Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sunset in Scotland

Once I took a train down to Glasgow when the sun was about to set. I was mesmerised by the view throughout the journey. So, the next time I will, I will be sure to buy an evening ticket journey before it gets dark :)

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Suku Kaum Pelik Tanpa Lubang Hidung

Sanggupkah anda bernafas hanya dengan menggunakan mulut sepanjang hayat? Bagaimana sekiranya anda terkena selsema dan anda pula tiada lubang hidung? Sudah tentu amat menyeksakan. Tidak ada manusia yang sanggup dalam keadaan begitu kecuali sememangnya kita lahir tanpa lubang hidung.

Tetapi inilah yang terpaksa dihadapi oleh wanita suku India dari kaum Apatani.

Terletak di dataran tinggi

Cheesecake stuffed strawberry

Too easy to make this. A simple way to curb cheesecake cravings instead of baking a whole cake while enjoying strabwerries at the same time :)

1. Rinse off the strawberries.
2. Cut off the stem of each strawberry and then hollow out a little more of the center.
3. Prepare all of the strawberries and set aside.
4. Beat cream cheese, powdered sugar, and vanilla in a mixing bowl until creamy.
5. Place the cheesecake mixture into a piping bag with a star tip. Pipe into each strawberry and arrange on a serving platter.
6. Once the strawberries are filled, sprinkle or dip the tops with graham cracker crumbs.
7. Serve right away or refrigerate before serving.

Necklace for chemist

This is the perfect gift for a science geek. It would be like a secret meaning to the people who know the structure and use of it, while other people won't even take a second look at it :)
I'm no geek, but I kind of love it ❤

Friday, May 3, 2013

Misteri Ayunan Berayun Sendiri Selama 10 Hari

Menyeramkan... masyarakat di daerah Firmat, Argentina telah gempar dengan satu insiden aneh yang berlaku di sebuah taman permainan kanak-kanak.

Insiden tersebut melibatkan salah satu buaian yang terdapat di taman itu telah berayun sendiri tanpa henti selama 10 hari berturut-turut.

Hanya selepas 10 hari berayun dengan sendirinya, barulah buaian tersebut berhenti secara drastik tanpa sebarang

Chilli Tuna Spaghetti

A can of tuna always comes in handy when I did not stock up my fridge. For the past week, I tried to go meatless but failed. I feel trying to whip up something meatless takes more effort than a dish with meat. I also tend to binge on junk food like bisuits and chocolates after those meatless meals. It was like havin withdrawal symptoms. Meat is my drug :p

Today, with a fridge with zero meat, I only had a can of tuna in my cupboard. I boiled spaghetti and drained it. Then I fried the spaghetti with the tuna and its oil, added some fish sauce and sprinkled chilli flakes. I then mixed in an egg. It was a similar method to cooking fish fried rice.

Yummy meal in less than 30 minutes :)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Gempar Nangka Pelik Berbuah Pisang

Penemuan sebatang pokok nangka di sebuah kampung yang bernama Cilubang, Kecamatan Cicantayan, Sukabumi Indonesia telah menimbulkan kegemparan penduduk sekitarnya tahun lalu.

Mungkin ada hikmah disebalik kejadian pelik ini.

Ini kerana pokok nangka itu telah berbuahkan pisang, menambahkan lagi kepelikannya, jika dimakan nangka berbentuk pisang itu mempunyai rasa seperti buah durian pula.

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