Wednesday, July 4, 2012



As Always

Got this in my pigeon hole today, as a gift token from my head department...
 very nice of him, to remember us (those who celebrates birthdays in may and June)
his sub-ordinates....Thank You Dr Nordin ...
(very seldom a head dept. will remember or want to celebrate our birthdays)
 As Always

A special day is always
to remind about things of the past
about laughter of yesterdays
about broken promises and painful memories
about friends and beautiful friendships
about the year that has gone by

A special day is always
to remind about oneself
the sins, the sun and the sunshines
and the rainbows across the sky
so colorful so awesome
yet so weak and vulnerable
as the colors of life
that painted the days and nights
making us stronger and wiser
and the faith that we nurture
as a shield to protect
the heart and the mind
from the evil of our thoughts
and the evil of our actions

A special day is here... as a celebration
of a hard life in the past
to the brighter future
to the promised hopes and glorious days

It's the time
to reflect and ponder
the better days ahead
for a prosperous time with the loved ones
for a good of humanity
and blessings from Allah

Happy Birthday!
You are, my friend, very special indeed
May Allah bless you with happiness, good health and prosperity...

sincerely from,
Shah Alam 2012

Buy 1 free 1, San Francisco Coffee

Round 2 of San Francisco's coffee. This time round it was called Extreme Buzz. Must request for less sugar if not it will be so so so sweet!


takde apa nak post...

Ini pon bole la 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Wordless Wednesday #21

ZXr250 terlibat kemalangan

macam kenal jer
Nasib tuan x apa2. Moto leh repair lagi. Kena claim insurans ni. Cover depan sah kena tukar baru. Siap la RM2k. Sapa nak sponsor? Macamana nak claim insurans keta yg salah ni? Ada sapa2 tau? Mai ajar sat. Nak claim insurans sendiri x leh, 3rd party. Hehehhe. Jgn mare, jgn kutuk yer.

Ok. Kalu insurans 3rd party (macam aku la) kena pastikan kereta tu salah, baru buleh claim atas insurans kereta tu. Kalau kita salah, claim kat poket sendiri la. Lain la kalau first party, kot mana pun boleh claim.

Macamana aku buat claim?


1.   Kena yakin kita x salah, depa salah. Pi balai beli result yg menentukan siapa salah. Rm4 jer.
2.   Kalau depa salah, pi JPJ dapatkan maklumat insurans kereta. Kena la Rm10
3.   Beli salinan repot kita ngan pihak satu lagi. 2 X RM4 = RM8
4.   Beli gambar. Sekeping RM3 x 4 keping = Rm12
5.   Kalu ada gambar rajah, beli gak. Aku xdak sebab polis x mai ambik gambar kat lokasi kejadian.
6.   Pastu bagi semua dokumen kat kedai pomen. Kedai Motor Gembira.
      Memang gembira la dia. Pomen habis2san.

Tp kn dahulukan duit poket sendiri, sebab duit insurans biasala kalu depa kutip cepat la. Kalu kita nak kutip macam2 kn tunjuk, pastu lammbat nak dapt.

Janji dapat claim................

Dapat bonus lagi raya ni..???

Kakitangan kerajaan tersengih lagi. Setiap kali raya, hujung tahun dapat bonus. Untung la. Org kampong pun tersengih gak, tapi yg anak2 keja gomen la. Baru2 ni dah dapat BR1M dah, baucer lagi dan macam2 lagi. Alhamdulillah. Rezki tu. Kalau la selalu kerajaan buat lagu ni, ramai akan lompat ni. Minyak RON97 pun turun sekupang. Dah dekat nak pilihanraya kot. Hehhehehe....

Korek korek cari duit bagi bonus kat depa.....
Bonus setengah bulan gaji, minima RM500. Pesara pun dapat. Untung kerja gomen ni. Kalau la dapat!!!!!!

Gambar Belangkas