Saturday, January 8, 2011

Think vintage wine

No, not that kind!   I Googled vintage wine and didn't get what I expected. Isn't everything about colour?  To anyone familiar with Benjamin Moore Paints ,Vintage Wine  2116-20 is the colour of the year for 2011. 

Out of all the colours in the Benjamin Moore palette,  how and why was Vintage Wine singled out as "the" colour for 2011?  Benjamin Moore's team of experts observe the world looking for inspiration and trends.   Sonu Mathew, senior interior designer at Benjamin Moore and blogger, notes that the team is always looking two years ahead.  That means that the colour of year for 2011 was chosen in 2009! The key concept for 2011 is balance -  buying into our efforts to find  calming influences  in a hectic, disorderly world. As Sonu puts it "Remember that 2011 is all about balance- work/play, nostalgia/future state, new purpose/old materials". There's no doubt Vintage Wine is a calming colour that is both comfortable and luxurious at the same time. 

What would Vintage Wine look like in our homes?

Trends in colour are just that - trends or patterns to be considered.  Does it mean we should repaint walls a deep brownish purple?  Perhaps not. If you like a colour there's a continuum of possibilities for its use from over the top to the merest hint of it.

This is my over the top application of a vintage wine colour.  I'm practical to the core and my personal design instinct for my  home is casual contemporary with lots of light colours, but  I love to contemplate extremes even when I know I could never live with  them .  This kitchen fills all my fantasy needs. I love its depth of colour and sleek lines, but I couldn't live with it for twenty years. That's my criteria when choosing hard surfaces or built ins in my home.

Soulful Living RM

This room is featured in Benjamin Moore's Envision 2011 brochure. The colour scheme is from  the Soulful palette referencing the global balance achieved through communication technology- what was once foreign is now familiar.  On the style front, these beliefs are evident in the  "ethnic glam" trend characterized by  pattern on pattern, map motifs and  arts and crafts from different cultures, etc. 

Design Hint: This is not a look for every room. Don't try this application unless you have lots of architectural details and a high ceiling.

This is a good way to use a dark colour.  You aren't limiting yourself to several years of looking at 2011's trend.  If you want to change it to something else you'll need only several hours of work and a quart of paint. I love the way the dark draws you down the hallway into the main part of the house. I'm not a fond lover of accent walls everywhere, but this works.

 Design Hint: Consider using a strong colour as a backdrop behind a light coloured  bed or sofa.  It allows you to keep your remaining walls light and  include a strong vertical line in rooms where horizontal lines dominate. It is also a great way to integrate dark and light furniture into a cohesive design. 


This colour, similar to Vintage Wine, is Benjamin Moore AF 650 Caponata .  It provides a great backdrop for the light  furniture and black chairs.  Without the amount of creamy white used here, this would  have been a dark, dingy room.

Design hint: Use dark colour on walls to provide contrast with  light furniture pieces. This application allows you to highlight your furniture while still controlling your  light colour balance.  My preferences are showing! Dark rooms and dark furniture depress me.

 This very sleek, modern room uses a purple green scheme as a backdrop for creamy white. I like the way that the vintage wine colour is used modestly as an accent. 

Design Hint: Are you tired of your wood grain entertainment unit? A current trend in decorating is re- purposing furniture. You many not own built ins that look like this, but you can achieve the look  with a similar paint combination. 


Just because I love the table and the sparseness of the room.... The sofa, plush and plum, is the luxurious item in the room.

Design Hint: Every room should have one luxurious item in it. Size doesn't count.

Sarah Richardson via Decor Pad

Design Hint: If you don't want to commit to design trends in a big way, accessorize with them. Pillows make great trend statements.  Consider recovering them when you want to nod toward the next colour trend. As always the magic colour, white allows you to do so much.
This is my idea of a luxury item for my kitchen. Le Creuset’s gorgeous enamelled pots, are the ultimate in my mind, but only in my dreams so far. I have a perfectly good set of stainless steel pots.  There's always the dream list....

What are your thoughts on using trend colours?

Cara letak background pada tajuk posting

Menghias blog tentunya menjadi kemestian kerana semua org nak cantikkan blog.Tujuan blog ini pun adalah bagi membolehkan rakan rakan mendapat sumber rujukan bagi membuat berbagai bagai perubahan pada template asal  dari blogger yang kita ketahui cuma dengan paparan yang terhad sahaja.Perubahan yang dibuat tentunya perlu mengambil kira keselesaan pengunjung.Kalau ada komen yang dibuat kita perlu ambil perhatian,kerana apa yang kita suka belum tentu org lain suka.
posting background

Untuk meletakkan background pada tajuk posting,tentunya seperti  biasa kita perlu sediakan imej terlebih dahulu.sesudah diupload dan dapat url untuk imej:

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Friday, January 7, 2011

Alasan Adanya Saku Kecil Pada Celana Jeans

Pernah tidak terlintas kenapa celana jeans selalu ada saku kecil di bagian sebelah kanannya? Selintas saku kecil ini tak ada fungsinya selain hanya tempelan untuk menambah aksentuasi gaya pemakainya, atau mungkin ciri khas celana jeans.
Namun, dari saku imut-imut inilah sebenarnya bisa dibaca sejarah celana yang dipopulerkan oleh Levi Strauss tahun 1880 ini, delapan tahun setelah jeans

10 Hewan Pemangsa Manusia Paling Terkenal Sepanjang Sejarah

Sebagian besar hewan predator dapat dan akan melihat manusia sebagai mangsa yang sesuai, di dalam situasi yang tepat. Namun, "pemakan manusia" sejati, ialah hewan individu yang lebih memilih daging manusia daripada daging lain, dan itu sangat jarang terjadi.

Daftar dibawah ini adalah pilihan dari beberapa kasus terburuk dari pemakan manusia yang tercatat dalam sejarah.

10. The lions of

True blood

On Rolling Stone:)

I Miss Your Smile!

 Dengan kawan-kawan rapat semasa Hari Raya Puasa
 Di Mesjid Sultan Zainal Abidin @ Mesjid Besi di PutraJaya
 Zubair seorang anak yang suka membaca, sambil menunggu pesanan makanan pun sempat baca buku lagi
Ummi rindukan senyuman Zubair itu!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Zaman Es Akan Terulang Lagi

-dikutip dari e-book

baca tulisanku ini dengan seksama. Ambil segelas minuman dan baca dengan teliti…Ini SERIUS !! Ini bukan bacaan sambil lewat. Kita sedang menjelang zaman es, bukan pemanasan global. Sebab :

1. Kita bukanlah penyebab terjadinya Pemanasan Global. Dalam kadar maksimal, hanya 3 % gas karbondioksida (CO2) yang dihasilkan umat manusia. Jumlah CO2

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