Friday, August 31, 2012

Salam kemerdekaan ke 55

Sori, lewat sehari. Semoga kemerdekaan terus dapat dikecapi hingga ke generasi seterusnya. Walau ramai yg bertanya, merdekakah kita? X usah dilayan. Kerana yg benar2 merasai nikmat merdeka ni ialah org2 yg hidup sebelum merdeka. Yg baru2 ni xyah la sembang. Lahir je dah merdeka. Mcm xdak apa la.

Signature Hotel, Kuantan

Of late, TF has been staying in Kuantan due to some ongoing work projects. It is pretty difficult to choose an appropriate hotel when in Kuantan due to the lack of reviews on the internet. Furthermore, more  new hotels are being opened in Kuantan. With his experience in staying in various hotels around Kuantan, he very kindly shared with me to allow me to  post it on my blog :)

Signature hotel has 47 rooms available. Walk-in bookings can sometimes be cheaper than the online booking. So, it is best to call the hotel to check their rates first, before booking online. I was also told that charges a processing fee which then means you will have to pay extra.

 No. 41, Tkt. Bawah & Mezz, Jalan Beserah, 25000 , Kuantan, Pahang. tel+609 513 2919

Signature Hotel was one hotel I stayed in recently. First thing to put in my mind is, do not expect much from hotels with price range of RM95-Rm150 per night. When I first step foot into the lobby of this hotel, the whiff of fresh paint was unavoidable. This was because the hotel was just opened four months ago. Other than that, the lobby was tidy and clean. The interior was simple yet showed some class.

I am actually sitting at the lobby while blogging because the lobby's atmosphere is decent. There are many Malaysian chinese people who are hotel guests here. The black sofa I am sitting on is pretty comfortable. More comfortable than the room which only has a small stool.

At the lobby, there are also newspapers provided for free reading.

The service, I must say, is impeccable. The receptionist was this naturally friendly guy. Not that type I see in posh hotels, where they are trained to be friendly. He was helpful and happy to answer any queries we had. That is a plus point when staying in a hotel - Good service! He even offered to get me some nasi lemak for breakfast, so that I did not need to cross the road. It does make one feel at home to have caring staff like that.

This hotel provides daily housekeeping. Since it was a weekday, I think the housekeeper was not busy. So, I could just walk down to the lobby and request for her to clean my room now since I was going out. Of course, she will still clean your room that day even without asking. If you do not wish to have your room cleaned, you could also just request for a change of towels. The housekeeper was happy to oblige and very friendly. You know how sometimes I get intimidated by the staff elsewhere because of their rudeness and stuck up behaviour, in Signature Hotel its different. I am not even paid by them to write this review!

I stayed in a room with a queen size bed and one bathroom. Basically, when you enter the room, its already the bedroom with a shelved cupboard on my right and then the bathroom. There is also a TV with 12 channels (eg: Star movies, national geographic, other local channels)
The bathroom is decent. They lack a shower curtain which makes the entire toilet wet after I shower. I did not like that part because wet toilets just feels disgusting. Anyway, the ventilation is good and the aircond is pretty strong, so the toilet floor does dry up fast.

Although the hotel is located along the pretty busy street of Jalan Berserah, but I was not disturbed by the sounds of traffic when I was in the hotel room. The one thing lacking in the room was a kettle to boil hot water. There are also no cups or complementary coffee or tea. Complementary mineral water were provided..

Signature Hotel is located on the same row as Jawhari Cat Medical Centre, Syarikat Menang Glassware (a shop selling dining utensils), Al-Ikhsan (Sports shop), Klinik Dr. Ko and 7-Eleven. In my opinion, if there is a 7-eleven nearby, its good enough to survive. I found out from the 7-eleven staff that they provide hot water for free, which is good given that the hotel does not provide hot water. But, of course, you will have to bring your own cup to take the hot water as the hot water in 7-11 was actually for the maggi cup noodles. So, thats where the glassware shop comes in handy if you need to buy a cup ;)

Other hotels in Kuantan review:
-Signature Hotel, Kuantan

Thursday, August 30, 2012

tiada akhirnya ~ 2

pagi tadi saya suruh suami pi kedai.

abang, apa kata kita buat macam orang dulu-dulu, suami beli je apa pun, isteri masak. macam tok dengan chaq dulu-dulu.

ish!! apa tak reti jenis tu! ni nak beli apa ni?!

yang tu pun tak tau!apa la.. beli santan ngan sawi, ikan ada dah. nak buat gulai. 

balik je dari kedai..

ni ada daging, buat daging masak merah!

laa..mana tau. pi buka tenet, cari resepi.

macam tau-tau je.. sat!

5 minit kemudian...

ha..buat resepi ni, daging masak merah ala thai..

15 minit kemudian..

 kesian isteri abang, hari cuti kena masak..(sambil buat buka gediks + sakit hati)

amboih!!! benti masak baru tau!

suami saya memang selalu je perli saya! saya bukan tak suka masak, suka..tapi selera kami tak sama! apa yang saya suka dia xsuka. kalau masak pun dia makan sikit je! makanan yang dia suka pulak saya xsuka. bila saya masak, saya pulak makan sikit! lagipun 2 orang je nak makan.. 


Zouk @ Midvalley

Celebrating The eve of Merdeka with Tiger beer, spaghetti ala marinara and deep fried spicy squid heads. All three were pretty good!

We ordered Zouk's Sandwich at first, but the waiter came back and told us all their bread expired..... Lol

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Riang riuh anak pakcik Sulaiman di hari raya !

 tks eyna, bwkkan daging dendeng.. mabeles !

Tahun ni umah mak beraya sakan mana tak nyer semua anak-anak dia balik beraya. walau dalam keadaan sederhana aku tetap maintain gumbira menyambut bersama anak-anak. Mak n abah suka jer bila anak-anak dia semua ada depan mata. Tu belum lagi segerabak cucu-cucu dan menantu , memang best sangat !

pasni kitorang buat gangnam style k !

Tiap kali hari raya mak tak pernah mis buat lemang, bahulu, rendang minang dan ketupat. kalau nak tau waktu di puchong dulu mak tokey lemang dari bulan puasa sampai ke malam raya membako lemang. memang masyukkk tapi skang mak tak larat dah nak berdiang kat api katanyer, buat makan untuk anak beranak jer.

p/s: next entri mengkukis biskut siput lemak berkrim... tungguuu :)

Chocolate cake

Cakes are so sinful. I will make them, but I would not really eat them. I made a chocolate cake today.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

suka! suka!


suka  suka!!
damainya bila tengok kehijauan tu..
rasa macam nak borong semua!!

Gambar Belangkas