Saturday, April 14, 2012


Niewmismatic Error Coins: COUNTERFEIT 20 CENTS COIN IN MALAYSIA THIRD SERIES...: Malaysia Third Series (M3S) 2012 20 Cents Counterfeit Coin. It was published in Malaysia Guan Ming Daily today , a counterfeit M...



insyallah.. 2minggu lagi rumah saya akan 'digodek-godek'.. tak tambah apa pun.. cuma buat tembok dan porch. sang suami dah 'chup' awal-awal nak cat warna kelabu!! tapi,saya nak warna putih... :(

hemmmmmm...citarasa kami tak pernah sama!!

cat macam ni la :)

takpun macam ni :) nak beli handbag dah tak mampu,so cat uamh je la!! :)

tompok-tompok tahi unta :)

LV ok!!!


tolongggggggggggggggggggggggg...nak cat warna apa ni??

so..ada idea?

Friday, April 13, 2012

DUITLUSUH -azamani-: LOGO BNM - satu konspirasi?

DUITLUSUH -azamani-: LOGO BNM - satu konspirasi?: Terkejut bila terbaca satu forum yang mengatakan logo kijang BNM bukan kijang .. tapi ada yang mendakwa sebagai anjing firaun

LOGO BNM - satu konspirasi?

Terkejut bila terbaca satu forum yang mengatakan logo kijang BNM bukan kijang ..

tapi ada yang mendakwa sebagai anjing firaun

hmmm..betul kah..nampak meyakinkan..kalau nak ikutkan hujjah mereka mana ada kijang ekor panjang...betul jugak tu...cuma kalu mereka tanya pada yang arif mungkin x menjadi keliru macamni..
asalnya logo BNM ini adala dari syiling yang digunapakai di sekitar kelantan pada masa itu..tengok gambar bawah...

menurut kajian binatang yang terdapat dalam syiling ini ada kemungkinan melambangkan lembu..lihat telinga objek menyerupai tanduk...memandangkan wang ini wujud sebelum kedatangan islam (saya x pasti berkenaan ini-saya kan rujuk sumber) maka ia agak selari dengan dakwaan yang mengatakan binatang itu adalah lembu...ia juga dikaitkan dengan sejarah raja2 melayu dahulukala ytang dikatakan berasal dari muntah lembu..memandangka saya terjumpa forum yang mndakwa binatang dalam logo BNM itu anjing maka saya terus menulis blog ini berdasarkan dari apa yang terlintas di kepala...jadi saya tidak dapat menjelaskan secara detail...saya akan cuba menulis dengan lebih detail nanti berdasarkan sumber buku dari BNM..
wasalam..kekurangan amat dikesali

Astro Awani



saya nak ruang yang sejuk mcm ni :)
rasa tenang je bila balik rumah.

abang, tolong merialisasikan impian ayang yek :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I chaperoned for a field trip with a bunch of 6 year olds to FRIM. If it were a normal malaysian pre-school, I doubt very much that parents would allow their kids to go for this sort of school trips. But, this bunch of ISKL pre-schoolers had to brave through the FRIM jungle and hiked the slippery slopes while watching out as to not trip on roots etc. Mosquitos were a real nuisance. Once I came out of the car, I had ten mosquito bites almost immediately. I thought the mosquitoes would have gone for the younger bloods surrrounding me, but I was the first to 'donate' blood. Such a horrible feeling to be bitten. I applied so much mopiko and used so many mosquito patches and mosquito repellent.

I must recommend mosquito patches to everyone. Thosw patches really work wonders. Of course, putting more
Patch was better. I 'forgot' to put on my bum, so i even had a mosquito bite on my bum. Wearing long pants also did not deter those hungry mosquitos from attacking me...... Now you know why i detest hiking trips and i would usually say no to camping/ jungle trips.

Once in the jungle, the poor little kids were also victims of the mosquitos. I felt real pity for the kids who had to stop halfway through just to scratch.

Aside from the mosquitos, the weather was really good for hiking. It was my first trip to FRIM so it was interesting to know about the 50 something year old trees in the forest reserve. We had a tour guide. But he was talking about silica and kulim tree and other things which obviously didnt catch the attention of 6 year olds. We also saw a huge fish...... I forgot the name.

After snack time, it was time to play at the waterfalls. FRIM is the closest place to KL where you will find a waterfall i guess.

Kids are adorable but taking care of too many is a handful.

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