Sunday, February 19, 2012

Karikatur politik

Kung FU politik
 Aku minat gak nak lukis karikatur macam ni. Tapi lukis potret pun x lepas lagi. Mimik muka kartun tu yg payah skit.

Tp la ni x dan dah nak lukis2 ni. Nk kena kepung putra dan putri. Kalau lukis kapal korek dgn lori panjang tu selalu la, anak sulung suruh. Janji banyak tayar.

Lukis guna air kopi

Air kopi jer, roti xder?
X yah beli kala air, kala magik, kala pensil pakai air kopi jer. Tp yg penting nyer bakat melukis ler. Kalau x pandai lukis, pakai la kala pa2 pun x lawa, x seni gak....

Awat x pakai air teh, ke milo ke, milo mahal sikit. Air suam lak x nampak pa2 la.

On off Timer

Utk on dan off kan lampu atau apa2 alat2 letrik ikut waktu. Contoh nk on lampu kul 8 mlm off kul 12 mlm secara automatik. 1 pin set utk 15 minit plg minima la. 1 jam kena tekan 4 pin.

Lebih mudah, xyah buat litar yg rumit2. Bli je. Kat c4 pun ada....

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Wang Kertas Malaysia Siri Ke 3 ( 1976 - 1981)

 RM100 SIRI KE 3





Pekan Koboi xdak kuda

Mana p kuda, koboi, lembu pun x dak. Kedai jual topi koboi pun xdak. Jual topi keledar byk.
Dulu naik moto x pakai helmet, la ni jgn tebeng la. Datuk duk meronda. Balai polis punya besar, siap ngn jel pa. Hehehe

Nanti akan ada 2 jln utk ke taiping. X sesak bl raya.

Jasamu Tetap Kukenang

Walaupun ditinggalkan dalam tong sampah semasa kecil, dia x berdndm kt org tuanya. Tp msh berhrp dpt menemui mereka utk mengucapkn terima kasih krn membiarkan dia hidup.
Kebanyakan bayi yg di buang dah mati, kesian. Susah2 curi2 wat projek, susah2 sorok perut 9 bln, dah beranak pun sorok2. Seksanya hidup, pas2 p seksa hidup org lain lak. Tp dia ni bernasib baik, pjg umur gak.

Nk juga trm kasih sbb mengandungkan dan melahirkan dia.

Tp anak2 la ni x kn buang cm2 pun marah mak bpk mcm2. X blikn benda yg dia nk je mengamuk sakan dah. Elok buang gak dlm tong smpah.

Wallpaper as an accent

Having an accent wall is popular  in home decorating, but many decorators are very selective or down right negative about the idea. I wrote at length about accent walls in another post and listed 5 reasons to consider an accent wall. Accent walls either work well or are dismal failures. Make sure yours is in the successful category.  

Recently a reader requested that  I write a post about using wallpaper  to create a focus wall.  Ask and you shall receive. Here are my thoughts on the topic.

The most obvious wall

Golf House contemporary bedroom

 Any recessed area works well as an accent wall because it allows you to use the  architectural features of the room to good advantage. This bedroom shows how well a recessed feature can be highlighted . In addition, the paint colour totally supports the wallpaper design.  This is one of the biggest areas where you can mess up. 

Living Room Chic eclectic bedroom

This is another bedroom where the pattern beautifully accentuates everything else in the room.  The colour scheme is quiet and the wall colour blends well with the tones in the paper.  


This room has a completely different vibe with its pinkish red walls and white and black accent pattern.  It isn't a look I personally like because there is just too much colour for me. That doesn't make the design wrong. With the white furniture you really need  colour on the walls. 

Queensway master contemporary bedroom

The wall behind a bed is the most advantageous wall to accent The furniture placement  makes it the focal point in the room and you are merely enhancing it with your wallpaper choice.  Consider the effect that large mirrors have on this design.  The mirrored doors create two accent walls and the  impact effect is diminished and for some people it would be visually confusing..

 David Howell Design contemporary bedroom

How do you feel about the accent wall in this room? Do you think the designer choose the best wall to highlight? Does the wall colour work well with the colour scheme in the wallpaper?  My answer would be negative on all counts.  To be fair, one could argue the use of pattern on the opposite wall as a way to  distribute visual  weight in the room. There's always more than one way to look at design.

 To highlight furniture

Light coloured furniture always looks great with a pattern behind it.  When you add pattern that is this dark and strong remember to consider how it will look with what is happening in the next room. 


Don't be afraid of large scale pattern on one wall.  There is lots of pattern in this room, but it works because the designer stuck to a tight colour scheme. When you choose bold patterns remember how much harder you have to work to find art that will hold its own on the pattern.  The two small pieces  above are lost in the pattern.  Something bolder and larger would have been a better choice. Sometimes the devil is in the smallest details.  When you look at this design what is the first thing you notice?  For me it's the sofa and not the patterned end wall.  Perhaps this is what the designer wanted to achieve and that might account for the downplay of art on the wallpaper.  Again, more than one way to look at things. 

 Stand alone walls and dividers

Look for opportunities to wallpaper where you have stand alone walls that will work well as an accent.  Often temporary walls or stand alone walls are used as dividers in condos or basement apartments.  It is a way to divide space without closing it off. 

  Wallpaper as art

 Think about all the ways you could use wallpaper as art . Use trim to emphasize a design and fill in with wallpaper.  The sky's the limit for this. I particularly like the grid created for the dining room wall with two colours of wallpaper.  The colour tones work very well together.

Highlight a small area


 Fireplace walls  that extend beyond the  main wall offer a perfect place to add pattern.   You can be very bold because there isn't much pattern used.  Would you use these accents on the mantle or different ones?  Do they stand out or are the lost? Does the arrangement need some height.  Displaying objects against a bold pattern takes some thought . There's lots of choice in things to move around in this room. Check out lots of other images on this great post about wallpaper accents.

Define a  space with just a strip or two of wallpaper as a backdrop. 

And there you have it.  There are all kinds of ways to brighten your home with wallpaper accents.  This only scratches the surface.  You might want to refer to this other post I wrote on the topic last year. I also have a growing collection of ideas for your walls on Pinterest.

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