Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Gambar Misteri Lukisan 11 September

Sebut sahaja tragedi 11 september, semua orang akan membayangkan saat WTC di Amerika Syarikat dirempuh oleh kapal terbang.

Tarikh keramat 11 september ini jugalah yang sentiasa akan dikenang warga Amerika di sana. Sejak dari peristiwa tersebut, semuanya saling menuding jari bagi melihat siapakah yang bertanggungjawab serangan ini.

Akhirnya Islam juga dituduh sebagai pengganas dan ini

Watch Soul Surfer (2011) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading A Touching Movie

see-turkeySoul Surfer overall a very good and emotional movie. It's worth watching. The scenes are beautiful and the story is good. I think this film is really great for emotional people, it will bring you into the story and will make you feel you are right next to the actors and actresses. I don't understand how this movie didn't gain a lot attention in 2011. It is made from a real life story.

How to watch Soul Surfer For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch Soul Surfer (2011) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. It's very easy. It's very easy. Watch Soul Surfer 2011 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Watch Friends with Benefits (2011) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading A sweet Romantic Comedy

see-turkeyFriends with Benefits a funny good movie. Two different people make a deal to become friends with benefits. Justin and Mila are a cute couple. I am really very surprised with this movie! I expected it to be typical romantic comedy but I was wrong. It's funny and sweet. Justin and Mila had that great chemistry. I definitely recommend everyone to see this film! Enjoy movie.

How to watch Friends with Benefits For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch Friends with Benefits (2011) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. It's very easy. It's very easy. Watch Friends with Benefits 2011 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Afternoon tea @ Ocho on the canal, Glasgow

I went to Ocho on the Canal again today. This time instead of fish and chips, we had afternoon tea. The difference between afternoon tea and tea break is that afternoon tea means 12pm, the other is at 2.30pm. Basically, we had lunch at Ocho :)

Fish and Chips was fantastic the last time Ann and I tried it. This time round it was tea with five Thai girls and two Malaysians. Lovely time spent with new friends and one hour with a table of six ladies chatting is never enough.

The food served was ok. We had the voucher from Living Social so it was cheap. Otherwise, I would say its always not worth paying for tea as its just scones, cakes and sandwiches. Everything could be made at home. I'd recommend the scones at Ocho but the sandwiches were tooo tiny and the filling for each sandwich was pathetic.

Other than that, the company was great and the service was good as last time.

Kita serupa....

Tugas kita di dunia sebagai khalifah. Mengajak manusia ke arah kebaikan dan menentang kebatilan. Tapi nampaknya fokus manusia sekarang lebih kepada keduniaan, yg bersifat sementara. Contohnya mengejar kemajuan. Mengharap bantuan. Tang menegakkan kebenaran kurang difokuskan.

Zaman nabi dulu org kaya akan menyumbangkan segala harta untuk melaksanakan syariat Islam, membantu yg miskin. La ni org jd kaya utk bina rumah besar juta2, kereta mewah, pakaian mahal2, jiran x makan pun dia x ambik tau.

Bila bekerja nak ada ofis yg selesa, pengangkutan disediakan, elaun dan macam2 lagi. Padahal buat kerja x tara mana, lebih kepada peribadi. Kalu zaman sahabat dulu, kalu hal peribadi mereka xkan guna barang kerajaan. Kita sekarang buleh pun. Tp masih berkira kalu nak buat kerja lebih. Kalu dah pukul 5 ada org mai lagi, kita kata dah abis waktu kerja, datang esok yer. Padahal kalu buat sat apa salahnya.....

Opps dah pukul 5.....jom balik......

X membazir ke????

AL maklum nak pilihanraya, berterabur bendera parti kat tepi2 jalan, atas pokok, tepi tiang, tepi trapik light. Rasanya semua dah maklum akan bendera ni parti mana bendera nu parti mana. Perlukah diletak banyak2 sampai macam tu....x membazir ker? Kan membazir amalan syaitan. Ada yg buat bentuk meriam, jet, wau dll......Cukup x kalu letak 1 jer poster undilah bla bla bla......besor2.....

Sekadar perkongsian.....

teduh sikit....

tu dia....


kalau besok..


Kalau besok saya takda.....

 boleh tolong doakan untuk saya?


terima kasih.

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