Thursday, February 3, 2011

The many uses of wallpaper

"Looking to add a punch of personality to your walls? When bold paint colours simply aren’t enough, designers are looking to beautifully patterned wallcoverings to do the trick."   Style at Home
If you've ever put up wallpaper you know  how much work it is to remove it.  Most people I know swear never to have to strip walls again.  But...are we losing out on a design opportunity? Maybe there's another way to look at it. You don't have to commit to four walls of pattern in your home or even think in terms of walls at all ; be creative.

If you want to add drama go bold.  Increase the scale of the print and use it selectively as a backdrop to a piece of furniture....

....or a seating arrangement.


Create cutouts for a  nursery or a child's room.

Check out other interesting wallpaper uses at Budget wise Home .
There are several different patterns used on stairs.Keeping the wallpaper the same tone as the walls gives a very sophisticated look or play with wild colours for a totally funky approach.

Liven up the back of a bookcase....


... or bring a tired cabinet or set of drawers back to life.

Highlight a focal point in a room...

... or make it the focal point.  

Frame wallpaper samples simply and presto.. you have a graphic arrangement for very little money. Keep all the frames the same colour for cohesiveness.

And here's another idea for framing...

Cover a lamp shade ...

put it on a table top....

or a mirror frame... 

Create wallpaper scrolls.
And then you could...

  • Cover boxes and trays
  • Paper the inside of a closet or panels in doors.  The list goes on......

Would you like to share your creative use for wallpaper ?

Gambar terkini pergolakan di Mesir Part 3

Pada 2/2/2011, lebih sejuta rakyat Egypt telah berkumpul di Cairo bagi membantah secara besar-besaran pemerintahan Hosni Mubarak. Rusuhan secara besar-besaran itu masih lagi berlarutan hingga sekarang. Berikut adalah sambungan gambar pergolakan di Egypt.

Gambar terkini pergolakan di Mesir Part 1
Gambar terkini pergolakan di Mesir Part 2

More than a million protesters flooded into central Cairo on Tuesday, turning the Egyptian capital's Tahrir, or Liberation, Square into a sea of humanity as massive protests against Hosni Mubarak swept across Middle East's most populous nation.

Packed shoulder to shoulder in and around the famed square, the mass of people held aloft posters denouncing the Egyptian president, and chanted slogans "Go Mubarak Go" and "Leave! Leave! Leave!"

Similar demonstrations calling on Mubarak to step down were also witnessed across other cities, including Sinai, Alexandria, Suez, Mansoura, Damnhour, Arish, Tanta and El-Mahalla el-Kubra.

Tens of thousands marched in Alexandria while the number of those protesting in Sinai was estimated to be around 250,000.

Tuesday's protests were by far the biggest since street demonstrations broke out against Mubarak's rule last week.

"The crowd is very diverse - young, old, religious, men, women - and growing by the minute," Al Jazeera's online producer said from Tahrir Square.

"They're chanting the same slogans they've been chanting all week. Someone actually hung an effigy of Mubarak from a streetlight."

Organisers had called for a march by a million people on the day, but the turnout surpassed all expectations. Soldiers deployed at the square did nothing to stop the crowds from entering.

They formed a human chain around protesters, and checked people for weapons as they entered. Tanks had been positioned near the square, and officers checked identity papers.

According to reports, the military police placed barbed wire around Mubarak's residence in Masr el-Gedidah, a suburb east of Cairo.

Baca selanjutnya: English Al-Jazeera

Gambar terkini pergolakan di Mesir Part 2

Difahamkan, pihak kerajaan Malaysia sedang berusaha untuk mengeluarkan sejumlah pelajar dari daripada zon kuning di Mesir. Isu pergolakan di Mesir masih lagi berlarutan hingga sekarang yang mengakibatkan pelbagai kerosakan harta awan.

TERKINI: Maklumat daripada Bilik Gerakan Kedutaan
1. Kos perjalanan Kaherah - Jeddah ditanggung oleh pihak kerajaan
2. Sara hidup sepanjang di Jeddah ditanggung oleh pihak kerajaan.
3. Kos untuk pulang ke Malaysia dengan kapal TLDM yang ditanggung oleh pihak kerajaan. Kapasiti muatan seramai 500-600 orang sahaja.
‎4. Perjalanan Jeddah - KL dengan tanggungan sendiri
5. Perjalanan Jeddah - Cairo juga dengan tanggungan sendiri
maklumat diperolehi daripada Encik Wan Ahmad Tarmizi Wan Idris Sekretariat Evakuasi, melalui panggilan telefon pada jam 12.48pm waktu Mesir.

Sumber: Krisis Mesir, Nasib Pelajar Kita

Gambar terkini pergolakan di Mesir Part 1
Gambar terkini pergolakan di Mesir Part 3

Gambar terkini pergolakan di Mesir Part 1

Nampaknya pergolakan di Mesir ketika ini masih belum reda dan sehingga hari ini, rusuhan tetap berlaku dimana sahaja sekitar Mesir. Jom tengok gambar rusuhan penduduk Mesir yang inginkan Presiden Mubarak supaya letak jawatan.

Gambar terkini pergolakan di Mesir Part 2
Gambar terkini pergolakan di Mesir Part 3

Gambar Belangkas