Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas decorating - 12 unique wreaths you can make

Wreaths are part of Christmas and there are thousands of different designs in the market place. These wreaths are not the bought kind.  I selected them because they are quirky, interesting and easily crafted at home with a bit of elbow grease and ingenuity.  Check the links provided for instructions. 

 Cut twigs into slices on a band saw and glue on a foam wreath form.   Love it.  If you don't know someone with a band saw, you need to cultivate a new friend! I would skip the bow and just use a burlap loop.

Cover a wreath form with satin ribbon and glue on seed pearls. That should keep you busy for awhile.

You can purchase large MDF letters at Michael's  or cut your own.  It is important to seal MDF with primer or Varathane before beginning. Water and MDF are not a good match!. I would paint the form red before attaching the berries with glue.  If you can't find MDF letters, cut one out of foam core that can be purchased at any art supply store.  


Feathers are hot this year. The appearance of yours will depend on the kinds of feathers you can find.

 Love the warn wreaths that seem to be everywhere this Christmas.  It's a great way to use up odd bits of yarn.

I've loved buttons since I was a child.This white-on-white wreath is so cute. Simply wrap a straw wreath with cream-colored muslin fabric and stitch on a multitude of pearly buttons.It you're not in a stitching mood, use hot glue.

 3 D paper stars are beautiful when  massed into a wreath. Directions can be found at link above.

 This is a take on ornament wreaths that have been around for awhile.  This one is very effective because of the colour scheme and the variety in ornament sizes.There are detailed instructions on the link above.

 I can't resist silver stars on green. This can be purchased but it would be so easy to make.

 Good Housekeeping

This one is for the birds!  Recycle a wooden frame by covering it with nontoxic glue, then sprinkling it with bird seed. Place the wreath outdoors for all your feathered friends.

 First, wrap a straw wreath form with red ribbon, then use a hot-glue gun to attach each piece of candy.I've seen a similar one with striped peppermint candy. Very effective.

And who could resist a wreath made out of old bling?

If you have a favourite unique wreath I'd love to hear about it. 

Christmas decorating: If you like red

The traditional colour of the Christmas season is red. I like the simplicity of using just one colour in repetition to create sleek designs. It's the repetition of shape that gives them that wow factor.

 Christmas stir stick red snowflakes 

How simple can it get?  These snowflake designs are made out of craft sticks glued and spray painted.  They look smashing with this white chair and light coloured walls.  There's always positives  when you choose a neutral colour scheme! This would not look half as interesting on a darker wall. I think I would also have red candles.

 Clear vases can be filled with all variety of berries covered in water and then float candles on the top.  So simple.  Having at least three of varying heights makes the arrangement interesting.

Centerpiece with amaryllis and cranberries

 Here's a variation on the idea above. Add cranberries to the bottom and then water and add an amaryllis.  Invest in two artificial ones and you can re-use each year.  I've gotten mileage out of mine I purchased at Michael's. I'd skip the ribbon, but that is a personal preference; I'm not a gal for visual clutter.

red Christmas trees and reindeer

The sleight is the focal point in this display, the reindeer add visual interest and energy, and the trees add strength.  The leaves soften the whole look.  This is so effective against the white.

Trendy Tree

Another take on using red trees,  this time with "sparkle pods" garland giving lots of energy to the strong verticals the trees provide.

Christmas container with candycanes and silver branches

You often see large candy canes from plastic or glass, but what do you do with them to make an interesting display?  This is a simple idea easily put together from the dollar store.  The white vase is the necessary part. It has interesting details and height and is the prefect sophisticated element to add oomph to this design.

Christmas centerpiece red flowers berries

Here's another table centerpiece built on one colour and repetition.  Two shapes always makes it more interesting- roses and berries. Carnations would be a more cost effective substitute. 


Ornaments, the larger the better, provide a striking look when hung from a drapery rod with sheer ribbon.  Alternate satin, shiny and sparkly.

SAMBUTAN 50 TAHUN WWF - 1961 - 2011

Sambutan 50 Tahun World Wide Fund for Nature ( Tabung Alam Sedunia ) 1961 - 2011.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Pulau Karimun

Baru - baru ni saya ada gi Pulau Karimun. Ngan geng opis, syok gak jejalan tempat orang ni. Tak tau pulau tu kat ne?? ish2..saya pun xtau,tapi bila nk gi baru la google! :) Pulau tu kat indon nnnuuuuuuuu...

 feri ni sejibik mcm nak gi Langkawi, so xde la takut

Pemandangan kat jeti.

Hasil dari jejalan ni, berat badan bertambah 3kg!! :P

Misteri Flat C Kiambang

2 Disember 2011 Jam 11.30 malam - Kru PAG dan Kru PF bergerak dari Gombak ke lokasi sebuah rumah yang dikatakan ada gangguan phenomena paranormal.Jam tangan menunjukkan tepat pukul 12.15 minit malam,sebanyak 4 buah kenderaan kru telah memasuki kawasan yang agak menyeramkan yang dikelilingi hutan.Kru semua kelihatan macam tidak percaya kerana ada juga kediaman yang dibina di hujung hujung dunia malah rasa tidak logik di akal apabila kesemua kru telah sesat untuk mencari blok rumah tersebut.Jam hampir pukul 1 pagi.akhirnya kami jumpa juga rumah tersebut yang terletak dihujung blok.Tanpa berlengah kesemua kru terus menyiapkan peralatan.

Kenyataan ini telah diambil dari laman blog Penyingkap Fakta - "Saya membeli rumah itu tahun 1999 tetapi hanya disewakan selama setahun sahaja, 11 tahun lagi kosong. Baru baru ini saya suruh saudara tinggal di rumah itu. Pelbagai kejadian aneh didakwa berlaku," ujar pemilik rumah.
"Pertama, penghuni rumah ternampak lembaga berwarna hitam dan bermata merah, berdiri dekat peti ais di rumah itu. Masa itu ada budak bujang tinggal di bilik tengah. Bila tidur, katanya macam ada benda menarik selimut dia. Manakala dinding di sebelah kiri bak diketuk berulangkali, walhal memang tidak ada jiran menetap di sebelah," tambah lelaki berusia 43 tahun itu.

Sedikit gambar di lokasi -

 Pemandangan di belakang rumah terbabit

Kru yang terlibat pada malam tersebut..

Karnival Fiesta buku Karangkraf

Karnival Fiesta Buku Karangkraf 2011 telah berakhir semalam, 4hb Disember 2011.  Ianya telah berlangsung selama beberapa hari ... Alhamdulillah berkesempatan pergi ke sana di saat-saat akhir, tatkala tinggal 2 jam lagi hendak tutup. Membawa Wafa' dan Hana' ke sana untuk membeli novel2 yang boleh dibaca semasa cuti sekolah ini..

Rupa-rupanya ramainya penulis-penulis novel berada di sana di hari terakhir ini...di antaranya Herna Diana, Iris Ixora, Eyman Haikal dan yang paling Wafa seronok kerana telah bertemu novelis thriller yang sangat terkenal iaitu Ramlee Awang Murshid! Anak-anak saya sudah lama minat membaca novel-novel thriller RAM, malah boleh dikatakan SEMUA novel RAM sudah dibeli..dan semalam sudah di terbitkan sebuah lagi novel thriller yang paling terbaru di pasaran, iaitu Fiksyen 302.
 bersama Herna Diana

 bersama Eyman Haikal

Iris Ixora

 Ramlee Awang Murshid

Di sebelah kanan adalah seorang blogger yang terkenal dan orang kuat RAMFC (Ramlee Awang Murshid Fan Club), iaitu Abang Long ..

Apa novel2 yang kami beli? Ini lah dia..
dan sebuah novel yang kini telah diadaptasi ke filem yang sedang hangat di pasaran sekarang.... OMBAK RINDU!
 tak ada pula jumpa penulis novel ini...mungkin sudah balik agaknya..

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