Monday, December 29, 2014


Villa Nabila filem seram arahan Shafiq Yusof terbitan Viper Studios & Skop Productions bakal di tayangkan pada pertengahan Januari 2015 ini amat dinanti nantikan.Dengan harapan filem bergenre seram ini tidak sama seperti filem-filem yang kita pernah tonton sebelum ini.


CUEPACS mohon kerajaan mempercepat bayaran bonus penjawat awam

KUALA LUMPUR - Bagi meringankan beban kewangan akibat banjir yang melanda beberapa buah negeri, Kongres Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja Dalam Perkhidmatan Awam (CUEPACS) memohon kerajaan agar mempercepat bayaran bonus penjawat awam kepada awal bulan Januari 2015.

Presidennya, Datuk Azih Muda berkata, memandangkan keperluan sekolah yang dibeli oleh penjawat awam untuk anak-anak mereka musnah akibat banjir, bayaran bonus amat diperlukan golongan berkenaan bagi membuat persiapan awal persekolahan.

"Kami faham keprihatinan kerajaan melalui pengumuman bayaran awal Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) dan penangguhan permulaan sesi persekolahan, jadi CUEPACS harap kerajaan boleh mempertimbangkan juga bayaran (awal) bonus kepada penjawat awam.

"Jika bayaran bonus diawalkan, mungkin ibu bapa sempat membuat persediaan untuk persekolahan anak-anak mereka," katanya dalam sidang media di Wisma CUEPACS di sini, hari ini. - Bernama

Sunday, December 28, 2014


LONDON – Seorang pelukis di sini mendakwa dia telah dikunjungi oleh makhluk asing sebanyak enam kali dalam tempoh 10 tahun yang lalu.

Pelukis itu, Lloyd Canning, 33, berkata, dia pertama kali merakamkan gambar makhluk asing selepas melihat sebuah kapal angkasa besar berlegar-legar di atas keretanya pada tahun 2005.

Bagaimanapun, selepas beberapa hari kejadian tersebut, bapa kepada dua orang anak itu berkata, dia seolah-olah dipaksa melukis imej makhluk asing yang mahu berkomunikasi dengan manusia.

Sejak itu, Canning berkata, dia gemar menghasilkan imej-imej berbentuk makhluk asing dan potret planet, namun merahsiakan kesemua koleksi itu kerana khuatir orang ramai akan mentertawakannya.

"Malah, sejak kejadian itu, saya sering terbayang-bayang imej makhluk asing pada setiap minggu. Apabila keadaan itu berlaku, saya tidak mempunyai pilihan selain terpaksa melukis imej-imej tersebut.

"Saya terpilih mungkin kerana seorang pelukis. Mereka mahu menggunakan saya supaya dapat memberitahu orang ramai mengenai kehadiran mereka menerusi karya lukisan," jelasnya.

Menceritakan mengenai imej itu, dia berkata, dia pernah melihat satu objek besar tetapi tiada sayap.

"Objek berbentuk bulat itu berterbangan tanpa mengeluarkan sebarang bunyi. Namun, saya tidak nampak seluruh kapal angkasa makhluk asing berkenaan kerana amat besar," jelasnya.

Bagaimanapun, selepas bertahun-tahun menyimpan kebanyakan karya yang berbentuk makhluk asing, Canning berkata, dia kini bercadang mempamerkan kesemua koleksi yang menyeramkan itu kepada orang ramai.

Misteri Sumpahan Jam Randik Patek Philippe 1933

LONDON - Sebentuk jam randik mewah berharga 15 juta pound (RM79 juta), didakwa memiliki sumpahan apabila tiga individu termasuk pemilik serta insan tersayang mereka meninggal dunia sewaktu jam berkenaan berada dalam simpanan mereka.

Sheikh Saud Bin Mohammed Al-Thani.

Terbaharu, kerabat diraja Qatar, Sheikh Saud Bin Mohammed Al-Thani, 48, meninggal dunia minggu lalu, dua hari sebelum beliau

Saturday, December 27, 2014


Si isteri yang turut bingung kehilangan kandungan

Yogyakarta: Seorang lelaki semalam mendakwa anak yang dikandung isterinya hilang secara tiba-tiba beberapa hari sebelum isterinya melahirkan cahaya mata pertama mereka."Selepas 17 tahun berkahwin, ini kali pertama isteri saya mengandung. Tetapi ketika menanti hari untuk melahirkan, bayi itu hilang dari perut isteri saya," kata Sumarno kepada wartawan di Nitikan Barat Semanu Gunung Kidul.Menurut Sumarno, 49, isterinya Susilah yang sudah sembilan bulan mengandung menjerit seperti orang hilang akal pagi kelmarin sebaik terjaga dari tidur."Sebaik mendengar jeritannya, saya meluru ke bilik. Dia meraung dan berkata kandungannya dicuri. Saya melihat perutnya yang besar sebelum ini kempis," kata Sumarno.Dia sendiri menyaksikan perut Susilah, 41, besar, seperti orang mengandung sembilan bulan sebelum tidur malam itu.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Fresca Mexican Restaurant @ Avenue K

Fresca Mexican and Grill recently opened in Avenue K and it is located conveniently at the side entrance of the mall. It is connected to Dolly Dim Sum, which is a halal dim sum restaurant and I have been patronising it a couple of times because finally, there is a place to have dim sum for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I will write about Dolly Dim Sum on the next post.

My family and I decided to try Fresca as our Christmas lunch. Given that Dolly Dim Sum's quality was good, we had hope for Fresca too :)

Mum and I were famish upon arrival that we just grabbed the menu and started ordering. 

What we had:
Nachos Grande- 

It was so delicious because they were generous with the amount of melted cheese and warm nachos! It was much more satisfying eating it here than in Chillis and TGIF.

Mixed chicken and beef Fajitas -

It came with three pieces of fajitas wrap which I think was not enough. They should have given 5 pieces instead. Nevertheless, the chicken and beef was tender, juicy and tasty.

Alambre - Grilled beef tacos -

Tacos is always a must when eating at a Mexican restaurant. I had my first taco from Taco bell when I was in USA and I had another taco dish recently at Sunrise Tacos in Bangkok. Sunrise Tacos was amazing with their crispy corn tacos. The tacos in Fresca were soft and not the crispy kind. I prefer the crispy ones. Beef, I would stick to beef fajitas :)

We finished those three dishes before my brother and girlfriend arrived as we were so hungry. Second round of orders were necessary:

Beef Fajitas - My parents and I loved Fresca's beef fajitas so we recommended my brother to get that. True enough, he loved it but again, the dish could come with about five pieces of the fajitas wrap instead of just three pieces. I know there is an option to order more pieces but five pieces on the first order would have made the meal 100% satisfying.

Chicken Quesadilla - 

Another favourite dish to order in a Mexican restaurant. This was pretty good because there was enough cheese and the entire meal fit together really well. 

Churros with chocolate -

 We are still on the lookout for amazing churros we had in Disneyland USA! Unfortunately, the churros in Fresca did not make the cut. It was the oily kind like 'you tiao'. But dipping with the chocolate sauce helps give the sweetness. 

All in all, the food is good. I would go back for the Nachos Grande and Beef Fajitas. I would also try the burritos next time :)

La Risata @ Ampang

A nice, cosy restaurant I went to called La Risata, located near the Ampang Lake. Its an Italian restaurant. The ambience was very nice for a night out with friends and family. I liked that the restaurant was brightly littled and the ceiling was high so it didnt feel too stuffy or crowded. 

Opening hours for dinner was 6.30pm. I was there at 6.30pm and most of the tables were reserved already. Reservations were necessary. By the time it was 7.30pm, the crowd came and all the restaurant was full before I knew it. This was how popular La Risata was and It has been around for quite awhile.

Pizzas were one of their specialty. I was torned between their Christmas specials, pizza or pasta. In the end, I caved in on their lobster spaghetti, which was a bit too salty to my liking and the speaghetti was a tad soggy. I personally preferred the spaghetti at The Loaf, Pavillion.

For starters, we had garlic bruschetta. It lacked the strong garlic flavour.

Tiramisu to end the night. Not too bad.

I wouldn't go back there to try the same dishes. But I would return to try their pizza and meat dishes.

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