Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Dinner date @Rumours Kopitiam, Glasgow

Initially, we planned to have Nando's. but since the weather was so beautiful, there were tons and tons of people everywhere on Buchanan Street. It was afterall the first day for a sunny weather after all that cold. No jacket required too! The wait at Nando's was one hour 15mins! we definitely did not want to wait that long.

In the end, I suggested Rumours. I have not been to Rumours Kopitiam since two years ago. I had dinner there. It is surprising how so many locals have never heard of Rumours eventhough its been around since 2008. I also realised they hung out more at the West End than at Central Glasgow. We did not have any problems getting a table at Rumours :)

Rumours Kopitiam = Malaysian food feast time :)
We had:
Salted and chilli fried squid
Char kuey teow
Curry Laksa
Thai green curry with noodles

Great weather. Great food! I am a much happier person when there is good food to fill my tummy :)

Spring is just fantastic!

Ma’nene Ritual Pelik Menghiasi Mayat

Tanah Toraja di Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia merupakan destinasi pelancongan yang menarik kerana keindahaan bukit bukau yang menenangkan. Tetapi ramai yang tak mengetahui satu ritual pelik yang diadakan setiap tahun pada bulan ogos.

Ritual yang dikenali sebagai Ma’nene ini merupakan ritual pembersihan mayat saudara mara, pemimpin masyarakat, keluarga yang telah mati. Ritual pembersihan ini

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Watch Safe Haven (2013) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading

see-turkeySafe Haven another Nicholas Sparks movie. The cast was great and the screen was beautiful. Josh and Julianne are a good couple. If you are a fan of Nicholas Sparks The Notebook and other movies, you will not regret watching this film. It's a great family movie with great story and a surprise ending. The story line is very good and it will keep you guessing from beginning to end. Enjoy this great movie and don't forget to leave a comment telling us your opinion about it.

How to watch Safe Haven For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch Safe Haven (2013) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. It's very easy. It's very easy. Watch Safe Haven 2013 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.
iPad/iPhone Stream

Kik me

I have currently (kind of) migrated from skype to whatsapp to viber to tango to line to wechat to KIK.

Its much more convenient to use kik because I just have to give my username to the other person and we can just start texting. Its less tedious than using a phone number because if I change phone number, I will have to inform everyone and also change it on my whatsapp, viber etc. Skype also requires me to sign in which takes awhile. So, kik is much faster and its really like sms with no cost. Wifi needed of course.

Add me to kik: gaikcheng

Kik says 'the super fast smartphone messenger'


There are a bunch of talented people in instagram. Today I stumble upon one photographer - instagram: alikayphotograpy - who takes really good photographs of babies and kids.
I print screen some nice and cute photos from her instagram to share:

Monday, April 29, 2013

beletiaq lorat perlis!!


Tinggal 5 hari je lagi kita nak mengundi. Dalam facebook punya la banyak cerita bab mengundi ni. Naik lemas tau. Setiap minit ada je post pasal politik. Saya malas nak melayan sangat, tak baca pun post2 tu. Terpulang la kan, tu salah satu cara untuk diaorang nak berpolitik.

Kebanyakan yang sangat aktif berpolitik dalam facebook ni adik-adik muda yang belum pernah mengundi. Haaaaa.... over tau, takde pengalaman mengundi,tapi tulis macam dah mengundi 10 kali. Semua orang tak betul, semua orang tak kena. Dia je la yang betul. 

Secara peribadi la kan.. akak yang baru 1 kali mengundi ni nak bagi nasihat dalam lorat perlis sepenuhnya..

hampa semua tak payah la dok buat tau sangat, hampa tu baca blog,baca paper, baca website ja.. hampa tau ka sumber-sumber semua tu mai kot mana? hampa yang taksub sangat pasai apa? biasa-biasa dah la.. jangan la pasai hampa tak suka satu-satu parti tu hampa dengan kawan hampa nak bekelai. hampa tu batih jagung lagi, orang buat ulam ja.. hampa tak payah la nak pung pang pung pang sangat, hampa bijak, hampa nilai sendiri. hampa tak payah nak dok bekelai dengan orang lain. kalau nak ajak orang ikut hampa pun guna akai, cakap elok-elok, ni dok maki kawan tu, dok mengata kawan nu..apa cerita ni?? dah nampak macam apa dah orang islam la ni.. bab sikit-sikit pun nak bertegang lehaq.. pikiaq no..pikiaq.. kita ni orang islam, kita patut bersatu, bukan bekelai tak habih-habih. 

hampa semua ni jangan dok tunjuk salah orang lain ja, ca tengok diri tu sama. hampa buat dak tanggungjawab hampa. toksah tengok tanggungjawab kat negara, tanggungjawab kat mak pak hampa macam mana? kat bini hampa macam mana? daripada hampa dok kelipoq tak ketahuan hala, baik hampa istifar no.. ingat allahh.. kita ni nak lari pi mana, malaysia ni kemetot ja, pi mai pi mai, jumpa jugak.

ni, hampa jangan la dok marah orang lain kalau orang lain tak sokong hampa na, biaq pi la kat depa yang tak mau join hampa tu, depa tu depa punya cerita, hampa, hampa punya cerita.

hampa jangan dok bekelai na..sat lagi kami lepuk kepala sat lagi baru ketahuan.. 

okey, selamat mengundi na..

amacam? ada faham??


Benarkah Ini Makhluk Asing?

Pengarah biologi di Stanford Universiti, California, Garry Nolan, melakukan ujian DNA bagi mengenal pasti rangka dipercayai makhluk asing bersaiz 15 sentimeter dijumpai di Chile.

Menurutnya, ujian awal mengesahkan, rangka berusia kira-kira enam ke lapan tahun itu bukan dari spesies monyet kerana ia mempunyai gigi dan sembilan tulang rusuk.

Rangka tersebut dijumpai Oscar Munoz pada 2003

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