Friday, February 15, 2013

Meteorite in Russia

While I sat through a boring lecture on nanoparticles and peptides, the people in Russia were living in fear. I read the headlines after my two hours lecture : Meteorite hits central Russia, 400 hurt.

Read more here:

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Chocolate Chips & Coconut Muffins

Teringin makan brownies pula hari ni ...teringat brownies yang selalu bau wangi aje kat tepi excalator di Kompleks PKNS ...huhu .. 
update: eh! silap ..bukan brownies tapi MUFFINS ...
cari bahan-bahan yang ada dalam almari saja, vitamin "M" sangat besar melanda ku...malas nak keluar rumah..

Chocolate Chips & Coconut Muffins

3 1/4 cups(390 g) plain flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
3/4 cup  brown sugar
1/2 cup caster sugar
100 g chocolate chips
2 1.2 cups shredded coconut (beli kelapa parut kering khas untuk buat cookies)
1 1/4 cups milk
100 g butter (melted)
2 eggs, lightly beaten

1. Preheat oven to 180 degree Celcius
2. Lightly greese a 5cm muffin or patty pan
3. In a big bowl, shift flour and baking powder.  Add the brown sugar, castor sugar, chocolate chips, and coconut. (stir lightly to combine all ingredients)
4. Add the milk, melted butter and eggs, mix through ALL ingredients until all are combined.
5. Three quarter fill each of muffin moulds with the mixture and bake until muffins aare brown.


Hello, readers

Its nice to know that I have readers from different parts of the world. Its also amazing that I get about 5000 readers a month. (My blog gets more attention than the amount of attention my ex gave me :p) I know that stats is not a lot compared to bloggers like Xia Xue who gets more than that amount in a day!
But, its amazing that my random writings are of interest to people LOL thanks and clickmyAdsPlease so i can earn more money :):) i really dont get paid much..

My stats this week based on countries:

My 'bow bun' pictorial

If I skyped with my mum looking like this, I can imagine her laughter :D

Bow bun

I attempted to make a 'bow bun' with my hair. I also tried to do it on my housemate's hair but I GAVE UP! Lol

Its not as easy as it seems.
My arms were aching trying to get the bow to look right. I should blame it on my layered hair and its also probably not long enough till it looks like a mess in the midst of making the bow.

Pictures below :)


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Power Bank

Member aku mengamuk.......dak la sampai tembak orang. Tp cara dia cakap memang tgh bengang la tu. Punca?????? power bank........

Perlu ke aku beli power bank. Alasan aku, bateri huawei out of date , kalu main video xdan sejam habis. Nak cas plak kena tunggu punya la lama. Anak aku yg tgk video tu....kesian ke dia xdan abis upin dan ipin, bateri habis dulu.

huawei s7 ideos 3g battery
Nak beli bateri baru! Korang tgk la harga sama dgn harga power bank ja. Kalu beli bateri baru, dpt 2 bateri tp kongsi carjer la. Nak kena buka tutup lak. Leceh.

 Kalu beli power bank, cas asing, harga lebih kurang ja. Aku dah survey tempat lain harga sama ja. Mungkin shipping cas lain kot.

contoh jer....

Xkan nak beli bateri secondhand!!!! Ada yg buleh dapat lagi murah ker???? Tp jangan beli solar charger online. Nak beli p kedai buleh test tu selalunya  hiasan jer x mampu nk cas pun. Lain la kalu solar panel tu besor muka anda.....

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