Sunday, October 27, 2013

Misteri Bulan Pernah Terbelah Dua!

Kisah bulan terbelah dua, bukan ilusi atau khayalan. Ia bukan sihir dan silap mata. Malah ini adalah kisah yang benar-benar berlaku.

Kajian sains oleh angkasawan NASA mendapati bahawa suatu ketika dulu bulan pernah terbelah dua. Kajian ini dijalankan apabila gambar-gambar yang dirakam oleh satelit dan teleskop menunjukkan terdapat garis rekahan pada bulan.

NASA telah menghantar 3

Berat mata yang memandang... bantulah adik Luqman Hakim

kisah luqman pernah dipaparkan dlm majalah mingguan wanita
Adik Luqman Hakim yang aku kenal sewaktu si kembar ( rara) 45 hari dimasukkan ke wad akibat jangkitan kuman paru-paru. Hampir seminggu rara ditahan di wad kanak-kanak  di Hospital Tuanku Jaafar, Seremban. Luqman atau mesra di panggil 'Abang' tidak seperti kanak-kanak lain yang bebas bermain, dan tidak dapat ke sekolah. Masa beliau banyak dihabiskan di hospital, hanya beberapa hari dirumah. Luqman tidak dapat ke sekolah semenjak jatuh sakit pada tahun 2011 lagi.

Untuk pengetahun, adik luqman mengidap penyakit paru-paru kronik, sebahagian paru-parunya (bahagian kiri) telah dibuang akibat rosak teruk. Selama aku berada di wad itu jugalah aku dapati adik luqman walaupun dalam keadaan kesakitan beliau amat ceria, hinggakan mencuit hati doktor dan jururawat :). Beliau pandai bergurau dan kadang kuat merajuk. Ibunya Siti Aisyah cukup sabar, amat tabah melayani si anak. adik luqman memerlukan mesin oksigen kuasa bateri bagi memudahkan pergerakan terutama ke sekolah dan kosnya adalah RM21,000. Sebelum ini adik luqman menggunakan mesin oksigen kuasa eletrik dirumah tetapi tidak sesuai untuk aktiviti luar.

keadaan luqman sebelum di pindahkan ke nicu
Sehingga kini kos untuk membeli mesin oksigen buat adik luqman masih tidak mencukupi dan besarlah harapan sekiranya para sahabat sekelian dapat menghulurkan bantuan walau sedikit bagi membantu meringankan beban adik luqman. Atau sekurang-kurangnya dapat memanjangkan kisah adik lokman di blog mahupun di wall facebook anda semua. Sumbangan anda boleh dimasukkan ke akaun Public Bank : : 4508259208 / BSN : 0510529000174596 - Siti Aisyah (Ibu)

p/s: perkembangan terkini adik luqman dimasukkan ke nicu, 80% bergantung pada mesin
       mohon kwn-kwn semua mendoakan agar adik luqman melepasi tahap kritikal. Ya Allah
       berikanlah kekuatan pada adik luqman dan permudahkan segala-galanya..amin :((

Does anyone actually read my blog?

Your friends and family keep you on your toes and often unwittingly provide great fodder for blog posts!  They also cause a scattered examination of conscience.  Two recent questions about my blogging ( I have a painting blog and a home decorating blog) got me thinking about my purpose and audience, and the time I invest in this activity. This post is about Designing Home blog

  I am happy to report that people do indeed read Designing Home blog. Since I began it almost three years ago,  I've had over .25 million page views.  That surprised even me because I originally began to write this blog with a local audience in mind.  I couldn't be further from the mark.

  My readership is 6 times larger in the United States  than Canada.  Canada, Great Britian, Australia and Germany are almost tied in interest.  Only a small percentage of readers are actually from Newfoundland.  No doubt it is a global village.

I am glad that my original prediction about audience was correct. The average homeowner appears to welcome clear information about basic decorating issues.  You now, the kind of questions you have if you live in an  average size home and decorate with a modest budget.  Personally that means a very modest budget layered with a lot of DIY.  While I write about other topics that appeal to smaller audiences, I try to keep my focus "sensible". Here are the top five posts on Designing Home:

May 2, 2012, 38 comments


Mar 17, 2011, 10 comments


Mar 4, 2012, 16 comments

Rosedale Living Room Drape Vignette modern living room

Jun 14, 2011, 9 comments

Aquamar Bathtub modern bathroom 

It appears that many people have issues with small rooms and are looking for creative ways to use space.  Window treatments, accent walls and hanging light fixtures are topics that everyone thinks about.

Why  would I use a chunk of my valuable time to write?

 The biggest joke of all is I don't actually enjoy writing.  I find it labour intensive and a clumsy way to provide knowledge although I am an avid reader.  I am definitely a face to face communicator who needs the visual signals of my audience to be completely comfortable.  It comes from years of teaching both children and adults. I am also a huge synthesizer. I like to get things down to the bare bones quickly.  A colleague once told me I write like a machine gun.  I am obviously not a highly verbal person - I am a doer.

But.... I love to organize and share information. It just makes me happy.  The learner/ synthesizer function wins.  

Blogging also provides a forum to research questions or problems that arise as I work with clients.  It has expanded my horizons in so many ways when it comes to interior design. The design community is diverse and blogging keeps me in touch with trends from around the world.  That is a necessity when you live on an island where attitudes can tend toward the provincial and predictable.

Blogging  increases your credibility.  When you have a blog /website as I do, you have a showcase for your understanding of design issues and people can anonymously " check you out".  There are lots of lurkers out there from my stats.  2542 people checked out my portfolios , 798 read my design statement and 540 wanted to know more about me.

Yes, people are reading my blog.  It serves its purpose.

Signing  out from my not so decorative small computer space....

  As you can see, I live in a very average space and I am also a little sloppy at times. Why I have a pair of pliers on my desk is a mystery. This desk came  from a contractor friend  who  renovated a  university residence.  The walls are BM CC 460 inukshuk  and the desk is painted BM HC 69 whitall brown. The resident carpenter built the bookcase to fit the equipment. 


Ada kawan bagi sejenis pokok kaktus ini, dah lebih setahun baru berbunga ... 
very rare..tak pernah tengok bunga sebegini ..

Sudah lama tidak ber"gardening" ..sejak memegang jawatan di fakulti .. pokok-pokok bunga banyak terbiar tanpa belaian ..hanya jirus sambil nak gi kerja ... dua tiga minggu lepas baru teringat nak letak baja...kesian pokok-pokok ku... rindu sangat nak santai-santai ke Sungai Buloh pergi tengok pokok-pokok di nurseries yang berderet-deret tepi jalan tu ...hurrrmmm... How I wish...! tapi tak ada masa langsung ...

Friday, October 25, 2013

And more aqua

This must be aqua week! I am noticing it everywhere.  After writing a post yesterday about aqua, I opened one of the blogs I follow this morning to be greeted by a lovely room make -over by Kelly Porter of Color Sizzle and the walls are painted aqua. The accents are red.  I wanted to share this lively combination.  While it is too much colour for me, I know it will appeal to lots of my readers. 

Pillow and lamp love on my part! 

And another living room with the same colour scheme, but the colours are used in a very understated way. It is all about the intensity of the hues.

Which room would you be most comfortable in?

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Misteri Kewujudan Bilik 39

Sekitar tahun 1970, kerajaan Komunis Korea Utara telah menubuhkan sebuah agensi sulit yang dikenali sebagai 'Bilik 39'.

Agensi ini bukan saja melakukan kegiatan perisikan semata-mata tetapi ia juga berperanan menggubah wang haram untuk disalurkan ke sebuah tabung khas untuk kegunaan kerajaan Korea Utara.

Menurut beberapa sumber, kegiatan rahsia pasukan Bilik 39 termasuklah menjalankan

May I suggest aqua?

Although I am interested in the latest colour trends in home decor, I am not a slave to them.  I choose gray as the neutral in my house in 1986 and it wasn't a  growing trend until 2011!  It will still be my neutral ten years from now because I feel comfortable with gray as a backdrop.

 We should all choose colours for our homes that we like.  My first order of business in a colour consultation is to determine what kind of colours a client really likes.   Next I check the room's light  orientation and lastly I look at the furniture and art in a space.

I just went through all my pins on  my colour inspiration board on Pinterest to look for trends in my own pinning.  I have quite a few with aqua.  I do not have aqua in either of my homes, but I am obviously attracted to it  because I love blue greens.  How about you?

Aqua is a versatile, fresh colour as you can see from the interiors below.   You can use it for an accent wall, to paint furniture, in pillows, or even on  a ceiling....use a little or a lot....

 Aqua as an accent wall with lots of cream is stunning.

 A more intense aqua with citron green and a pop of magenta... perfect for a teen's room!

 Serene gray with aqua accessories.

The same scheme as above with black added. 

 Aqua and white with a hit of darker  blue.

 And who wouldn't want to have a chat in this sun room? Creamy white mixed with green and aqua is so  fresh and inviting.

 Just loving the hit of red with aqua in this boy's space. I think aqua is the perfect colour to paint a piece of furniture and look at those shutters!

 I've always loved this colour combination  with rattan or any mid toned wood. A liberal amount of white is needed to prevent over saturation.

 And here we have the merest hint of a dark aqua with magenta and off white.  This is a great way to have pops of colour without over committing.

  An interesting colour combination with great pattern choices too.

 If you're feeling a little vintage aqua makes a great accent.

  And just this one little pop of aqua glass makes a nice punctuation mark to end the post. 

All links on my Pinterest board indicated above

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