Thursday, April 19, 2012

Watch Troy 2004 Online For Free Without Downloading No Surveys A war for Love

Troy is a movie like Gladiator about Greek heroes. It's one of the best movies for Brad Pitt exciting, filled with action battle scenes and romance. Troy is about a war for love. Starting Brad Pitt.

How to watch Troy For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch Troy movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. Watch Troy Online Free Here No Downloading Required. Please don't forget to comment to let us know if it is working or not.
iPad/iPhone Stream

Watch Kingdom of Heaven Online For Free Without Downloading No Surveys Another Epic Action Film

Kingdom of Heaven is another epic action film directed by Ridley Scott and written by William Monahan. There was a very good Chemistry Between Eva Green and Orlando Bloom. I really enjoyed one of the best war movies I have ever seen. Starting Orlando Bloom and Eva Green.

How to watch Kingdom of Heaven For Free - click on the play button then wait for around 5-10 minutes for video to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch Kingdom of Heaven movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on the play button. Watch Kingdom of Heaven Online Free Here No Downloading Required. Please don't forget to comment to let us know if it is working or not.

Tahun baby perempuan

Anak perempuan aku lahir tahun lepas. Tapi tahun ni 2-2 org anak menakan aku pompuan. Pastu entri nama baby perempuan kat blog ni menerima kunjungan yg agak tinggi. Aku agak je la, mesti ramai yg dapat anak perempuan tahun ni. Tp entri nama baby lelaki xdak, kalau ada boleh bandingkan, mana lebih ramai.

Tapi nama lelaki ni senang macam Salleh, Ayob, Mohamad, Zakaria, Ishak. Semua nama2 nabi. Xyah pk panjang2 dah. Mana ada nabi perempuan. Yg ada nama  Isteri2 nabi, anak2 perempuan nabi, pastu beberapa nama wanita2 tersohor dalam Islam je.

Isteri2 Rasulullah s.a.w

Isteri2 dan anak2 Rasulullah s.a.w
Bila nama lain daripada nama2 mereka ni, seblom ambil kena tau maknanya jugak. Takleh la main letak jer. Ada nama yg maknanya x elok. Xkan kita nak panggil anak kita dgn panggilan begitu. Kalau org arab dgr, mesti diorg gelak kalau nama lucu, marah kalau nama lucah atau keji, pelik kalau xdak makna.........

Another story of 1971 10 cents

Malaysia Rare Coin 1971 10 Cents Story.
Why this Malaysia  rare coin 1971 10 cents coin was minted only for 32,236 pieces?

First version of story was these 1971 10 cents coins were minted in London Mint.
During then,Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) was in the process of setting up our local mint factory in Batu Tiga,Shah Alam.
When the factory was ready to mint our very own Malaysia coinage in May 1971 ,they called up to put a stop to London Mint,however 32,236 pieces of 1971 10 cents coins were minted.So,we took it.Together was 500,000 pieces of Malaysia 1971 One Dollar Coin minted by London Mint.(MALAYSIA COIN STORY-MALAYSIA ONE RINGGIT YEAR 1971 MINTED IN UK.)

Second version of story was when our Shah Alam Royal Mint started its minting operation in 1971,Kuala Lumpur was hits by the biggest flood ever happened since 1926,(MALAYSIA COIN STORY:THE 1971 BIG FLOOD,COINS IN LOCK-UP.). Shah Alam Royal Mint in Batu Tiga was deep in water as well. Hence,the whole operation of minting was put on hold until 1973.

My third version of story,I did some research and I hearsay from a senior collector,the 1971 10 cents coins were minted only  for 32,236 pieces was because due the dies broke.
The first version of story,only 32,236 pieces were minted in London Mint is not convincing,London Mint can produce few hundred thousand of coins a day,unless they minted our Malaysia coin 1971 10 cents  for a few hours only!While the  500,000 pieces of Malaysia 1971 One Dollar Coin minted by London Mint can be true.
The second version of story was not true because the worst floods hit Kuala Lumpur in January 1971,resulted 32 people were killed and 180,000 people were affected,and our Malaysia Shah Alam Royal Mint in Batu Tiga only started its operation on 4th May 1971,(MALAYSIA COIN STORY:THE COIN MINTING PROCESS IN MALAYSIA.).
So, the third version of story can be true?Or gets closer to the truth?
Could the reason of due to dies broke a good answer?A new Mint when starts to operate can cause a lot of technical problems,quality problems,material problems... etc. 
Could it be BNM realized that we had sufficient stock of 10 cents coins, a total mintage of 235,000,000 pieces were minted  for year 1967 and 1968.
In 1971,BNM minted 47.8 million pieces of 1 cent,16.6 million pieces of 5 cents,10 million pieces of 20 cents,8.4 million pieces of 50 cents and 2.4 million pieces of One Dollar coin,but why 10 cents were minted only 32,236 pieces ?
There are no Malaysia coin in any denomination being issued in year 1972.

May be someone out there can give us a right answer!

Watch P.S. I Love You 2007 Online For Free Without Downloading No Surveys A heart touching Movie of emotions and feelings

P.S. I Love You is from the best romantic movies I have seen during my lifetime of watching movies. It has a great love story. Starting Hilary Swank and Gerard Butler. Hilary Swank is one of my favorite actress in Hollywood. Watch movie below and let me know whay do you think about it? I am sure you will enjoy it.

How to watch P.S. I Love You For Free - click on the play button then wait for around 5-15 minutes for video to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch P.S. I Love You movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on the play button. Watch P.S. I Love You Online Free Here No Downloading Required. Please don't forget to comment to let us know if it is working or not.
iPad/iPhone Stream

Untuk mencegah kecurian motor di parking lot supermarket.....

Tadi kali ke 2 kot aku masuk supermarket yg dah bertukar nama kepada AEON. Cuma bezanya kali ni, bila masuk kena ambik tiket macam parking keta la pulak. Aku ingat kena bayor. Takkan parking moto kena bayor kot.

Bila selesai mencuci mata, aku pun balik. Ambik motor, keluar, serah balik kad tadi kat guard. So, sapa2 nak keluar dgn moto dari parking tu kena ada kad la. Kalau pencuri ambik moto, mesti dia xdak kad. Kena tahan la. Semua penunggang motor masuk parking mesti ada kad. Kalau hilang, mampus. Moto xleh kluar. Kena balik ambik geran kot sebagai bukti tu motor dia.

Cara ni nampak berkesan utk mengelakkan kecurian. Tapi kesian guard tu la, tercongok kat situ. Kerja senang, moto masuk bagi kad, moto kluar ambik kad. Lama2 muka pun macam kad. Gaji mesti mahal. Sebab boring giler. Itulah satu pengorbanan mereka demi menjaga reta benda pengunjung. Kalau byk kes hilang moto kat situ, sapa pun x mo pi dah. Bukan semua ada keta.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Mu'adz Al-Hafiz

Alhamdulillah... daripada 5 orang anak bujang, 2 orang sudah menjadi hafiz. Alhamdulillah ..Seorang lagi adiknya on d way ... baru sahaja masuk pada awal tahun ini...
 Semasa Hari Ihtifal Institut Pendidikan Hira' pada hari Ahad lepas ... tidak sedar anakku sudah semakin tinggi, malah lebih tinggi dari umminya...

Semasa Mu'adz tadika pada tahun 2004

Sebenarnya tanggungjawab seorang hafiz ini sangat berat...saya katakan kepada anak-anak saya... Hendak menjadi hafiz mungkin mereka anggap senang, tetapi hendak mengekalkan hafazan mereka itu yang sangat susah... apatah lagi jika mereka sudah mula memasuki dunia sebenar...bukan lagi berada di dalam situasi yang terkawal seperti di Maahad Tahfiz...dunia realiti berbeza. Banyak...malah sangattttttttttt banyakkk dugaan dan cabaran ... dugaan dari syaitan sentiasa ada...malah lebih hebat...
mereka harus sentiasa mengulang-ngulang membaca Al-Quran ... TIDAK BOLEH tinggal sama sekali ...
jika ditinggalkan lama-lama boleh menjadi lupa ...
Malah dalam apa jua yang kita lakukan, kita mestilah sentiasa istiqamah...ini sebagai PERINGATAN kepada diri sendiri... kadang-kala terleka dan terlalai..banyak perkara tidak dilakukan..ditinggalkan...
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, Engkau Ampunkanlah dosa-dosaku , dosa-dosa suamiku, dosa2 kedua ibu bapa kami, samada yang masih hidup atau yang sudah meninggal dunia, dosa2 anak2 kami...

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