because of technology -facebook and blogs- there has been so much input and opinions about the election, that its hard not to know at least the gist of what has happened. Its been long known that whatever has been written in our local newspapers were being controlled by the present gov. So, some facts may not be entirely correct. I know of people who have stopped buying newspapers just because of that.

All I am trying to say is that Eventhough I am far away, to be able to feel the vibe of what the people went through this time was encouraging and shows there is still a chance for change, just not this year.

Statistically, it was a pretty close fight.

One change I really want is to be known only as a Malaysian with equal rights, not chinese/indian/muslim Malaysians. I have had Scottish people asking me why We have to be so specific about our race when we were all born in the same country and hold the same colour passports. The People in Singapore are Singaporeans and in Indonesia are Indonesians. No further segregation needed. Also, opportunities should be based on knowledge and capabilities instead of racial quotas. Then, just maybe, more people will proudly hang the Malaysian flags outside their homes instead of the white-green flag or blue flag.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sejarah tetap sejarah


Sejarah tetap sejarah.
 Keputusan SPM sejarah saya dapat A tau! Saya dapat A sebab cikgu tu tak pernah tak tanya soalan kat saya. So, suka atau tak saya kena buat latihan, saya kena baca buku. Itu sejarah saya dengan matapelajaran sejarah.

Hidup kita takan indah tanpa sejarah. Mungkin masa kita sedang melalui situasi tu kita rasa perit. Tapi suatu hari nanti, bila kita kenang kisah yang dulunya perit dah bertukar satu kisah yang indah dan menarik.

Siapalah kita tanpa sejarah.

Sejarah selalunya buat kita tersenyum, ada juga yang buat kita menangis, ada juga yang buat kita sakit hati, yang buat kita marah.. Tapi percayalah.. semua itu akan terubat dengan masa.. ya..masa mengubah segalanya...insyallah..

Sejarah ialah hakikat. Tak apa jika tidak mahu mengingatinya. Tak apa jika tidak mahu menghayatinya. Tak apa untuk mencuba melupakannya. Tapi cubalah imbas sekali, cari yang indahnya, cari yang manisnya, cari yang sayunya, cari yang syahdunya, cari yang baiknya. insyallah..ada hikmah kenapa DIA mencoretkan 'cerita' itu pada kita.

Pandanglah ke depan, tapi...sekali sekala, tolehlah ke belakang.. 

Di depan itu harapan.. di belakang itu pengajaran..


Kisah Seram Roh Mangsa Kemalangan Datang Ke Parti Karaoke

Satu lagi video yang menjadi perbincangan hangat dalam rancangan televisyen popular Thailand mengenai video parti karaoke. Tiada apa yang pelik mengenai aktiviti tersebut kerana ianya perkara biasa di Thailand, tetapi apa yang mengejutkan ialah terdapat hantu dalam video tersebut.

Sepanjang parti berlangsung, kamera bergerak secara rambang untuk menangkap gambar kesemua tetamu. Pada masa itu

Watch The Lake House (2006) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading Unusual Romantic Movie

see-turkeyThe Lake House is just a wonderful film. It's one of those movies that make you believe in true love. It's romantic, exciting and a little strange too. An unusual romantic movie but you will love it. the movie will make you feel good and give you sense of love and enjoyment that you keep searching for in any romantic drama. Enjoy this great movie and have a great weekend.

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Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Sunset in Scotland

Once I took a train down to Glasgow when the sun was about to set. I was mesmerised by the view throughout the journey. So, the next time I will, I will be sure to buy an evening ticket journey before it gets dark :)

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