Saturday, December 11, 2010

Calories in Pasta, Noodles and Rice

Back home I know its carbs, I know its fattening, I know too much of it isn't good. But I've always chose to ignore it. As of right now, since I am doing most of the cooking on my own, I somehow become more aware of the 'bad stuff' of certain food. It's like when I earned my own money, I tend to be more concious of how I spend it. So, the same goes for the food I consume now.

Again, Google was my bestfriend =D

The LINK pretty much provides the answers I was searching for.

On another note: Does everyone know how to read the food labels on packets? I spoke to EJ yesterday and she was telling me how she reads the food label everytime before buying the item. of course, sometimes she closes one eye during those chocolate craving moments. I've probably glanced through the label, but only when I felt like it, but the labels were never really my first priority. Cravings were MY top priority! ;)

Food label claims are not as straightforward as they may seem. For instance, a food labeled "Sugar Free" actually contains sugar, and foods labeled "Calorie Free" contain calories.
What the food label really means: 
  • "Reduced," as in Reduced Sugar, Reduced Fat, Reduced Calories, Reduced Sodium, et al: Contains at least 25 percent less of the named offender than the regular version.
  • No Added Sugar: No sugars were added during processing.
  • Sugar Free: Contains fewer than 0.5 grams per serving.
  • Low Calorie: Contains 40 or fewer calories per serving.
  • Calorie Free or No Calories: Contains fewer than 5 calories per serving.
  • Light or Lite: Contains one-third fewer calories than the regular version, or less than 50 percent fat per serving.
  • Low Fat: Contains 3 grams or less fat per serving.
  • Fat Free: Contains fewer than 0.5 grams per serving.
  • XX% Fat Free: Based on the amount, by weight, of fat in 100 grams of the food. For example, a 100-gram serving of a food that is "97% Fat Free" would contain 3 grams of fat.
  • Low Cholesterol: Contains 20 mg or less cholesterol and 2 grams or less saturated fat per serving.
  • Cholesterol Free: Contains fewer than 2 mg of cholesterol and 2 grams or less of saturated fat per serving.
  • High Fiber: Contains 5 grams or more fiber and 3 grams or less fat per serving.
  • Good Source of Fiber: Contains 2.5 to 4.9 grams fiber per serving.
  • More Fiber or Added Fiber: Contains at least 2.5 grams more fiber per serving than the reference food.

Brocolli - the main staple in my diet in Glasgow. Read about the good and the bad, will write about it another day.

Jalan-jalan cari makan

Kebanyakkan entri dalam blog ni lebih pada persekitaran di Langkawi. almaklum la deena pun baru jer berhijrah kt sini. boring ? mula sampai mmg blur rindu ngan kengkawan di Kl,
dan keluarga di Puchong.. aduhhh sabor jer la kan..

cantikkan suasana di restoran kantan ni, tmpt ni terletak di pantai cenang, so biasa nyer
bila ada group atau orang perseorangan yg inginkan kelainan hubby deena selaku yg menguruskan percutian ke Langkawi dan aktiviti2 dorang akan bawa kt restoran ni. klu nk melalak layan karok pun ado..

restoran ni asal nyer dr rumah kampung jer, tapi bila dah di upgrade dengan cantik deena tengok dari luar rumah, bawah rumah sampai la bahagian dalam haa.. klu rasa nak buat candle light dinner dgn orang tersayang tempat ni yg sesuai coz suasana memang romantik beb.. deena tingin gak tapi tah bila nyer nk merasa huhu..

klu ada kengkawan plan nak dtg Langkawi tu hello2 la kat deena k...  byk lagi tempat2 
menarik yg deena x pegi lagi, insyaallah ada cite yg best deena share kt sini...

Deena : tingin nk usya tengok Gunung Raya plak :)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Such a fan...

of Kiara DioGuardi! I AM!! :)

AL-Hafiz : Syukur

Syukur Alhamdulillah...
semalam dapat panggil telefon dari anak di Maahad Tahfiz Al-Quran Hira' di Jeram..
Syukur ALhamdulillah...anak kelimakeenam saya (ummi silap kira pulak! hehehe) telah berjaya menghafaz 30 juzuk Al-Quran dalam masa setahun ..
Mu'adz memasuki MTQH pada awal tahun ini ...
namun begitu beliau perlu teruskan lagi setahun di MTQH untuk tujuan pemantapan ...
perlu memperkukuhkan lagi bacaan dan hafazan beliau...
Ini bermakna sudah 2 orang anak ku yang menjadi AL-Hafiz... 
sebelum ini, anak ke-3 ku, Ammar, telah pun berjaya menjadi seorang hafiz beberapa tahun lepas.
ALhamdulillah. Syukur kepadaMu Ya Allah...
Hanya airmata kegembiraan mengiringi kejayaan mereka.

Calorie counting biscuits

I had a conversertion with Amy yesterday about Digestive biscuits. Is it fattening?
Digestive biscuits has been part of most ppl's neccessity for binging when they are hungry after a meal... especially since digestives are sold at a pretty attractive price in Aldi. I myself have three packs of digestives in my room for winter days :)

So, eating too much of one thing makes us curious about how much fat/calories are in it... Just like the tortilla incident where we were crazy over it and were told that it was healthy but in the end found out it has an incredibly high levels of calories.

Google is my bestfriend =D

From the UK daily mail: DIGESTIVE BISCUITS
Pros: Contains protein and some dietary fibre, and are not loaded with artificial ingredients.

Cons: High in fat, particularly saturated fat. Also high in sugars, but low in vitamins and minerals. A chocolate topping adds more calories and fat. Digestives are also the saltiest of all mass-produced biscuits. Three of them supply as much sodium as a packet of crisps. Typical biscuits consist overwhelmingly of highly refined flour, generous quantities of sugar and chemically hardened vegetable fat. Healthier-seeming versions prominently featuring ingredients such as oats and dried fruits often contain just as much or even more sugar than the standard biscuit and surprisingly large amounts of fat. The worst thing about biscuits is the trans fats they contain - chemically altered fats produced when vegetable oils are hardened. The Department of Health recommends that we consume no more than 5g trans fats per day.

Also found a calorie counter for certain common biscuits/tortillas/bread:

I might have to cut down on eating Digestives ;)

Bilik rahsia WikiLeaks seperti filem James Bond

STOCKHOLM, Sweden – Bilik bawah tanah yang menempatkan pelayan-pelayan komputer milik pengasas laman web Wikileaks, Julian Assange (gambar) umpama set filem James Bond, lapor sebuah akhbar semalam.

Bilik itu menempatkan pelayan komputer mengandungi ratusan ribu e-mel dan dokumen rahsia yang menggemparkan seluruh dunia.

Sebelum ini, laman WikiLeaks mendedahkan lebih 250,000 kabel diplomatik melibatkan Amerika Syarikat (AS) yang mengandungi maklumat sulit.

Bilik bawah tanah itu merupakan bekas bilik bawah tanah nuklear sewaktu Perang Dingin.

Ia yang dibuka semula pada tahun 2008 menampilkan rekaan futuristik oleh seorang arkitek Sweden, Albert France-Lanord yang mendapat ilham daripada set filem James Bond ciptaan Sir Kenneth Adams.

Ruang yang luas itu digali di bahagian bawah Taman Vita Berg di Stockholm.

Bilik itu dilengkapi dengan sebuah bilik persidangan, koridor kaca dan perabot-perabot mahal.

Pokok-pokok juga dapat hidup kerana terdapat cahaya matahari selain wujudnya air tejun buatan.

Enjin kapal selam Jerman, U-Boat, digunakan sebagai janakuasa kecemasan.

Assange memilih Sweden kerana undang-undang negara itu melindungi kumpulan yang memperjuangkan kebebasan bersuara.
Di bawah undang-undang Sweden, WikiLeaks dan pihak yang membocorkan maklumat sulit tidak boleh didakwa.

Laman WikLeaks dibiaya menerusi sumbangan orang awam.

Assange kini ditahan di Britain selepas polis menangkapnya dengan menggunakan waran tangkap polis Sweden atas dakwaan merogol dan mencabul dua wanita. – Agensi

sumber: di sini

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Traffic tinggi - Keyword apa???

Ni cerita dah basi..beberapa hari lalu, tetapi nak ceritalah juga...sebab graph nya luarbiasa..
hurm..taklah sehebat otai-otai blogger yang lain yang dapat ribu-ribu traffic setiap HARI tu ya...
tetapi okaylah juga kan..daripada tak ada...
Apa yang luar biasa pada 6 Disember 2010 tu ya? 
Oh ya...baru ingat ...rupa-rupanya saya ada tulis satu entri berkenaan Awal Muharram 1432H ...
mungkin ramai yang dok search mengenai do'a akhir tahun dan awal tahun sempena tahun baru hijriah...
tapi sekarang ni susah lah nak maintain macam tu...dah jatuh balik...
wbgmnpun ...terimakasih En Nuff, at least adalah earning juga kan...
terimakasih pengunjung PMA !

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