Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How to choose drapery hardware

The devil is in the details and simple decisions can lead to big impact both good and bad.  Since there aren't any  absolutes in decorating, things often  come down to personal preferences.  One of the the things I'm fussy about is what colour rods to use to hang drapes.

There's lots to choose from.

Metal hardware is available in a variety of finishes : wrought iron,  aluminum, chrome, brass, and oil rubbed bronze. Wood hardware is available in almost any finish, from natural blond to dark espresso.
types of drapery rods
Styles of drapery hardware
 There's two ways you can go when choosing a colour for your rod. Choose a color that matches:
  •  other items in the room
  •   the colour of the drapery   
  When you choose to match  other items in the room it is often a good idea, but it doesn't always work as you can see in the photos below.

black drapery rods bedroom

It is obvious that the rod colour decision was based on matching to the dark woods in the room, but why would you want to break the lofty look that is going on here with horizontal dark lines?  When I look at this room, my eye automatically goes to the ceiling.  Contrast always draws the eye.  You probably don't want a focal point near the ceiling! 

black drapery rods printed drapes living room

This rod is also dark, but the same thing isn't happening because the drapes are highly coloured and patterned.  I still would not use black.  In fact I probably would rarely use black because it is too harsh unless you have black drapes or it is a very modern decor. In this room I would look for something lighter that blended with the wooden blind too and make the whole thing more of a unit.

This is a good neutral colour when you have golden tones in a room. 

You also have to watch where you use wooden blinds. The combination below really works.   

bamboo roll up bamboo drapery rod  

 This is a very cohesive look.  When you add wood blinds you automatically introduce a more casual element to the space and usually the colour is lighter. Choose your rod accordingly.

back pleated drapes light gold rod

 This rod has enough colour to be noticed and it allows the drapes to have center stage. Imagine what a different room it would be if the rod  were black.

black drapery rod with banded drapes

How do you feel about this rod choice with these drapes?  Certainly  the black isn't as harsh as in some of the other examples, but it does compete a little too much with the horizontal banding for my taste. Personally I would choose something more neutral  to  match the top of the drapes.

light drapery rod cohesive look

A pulled together look. 

What are your thoughts on choosing an appropriate drapery rod for your space. Do  you have an aversion to black rods in light spaces?

Monday, June 25, 2012

Syiling terbesar di Dunia....

Syiing bernilai A$1 juta ini merupakan syiling bulion emas terbesar di Dunia, dicetak oleh The Perth Mint, Australia's.

Diilhamkan dari siri syiling emas kangaroo, syiling besar ini diperbuat dari 99.99% emas tulin dan seberat 1000kg. Ini merupakan simbol kejayaan luar biasa dalam 112 tahun sejarah The Perth Mint.

Ia merupakan syiling terbesar di atas muka bumi dimana rekod sebelum ini dipegang oleh  juta dollar gold maple leaf coin dikeluarkan oleh the Royal Canadian Mint pada May 2007 - 

Ini juga merupakan syiling termahal di Dunia. Dilaporkan ia bernilai USD 55 juta.

Watch the world's largest and most valuable coin being made through the Youtube video below:

$1 million coin being made in Australia | Video courtesy The Perth Mint


Blog MAJAPAHIT kali ini ingin berbagi pengetahuan tentang kontekstual link media backlink berkualitas yang mana ide ini MAJAPAHIT dapatkan dari hasil blogwalking. Kontekstual link media backlink berkualitas ini dapat menjadi solusi terobosan ditengah sulitnya untuk mendapatkan backlink yang berkualitas di era Google Pinguin saat ini.
Pertanyaan yang muncul di pikiran anda adalah , Apa itu Kontekstual Link ? Bagaimana cara mendapatkannya ? Apakah backlink ini diakui oleh Google ? Jawabannya adalah :

Kontekstual link adalah anchor text (backlink) yang tertanam dalam suatu postingan blog/website yang menuju kepada postingan blog/website lainnya, yang mana bisa saja menuju kepada blog/website yang sama atau bisa juga menuju kepada halaman blog/website orang lain (sahabat blog/web), yang kita rasakan cukup memiliki konten yang relevan dengan halaman postingan yang kita muliki.

Berikut ini testimoni tentang kontekstual link tersebut :

Do you have a “link page” on your Web site? Well, think about changing. A better and more effective way to have quality links on your page is by using contextual linking.
What is contextual linking, you might ask? Well, the answer is simple… it’s adding links that are embedded in your existing content-rich pages.
Forget those pages where you’ve just added a whole bunch of links to various companies. Even dividing them into industries doesn’t help (unless your Web site happens to be a directory). There’s no CONTENT on these pages to make the search engines happy. And who is going to voluntarily visit your link page? Probably nobody; conduct a survey and you shall see… ;-)
A simple text link will normally consist of a few anchor words, with a link to that other Web site. They aren’t within actual content on the page. But a context link will exist within lots of text that is relevant.
The number of links within that text should not be overwhelming to the visitor. And it’s important to know that these contextual links are particularly high quality. Search engines will rate them as such because of the content of your pages, as well as rating the quality of the content of the pages that your link links to.
You can ask others to add your link into their pages by already having their link on your page, but you will find that if you are not indexed in the major search engines, they will refuse to reciprocate. Why? Because no one is going to find that link. Ensure you are indexed. How to find out?
Type in your Web site address into Google. Does your site come up? If so, you’re indexed.
Also, be sure that the site you are asking to contain your link comes up as being indexed. Place their Web site URL into Google as well. If they aren’t indexed, forget about them for now.
Having contextual links has become a viable way to drive traffic to your site. You’ll find targeted traffic will arrive, eager to see what you have available.
Remember: Relevant text is important. You don’t want to be selling services as an auto mechanic and have links to laser printer sales companies. But if you have links to businesses that sell auto parts or cars or tires… well, you see what I mean.
Here’s an example of how it could work. Let’s say you have a Web site where you’re writing about your travel experiences. Here’s a part of your possible content and a contextual link…
The last time I traveled to Europe I booked my ticket to Germany at TicketsFor99.com.
That “ticket to Germany at TicketsFor99.com” is an in-context text link, a link within and relevant to the content.
Doing contextual linking will set you up to get more quality traffic and thus more sales. Do it!
—Marcus Hochstadt

Kontekstual link ini merupakan sebuah link (backlink) yang berkualitas, karena hanya menuju dan terfokus kepada satu halaman postingan blog tertentu dan tidak kepada home-page blog/web. Ingatlah, perankingan oleh Google pada dasarnya adalah page-rank blog dan bukan home-rank blog. Jadi dengan demikian, kontekstual link ini merupakan backlink yang berkualitas serta diperhitungkan oleh Google.

Selanjutnya, untuk dapat melakukan atau memberikan kontekstual link ini, syarat utama yang harus terpenuhi adalah bahwa halaman postingan blog pemberi link harus telah terindeks oleh minimal Google search engine, kalau tidak demikian, maka kontekstual link ini sama sekali tidak akan banyak berarti.
Demikianlah uraian saya tentang kontekstual link ini, semoga dapat bermanfaat, dan bila anda tertarik untuk mendapatkan backlink tersebut dari blog MAJAPAHIT ini, silahkan tinggalkan komentar pada tempat yang telah tersedia. 
Saya akan meneliti terlebih dahulu, dan kemudian akan saya konfirmasikan untuk kita saling bertukar kontekstual link ini.

Tun Hussien Onn PM Malaysia tahun 1986 - Najib Razak

Tun Hussien Onn PM Malaysia tahun 1986 - Najib Razak

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Najib cakap Tun Hussien Onn Perdana Menteri Malaysia pada tahun 1986

Aku dok tercari2 kat malaysiakini time bila plak najib sebut tahun 1986 tun hussien on yang jadi perdana menteri ? Rupanya kat malaysiakini memang takde. Tapi kat mstar ada.

Maksudnya wartawan the star lah yang telah mendengar sendiri apa yang dicakapkan oleh najib tun razak sebelum menulis artikel yang kemudiannya di bahasa melayukan oleh mstar selaku adik the star versi melayu.

kah kah kah

Kantoi siottt

Memalukan ajek !!!!!

Korang tengok dah baca sendiri arh weh kat bawah neh. Kelakar sey

1986? Zaman tun hussien onn?

kah kah kah

Patutlah PRU musim haji time tue. Dah nama nya mahathir jadi PM time tue memang larh tak pelik beb. Tapi yang peliknya si najib mao pula ikut cara mahathir. Orang ikut yang mana lebih baik dan baik tapi yang buruk itu juga lah dia nak tiru dan ikut.

kah kah kah

Sengal seyyyy

Pssttt najib neh senarai bekas perdana menteri malaysia ======> klik sini. Hafal tahun oke.. malu larh jadi PM pun tak tatau benda simple cam tue.. buta sejarah ke apa?

kah kah kah

Ameno : PM yang tatau bab sejarah bekas PM..
Read more: http://amenoworld.blogspot.com/2012/06/najib-cakap-tun-hussien-onn-perdana.html#ixzz1ym84t0yB

SYM T2 250

Superbike 250 baru di pasaran. Member aku dah pakai baru seminggu. Minyak RM24 boleh pi 350 km. Pernah bawa paling laju 150km/j. X berani pulas lagi sebab motor baru lagi.

Design dekat2 nk serupa ER6n kawasaki. Meter digital. Harga RM17,500, hutang RM18,500.

Nak tgk kaler lain, taip jer kat google. Ada warna kuning, merah.

dah  modified skit credit to robi joe

Signal x clear??

Kalu signal tv x clear boleh la pakai booster ni. Tp astro channel x dapat la. Kalau tv lcd pun x cukup kuat. Utk tv monitor boleh dapat semua channel clear. Letak dalam rumah jer, xyah kluar adjust kalau tv x clear. Kan senang gitu.

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