Friday, August 24, 2012


Hari Raya kedua kami berkunjung ke rumah kakak ipar di Parit Raja, Batu Pahat. Cuma ada keluarga Kak Yati, keluarga Nan (adik hubby) dan keluarga Kak Zai. Tidak dapat berjumpa keluarga Abang Adol (dari Mersing) dan keluarga Abang Anim (dari Melaka)

Selepas kedua-dua bapa mertua dan emak mertua sudah tiada, keriangan berhari raya di kampung suami sudah berkurangan... Namun, demi mengeratkan hubungan kekeluargaan di antara adik-beradik suami, kami berpakat untuk berkumpul di rumah kak Yati setiap hari Raya kedua atau ketiga. 
Alhamdulillah, kemudahan internet juga telah dapat menyambung tali silaturrahim antara anak-anak kami (antara sepupu) kerana mereka selalu dapat berhubung melalui FB ...

my Burger Lab, Taman SEA (Sea Park)

Also read: my Burger Lab (First experience)

My burger experience rankings. Click on links to read more:
Sixth place: Chilli's Cheeseburger, KLCC/Midvalley

If you have not tried Burger Lab, you should! It is after all one of the best burgers found in KL and its freshly made. The burger's bun is also fantastic and no other burger buns can beat Burger Labs ones.

The downside to this place was location. Very limited parking spaces. You need to know how to side park la. I live in ampang, so Taman SEA isn't actually nearby.... I won't even go to that unfamiliar area if I didnt have someone else driving me there.

Uhm there was another downside. The shop is small. Limited seats. And just like waiting for Abang Burn's burger bakar, I do not recommend you to wear pretty clothes or go anywhere else after a visit to Burger Lab because your hair and clothes will stink. Their kitchen is open concept... Need better ventilation in my opinion.

By 5.30pm, the place was packed. The queue was so long. There were people everywhere. It was claustrophobic!!! There was also a sign outside the main door telling customers the waiting time
Was 30-45minutes.

We arrived at 5.10pm. Still had a decent place to sit. The wait was not too long. Maybe because we were playing a word game called Snatch.

Burgers came. Free flow of soda. Fries came. Very satisfying but did not really feel full enough xD
I had the 'say cheese burger' which was just cheeseburger. My bro has something burger with peanut butter which he found amazing. And i dont b the other burger since I wasnt the one
Placing the orders and the burger pics all look similar.

Its always best to go to Burger Lab with a friend or two. Advantages of going with friends:
1. If cannot find parking at least one person can go down and queue up first to order.
2. If one person dont know how to side park, maybe the other friend knows how to.
3. While you order, your other friend can go and save a seat for you.
4. The burgers can sometimes take awhile, so better to have someone to talk to or play games with while waiting. We brought this word game called Snatch to pass our time :)

Opening hours: 5pm till 10.30pm (tue - sunday)

What a coat of paint can do!

I love eclectic pieces of furniture rather than matched when I decorate my own home. Sometimes I paint these finds and other times  I strip the original finish and create a custom wash . 

  We recently had to replace this green washed oak  dresser in our summer house when we relocated  it  to our newly renovated master bedroom  in town (that will be another post).

We bought this gem  at  Habitat for Humanities Restore for $20 dollars when it passed my husband's structural integrity test being  pronounced solid and square with good sliding drawers. Sometimes being married to a wood worker can become tiresome.  I liked it  because it had great lines. 

 The walls of this bedroom have been  Ben Moore Revere Pewter for ten years.    I wanted the ocean view  to be the focal point so I choose a colour for the dresser  that was just a little darker than the walls.

  I sanded liberally and primed with Ben Moore Advance Primer.  The colour is  Ben Moore CSP upper west side (Aura). I love this gray as much as I love Revere Pewter.  I think Revere Pewter is the perfect gray so that is quite a standard to match. I'm still debating painting the legs. They blend in with the floor and the tips are gold.  My current feeling is leave them because gray would accentuate the gold tips.  

I have to admit that the knobs and handles  purchased at Home Depot cost 4 times the price of the dresser, but they were a must to keep the mid century modern feel of the piece. 

Take note

Don't marry a man unless you are proud to have a son exactly like him

Wan dan Atok

Alhamdulillah, syukur ke hadrat Allah kerana masih lagi dapat menyambut Hari Raya pada tahun ini bersama-sama ayah dan ibu tersayang..

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Iftar terakhir dalam bulan Ramadhan 2012

Hari terakhir berpuasa, kami telah bertolak pulang ke kampungku di Kpg Rimba Terjun, Pontian , Johor.  Keluarga kakak juga telah pulang sehari lebih awal..keluarga abangku juga ada ..riuh sungguh rumah atok dan Wan.. dengan 17 orang cucu + seorang cucu menantu (anak sedara baru kahwin bulan June 2012) ..
Alhamdulillah, Ramadhan 2012 telah berlalu, dan sekali lagi kami dapat menyambutnya bersama mak dan abah tercinta...umur abah sudah 89 tahun...Wallahu'alam ... entah siapa yang akan pergi dahulu menemui Allah SWT hanyalah dalam pengetahuanNYA ..kali ini dapat bersama-sama anak sulung yang sudah pulang dari Jordan ...3 generasi : wan, atok, ummi dan kak long
 Di hujung meja adalah cucu menantu yg pertama, Ali
 Juadah berbuka  ...
Anak saudara sulung, Firdaus, belanja makan Red Lobster..

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Gambar Belangkas