Sunday, January 16, 2011

How to choose the right area rug

People have been using rugs since the earliest days of history. Initially they were made of animal skins and served very functional purposes. Today this functional role has been replaced  by a purely aesthetic one.  Rugs  have several purposes in home decor:  they add texture and colour to a room;  they establish zones in large rooms;  they anchor furniture and complement a colour scheme or other elements.    

The size of an area rug dictates how you will use it in your home. Smaller to mid size rugs ( 2’X3’, 3’X5’ and 4’X6’) are used to highlight or accent other features in a room.  They are used effectively in a bathroom, kitchen, entrance or hallway or

living room contemporary living room

....... in a living room it seems. 

Modern Classic contemporary entry
Jona Collins

There's no doubt that this small but dramatic area rug completes this space.  

Stair  staircase
Brian Watford ID

This is another example of a well placed small rug that enhances the other items in the space.

Larger size rugs (6’X9’, 8’X10’, 9’X12’ and 12’X15’)  are used in living rooms and dining rooms. It is also possible to order irregular shaped rugs or have carpet bound to fit any size you request.

Full coverage 

If you are dealing with flooring that is not up to scratch or you dislike the tone of your flooring you can opt to cover  the problem with an area rug. In that situation you should aim to have your rug anywhere from 1 to 3 feet  from the walls to allow you to see the flooring underneath.  If you have a fireplace or closet protruding into the  room you should use this as your "wall" and measure from it.

Dining Room Rugs

The most important aspect to consider when you are buying a dining room area rug is the size of your table and how far a chair extends when you pull it out.  There's nothing more annoying than always catching the leg of a chair on the edge of a rug or having an uneven seat because two legs are on the rug and two are off.  A general rule of thumb for determining a minimum rug  size for your dining room is to extend your rug at least two feet beyond the edges of your table.If your table is three feet wide the width of your rug would be need to be at least 7  feet wide.  The next standard size would be 8 x 10'.


This is obviously a custom rug because it fits the dimensions of the table perfectly.   

Debra Campbell Design traditional dining room
Debra Campbell Design

The shape of your rug should also mimic your table shape- round with round, oval with oval etc.

Living Room Rugs

In living rooms rugs usually establish conversation areas.  Depending on the size of your space you may have one or more areas to define.   If you have an open concept home,  rugs can  break up the larger space into both a living and a dining area.

Case Design/Remodeling, Inc. traditional living room

Forest Manor Model Home modern living room
I'm imagining that this is one end of a larger space. I love the repetition of circular shapes and the black and white scheme.  The circular shape  of the rug mimics the chair layout and the ottoman. Who wouldn't want to have a glass of wine here?

Let's look at some of the size and placement guidelines in living rooms.

If you want your sofa and chairs to rest on the rug it should extend at least a foot beyond the back of the sofa. 

Austin Patterson Disston Architects traditional living room

 You can also purchase a smaller rug that allows just  front legs of the sofa to rest on it.  This is one of the options for a 6 x 9 rug.

Smaller rugs like 4 x 6' work well under a coffee table. These would float under the table and function as a separator between the table and the floor.  If your table and flooring are close in value (both are dark or light) an area rug is highly desirable to show your table to best advantage.


This is such a happy room!  Only the tables are dark,  the area rug follows this trend and adds only design and texture.


This small area rug provides an additional  way to add an accent colour in the room.

Bedroom Rugs

 If you are using a large rug in a bedroom it does not need to be centered. Consider having the same amount of floor space on two or three sides of the rug. Often rugs are used to highlight the placement of the bed. In this application a highly patterned rug would be  wasted because much of it would be under the bed.

Traditional furnishings translated to a transitional look eclectic bedroom
While there is a pattern on this rug the scale is large and it shows well.

A totally monochromatic room depends on texture to be successful. The area rug just had to be shag.

Did you notice another trend running through most of these photos?


In less than 24 hours.... hello ********************* :)

The thought of CNY. The red packet will not be filled with money this time, but it will contain a piece of paper which is the ... EXAM RESULTS! Only happens when studying in UK! sigh...

Anyhow, its a beautiful day today. Found out stuff. Excited. Learnt from it. Loved it. Can't wait. 100% confirmed something. Thank you!

Misteri Segitiga Bermuda Akhirnya Terungkap

Misteri hilangnya beberapa kapal laut dan pesawat terbang di wilayah yang disebut 'Segitiga Bermuda' kini tersingkap sudah. Singkirkan jauh-jauh teori tentang pesawat luar angkasa alien, anomali waktu, piramida raksasa bangsa Atlantis, atau fenomena meteorologis.

Segitiga Bermuda adalah sebuah fenomena gas akut biasa, demikian tulis Gas alam, sama seperti gas yang dihasilkan oleh

Negara Terkaya di Planet Bumi

Banyak sebenarnya yang tidak tahu dimanakah negara terkaya di planet bumi ini, ada yang mengatakan Amerika, ada juga yang mengatakan negera-negara di Timur Tengah. Tidak salah sebenarnya, contohnya Amerika, negara super power itu memiliki tingkat kemajuan teknologi yang hanya bisa disaingi segelintir negara, contoh lain lagi adalah negara-negara di Timur Tengah.

Rata-rata negara yang tertutup

cara letak background dan border pada sidebar

Kebiasaanya warna ruangan posting dan sidebar pada template adalah sama.Mungkin ada yang inginkan kelainan dengan meletakkan border dan background yang berbeza pada sidebar.

Berikut adalah caranya:

Masuk ke dashboard-pilih layout dan klik Edit HTML
cari kod ini:

#sidebar {
padding:8px 0;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float */
background-image: url(letakkan url imej disini);
border:12 px dashed #0000FF;

jika tiada kod seperti diatas cari kod ini:
.fauxcolumn-right-outer .fauxcolumn-inner {
border-left: 1px solid $(body.rule.color);
background:url(letakkan url imej disini)repeat;
border:12 px dashed #0000FF;

background imej perlu diupload dan dapatkan url utk dimasukkan pada kod diatas
#cuma tambah kod warna merah.Untuk border selain dari dashed boleh juga ditukar dengan solid,dotted,ridge,groove.Begitu juga dengan kod warna bagi border juga boleh ditukar mengikut kesesuaian.

Ibu leka main Facebook, anak lemas..

Alkisah nya kejadian berlaku di luar negara (Denver), sumber dari akhbar tempatan yg deena baca tadi.
dimana bayi berusia 13 bulan mati lemas dalam kolam mandi . Leka bermain permainan "Cafe World" si ibu ni perasaan bila tak dengar apa-apa bunyi selepas 10 minit. didapati muka bayi tu dah tertangkup dalam air
patut la senyap..hmmmmm..

Itu lah bahanaya kalau dah jadi taik facebook tak hingat dunia dah. bukan tak boleh ber facebook yer tak ?
tapi agak-agak la kot yer pun.zaman skang memang tak boleh berenggang klu tak berfacebook, myspace, twitter dan banyak lagi.. so gunakanlah pada benda yg berfaedah dan tak melencong ke lain yer..  =)

p/s : kadang tu leka gak.. hehe

Pertemuan Bloggers 2010

2010 telah meninggalkan kita 2 minggu lepas...banyak kenangan pahit dan manis yang telah kita lalui sepanjang tahun tersebut, samada kita kehendaki atau tidak, itulah yang telah tertulis dan ditakdirkan untuk kita..
2010 juga telah menemukan saya dengan ramai bloggers, samada yang pernah saya jumpa sebelum ini, atau buat pertama kali..

Blogger PML(Pinggan Mangkuk Lama) collector/seller - Bro Shariffudin, BP

Zendy Zee dan Kak Ezzah,
(sewaktu menghadiri majlis perkahwinan anak Kak Ezzah)

Aeez, anak Kak Anie@Kak Lady dan Hana'

Pak Latip Talib, penulis prolifik tanahair,
menulis novel-novel sejarah Islam yang telah terjual laris...
(sewaktu menghadiri majlis perkahwinan anak Pak Latip)

Prof. Kamil Ibrahim, seorang ahli akademik dan penulis Travelog Haji, Travelog Dakwah,
juga sudah terjual laris ...
bersama isteri beliau, Puan Roza, yang juga telah menulis sebuah travelog iaitu Travelog Cinta...

bersama babazahra'(kini bekerja di Libya) dan isteri, Puan Muezah

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