Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thursday Tip #6- simple centerpieces

Keep it simple...

Dinner parties can stress the budget.  I like to have simple arrangements for the table and that usually involves fresh flowers .  Rather than large bouquets which are tall and obstruct views, think about simple ways to use flowers or leaves in a repetition.

Hosta leaves are one of my favourites and I have lots to choose from in my garden.  I love the idea of massing different sizes and shapes of glasses/vases and submerging separate leaves in each one. 
The sunflower is a great choice for fall entertaining. If you don't have access to fresh sunflowers, there are realistic looking  artificial ones. The arrangement above works because of the meandering wave and colour variety.

RM50 Siri Kemerdekaan

Prefix AC Low Number

Intense Debate

Awok dulu peghenah (pernah) gunekan Intense Debate mase mule2 aktif berblog....
tapi kedian awok buang intense debate disebabkan komen2 lame kengkawan tak dapat ditengok di entri2 yang ade...
walopon awok masih lagi bulih tengok di

tapi bile awok kenangkan akan 'keliatan' awok menjawab komen kengkawan...
awok kembali gunekan Intense Debate....
mudah....sebabnye dibawah komen kengkawan...
awok bulih je komen berdasarkan komen kome yang sebelom tu.....

awok bukan nak promote pade kengkawan....
tapi kalo kome jenih (jenis) yang maleh (malas) baleh (balas) komen kengkawan tu...
elok le bertuko gune Intense Debate....

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tips Jimat Elektrik

Bese (biasa) yang kite dengo....
deme sughoh (suruh) kite kughangkan (kurangkan) gune lektrik....
minimumkan penggunaan peghalatan (peralatan) yang gune letrik....
dan terbaghu (terbaru) kerajaan keluokan aghaghan (arahan) pade semue jabatan kerajaan agar setting ekon (aircond) ke tahap 24 darjah celcius je....
dan ade jugak yang saghan (saran) kan kome agar beli peghalatan (peralatan) yang jimat elektrik......
semue tu betoi.....

tapi tau tak kome....
yang sebeno2 nye mudah sangat nak jimat lektrik ni....
awok tau ni pun lepaih (lepas) awok tengok ceghite (cerita) Oprah....

Oprah ade menjemput soghang awek ni ke rancangan die....
awek ni berceghite (bercerita) peghihei (perihal) macam mane die jimatkan letrik kat ghumah (rumah) die...
kalo sebelom ni....bil letrik kat ghumah (rumah) die mencecah ribuan dollar....
tapi lepaih (lepas) die buat 'bende' ni....
die dapat jimat hampir sepaghoh (separuh) daghi (dari) bil die sebelom ni...

caghenye (caranya) macam ni...
tiap kali kome gunekan peghalatan elektrik....
kome pastikan yang kome cabot sekali plug peghalatan lektrik kome tu....

walopon kome udah off kan suis peghalatan lektrik kome tu, tapi kome tak cabot plug die....
yang sebenonye ....aghoih (arus) lektrik tu berjalan jugak.....
walopon kome ghase (rasa) tak banyak....
cube kome bayangkan....
kome bio kan plug kome 24 jam, 7 haghi (hari) seminggu.......30 haghi (hari) sebulan....dan 365 haghi (hari) setahun......

dan awok udah cube pun caghe (cara) ni...
dan memang betoi....
ade beze amaun bil lektrik ghumah (rumah) awok sebelom dan selepaih (selepas) awok gune caghe (cara) ni....

cube le!!!

P/S: awok alat2 jimatkan lektrik ni tak beghape (bearpa) nak percaye sangat!!!

FIesta Pelancongan Taiping 2011

Awok baghu (baru) je balik ke kampong wife awok semalam....
sepanjang jalan daghi (dari) Tol Changkat Jering awok terpeghasan (terperasan) kan bunting ni ....
jadinye haghi (hari) ni awok pun risik le pasei event ni....
ghupe2 (rupa2) nye...

Fiesta Pelancongan Taiping ni meghupekan (merupakan) acaghe (acara) yang dibuat oleh
TOURISM PERAK .... agensi dibawah Kerajaan Negeri Perak....
dengan kerjasame Majlis Perbandaran Taiping (MPT)....
ade Mini Konsert....ade Forum Perdana.... dan ade jugak acaghe (acara) permainan tradisional.....

jadi awok nak mengajak le...
sape2 yang ade di Taiping pade 29 - 30 Oktober 2011 ni....
ghamei2 (ramai2) le meghiahkan (meriahkan) Fiesta Pelancongan Taiping 2011 ni nanti....
acaghe (acara) ni nanti bulih kate Pra Tahun Melawat Perak 2011 nanti le ni....

mane acaghe (acara) yang kome ghase (rasa) sesuei kome join le.....
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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Abby Abadi di duga lagi...


Nampaknya impian Abby untuk bersama kekasih hatinya Zul Ariffin tak kesampaian. abby di duga lagi dan mungkin ada hikmah disebalik apa yg berlaku. Moga abby tabah dan lebih kuat demi anak-anak beliau...

     Sy sgt mghargai khadiran Zul dlm hidup sy. Sgt berterima kasih pdnya kerana sedikit sebyk dia mjadi 'penenang' pd Sy waktu2 Sy sgt2 memerlukan 'seseorg' 3 tahun dulu. Berani Sy katakan, hubungan ni berlaku mmg tanpa dirancang & tak disengajakan. Sy layan jer hati & perasaan Sy 3 tahun tu, smpai mmg nama 'X' Sy out teruslah, kira xde dlm senarai dah, hehe.. smpai tetibe, tak disangka2,  jd seriusss giler hubungan yg tak dirancang ni :) Ikutkan sebenarnya dr awal mgenali Zul, hati Sy selalu je berkata2.... Betulkah? ye ke ni? Bia betik? Bole ke gi jauh ni? huurrmmm... huhu.. tp, Sy jalan terus je sbb Sy mmg dah jatuh hati pd dia:P ooppss! hehe... kira Sy 'gamble' jelah pd hubungan ni :) Takut2, trauma2 pun, Sy redah jugak. Ada jugak peristiwa2 ngeri yg berlaku antara Sy & Zul, tp Sy abaikannn sbb..... SAYANGGG! ZZzzzZzzzzZz.. :)  dlm pd 'gamble tak gamble' tu, tup tup dah 3 tahun berlalu :D


Sehingga ke saat Sy menaip utk entri ini, Sy mmg tak segan utk akui yg Sy mmg sayangkan dia. Sayanggg sgt2! huhu... Tp keadaan, masa, org2 tertentu, yg bweekk (:P) semualah.... nmpknya tak menyebelahi kami. Berat sgt Sy nk share kan hal ni sebenarnya, .... tp, takpelah..... Biar Zul happy dgn kehidupan dia skrg. Sebab apa kami tak buleh lg berdua, biar Sy simpan jer. Yg pasti, Sy tumpang gembira dgn apa yg dia ada :) Mungkin dia tak sedar yg Sy ni selalu ada di sebelah dia selama ni. :(

    Sy......... mmmm, di duga lagi...... Sedih mmg tak tergambar dgn kata2, tp Sy redha dgn ketentuan NYA..... Mungkin ada kesilapan Sy, yg Sy lakukan tanpa sedar sebelum ni, & skrg inilah balasan tuhan pd Sy. Sy terharu sebenarnya dgn doa dr semua yg mengharapkan kami bertemu jodoh sebelum ni, tp apakan daya......... Sy pun mengharap 'sesuatu yg terbaik' sebenarnya... tp INILAH TAKDIR SAYA :)

  Sy sedih........ sgt sedih utk terima 'kehilangan' ini.......... tp Sy takde kuasa utk ubah keadaan. Sy cuma nk org yg Sy sayang bahagia dgn apa yg dia mahukan. Insyallah, masa susahpun buleh jer cari Sy. :,) 
                                        "SELAMAT ULANGTAHUN YG KE 25"

p/s: abby, tabah dan berjiwa kental orangnya...

It's all about scale

  In recent weeks I've spent quite a bit of time looking for coffee and end tables for clients.  Getting the style and size right to work with the rest of the furniture in the space takes quite a bit of juggling and an  understanding of standard  furniture sizes.

The standard height of a coffee table is between 16 - 18 inches, but some can be as high as 21 inches. How do you know which height to choose?

The answer relates to the height of the sofa/ chair. I prefer to see the coffee table about the same height as the top of the chair cushion or one or two inches lower.  The length of a coffee table is usually about 2/3 the length of the sofa not including the arms. Don't forget that you need at least 18 inches (24 is optimal) of space for your legs between a coffee table and the sofa.

 The size  of your coffee table should work with your sofa and other furniture in your room. It should also work with the size of the room overall. Let's check this out.

How do you feel about the coffee table choice in this lovely room?  I would like to see something longer (remember the 2/3 the length of the sofa rule). This little beauty is having a difficult time holding her own with this sofa.

The soft colour scheme and small scale furnishings  in this room  appear overwhelmed by this large, dark, and tall coffee table, but I really like the table.  Sometimes the weight of a table is influenced by the colour and material choice not just the overall dimensions.  Darker colours and solid woods tend to look more visually weighted.

Grisell Navas contemporary living room
Grisell Navas

Don’t forget the size of the room when thinking about scale. Glass tables work well in smaller rooms because they give the impression of lightness -  space is not blocked out.

dakota contemporary living room

 Even with two tables this room does not look over furnished.

Great Room traditional family room

If your room is spacious and/or the furniture is large in scale, choose heavier wood tables or ones with lots of  tiers or drawers.

Willowgrove Living Room contemporary living room

This is a beautiful room with a colour scheme I'm partial to. Does the coffee table work for you?  I wouldn't want to try to place something on the table while sitting.  I'm such a stickler for function!

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