Friday, December 31, 2010

Selamat Tahun Baru !!!

Pertama kali deena sambut di langkawi. bleh la ada bunga api haa.. deena lepak di D'Baron Resort btul2 menghadap laut so pueh hati dpt tgk. suasana kt sini happening gak. tapi x semeriah waktu di kl lepak ngan kengkawan yer x..

Bila datang nya tahun baru dah tentu kita ada azam baru, azam tahun lepas dan lepas pun x tertunai lagi aper cer ?? hehe... itu la kdg kita sebagai manusia hanya mampu merancang dan setiap perancangan tu x seperti yg kita harapkan.. moga kali ni deena lebih fokus dan yakin dgn apa yg deena ceburi.
buat anak-anak ibu Dira, Syeera dan Danish, selamat tahun baru dan doa ibu untuk kalian sentiasa sihat, ceria dan kasih sayang ibu takkan pernah berubah sampai bila-bila. 

p/s : tak dapat temankan danish di sekolah lagi :( 


2010 wasn't too bad. Almost everything I wanted to be done was done. Hoping 2011 will be a better year. Feng Shui master said it will be a good year for those with the Virgo sign. I'd like to believe that :)

I'm not even done with the Christmas posts and New Year is here.
We had a small do at the halls.

Tortilla filled with peanut butter and chocolate spread


The ones who helped out with the words :)
The anticipation to look out for fireworks that goes BANG!

A nice finale to 2010 and a great start to 2011!

Anne Woods, Pemenang Rekor Wanita Terjelek di Dunia

Anne Woods akhirnya meraih juara dunia untuk ekspresi wajah jelek (gurning). Anne akan tercatat di Buku Rekor Guinness sebagai wanita terjelek di planet ini.

Sebenarnya Anne Woods sudah 27 kali mendapat Mahkota Gurning di acara Egremont Crab di Cumbria, tapi dia namanya gagal tercatat di buku rekor. Tapi karena kesuksesannya meraih juara sebanyak 27 kali ini, maka kini namanya bisa tercatat di

Sejarah Ikan Cupang di Indonesia

Cupang hias merupakan ikan asli yang hidup di kawasan Asia Tenggara Seperti Indonesia, Thailand, Singapura, Malaysia, dll. Ikan Cupang sekarang menjadi salah satu andalan export Indonesia ke mancanegara. Dalam sejarahnya ikan cupang dahulu sekali hanyalah ikan yang hidup di daerah persawahan.

Tapi sekarang sudah sangat berbeda dari bentuk aslinya dahulu. karena ikan cupang sudah bermutasi

Design trends for the new year

This time of year many design blogs and magazines present trend forecasts for the coming year.  They are interesting to read, but one has to recognize they are best guesses based on the knowledge and intuition  of the individual writer or design group.

On every newstand this month you'll see design magazines with design trends a prominent feature on their front covers. On closer inspection you may find there isn't a great deal of overlap from article to article and you have to work to piece together exactly what the trends are.  Exploration online offers almost too much information on the subject and the sheer quantity boggles your mind, but I keep reading.   Over the next several posts I'll  explore the  trends that appeal to my design aesthetic. 

This is a continuing trend from 2010 and I predict with the focus on everything green it will continue well into the future.  Finding creative ways to use what you have or to recycle furniture and objects from other sources  provides satisfaction on many levels. Re-purposing will be combined with buying new to develop a more unique, individual look that has a history. 

photo: Margaret Ryall
 artwork:  Will Gill  
This wicker chair acquired from a second hand store is one of my favourite pieces of furniture. I was attracted to it because of its unusual shape and I could see  beyond the horrible orange wicker and brown seat pad.  After four cans of spray paint it took on a new life.

I like a comfortable, more casual feel in my home,  therefore re-purposing has always been part of my design approach. I'm on the look out for a new chest of drawers to replace my sad little wicker set which is lost next to the chair. Then a  long overdue reorganization of this  space will be necessary.  The hunt is part of the fun.Yes, decorators have design problems like their clients and solutions need patience.

Sculptural White Objects:
The simplicity of grouped white pottery and sculpture has always appealed to me and I've used this interest in different ways over the years.  Finally it's a trend according to Canadian House and Home!

photos: Margaret Ryall

White vases to covet.....

Check out the attic and the back cupboard, talk to your family and friends. Perhaps you can re-purpose white objects into a beautiful grouping.

Salad- The best meal for a busy person

Easy to prepare, yet delicious, crunchy, juicy and satisfying

Krionika, Untuk Anda Yang Ingin Hidup Abadi

Pada tahun 1967, seorang agen rahasia Inggris "dibekukan" sembari menunggu masa yang akan datang di mana musuh bebuyutannya bangun dari tidur panjangnya dalam kebekuan untuk kembali mengancam dunia.

Masa itu tiba tahun 1997. Agen rahasia itu dibangkitkan kembali setelah diawetkan dalam es selama 30 tahun untuk menyelamatkan dunia dari kehancuran. Mungkin Anda mengenali skenario di atas

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