Showing posts with label uk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label uk. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Best salad for summer

The best meal I had for the summer is grilled salmon topped with herbs, vegetables and garlic bread. Its so easy to make that I had it 10 days in a row for dinner. Best of all, it takes max 20 minutes to prepare!

I tried various ways of presenting it and using the garlic bread as a whole or cutting it into cruton size. Gastronomic!

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Current chess score winnings - 4 wins out of 6 games. 

I was told I am oppressive when I play chess.

He says, "You are the most oppressive person I have ever played with in my life."

I laughed so hard.

I think I should let him win the next few rounds just to stroke his ego ;)

Saturday, July 13, 2013


This small magnetic chess set Which I carried around with me from Malaysia was finally used! The conversation on chess never really came up between my friends and I over the years in UK. Finally I met someone who loves playing chess as much as I do. Thanks to Chipsmore for the very portable chess set. I'm glad I had always carried it around with me :)

Friday, July 12, 2013

New haircut @ Toni & Guys Academy, New Oxford Street

Few months back I realised my hair was really long, which I liked, but there were too many obvious split ends. Hair cuts in UK aren't exactly cheap so I put off cutting my hair till now. Being in London, I suddenly recalled about my free hair cut in Toni and Guy Academy in Malaysia. So, I started googling 'free hair cuts' and there were a list of people looking for hair models to get free hair cuts and wash around London in Gumtree's website.

The haircut I did in Malaysia took four hours because it was a bob cut. This time, I was just looking forward to getting half of my hair chopped off just to be sure there will be no split ends.

I sent a couple of text to some students of Toni and Guy Academy who avertised on Gumtree. The first two were fully booked till late august! Luckily, one of the student introduced me to her friend who needed models.

It started off with the student explaining to her supervisor how she plans to cut my hair. It was something about angles and terms I have never heard of. I remember back in Malaysia, the supervisor drew on the mirror to show how to cut my hair.

After that, I had my free hair wash by the student. Then one hour of hair cut. My haircut gets assesed twice by the student's supervisor. Once when my hair was still wet and the second time when my hair has been blowed dry.

It was a pretty busy day for everyone at the academy. The haircut was alright :)

Sunday, June 9, 2013


The Euromillion lottery ticket I bought after getting my results make me win 2.90pounds! That day was lucky indeed :)

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Giggling Squid Thai Restaurant at Crawley

I took a train down to London Kings Cross and was bound for Crawley. Upon checking in into the Crowne Plaza, it was swimming pool, jacuzzi and steam room time! I haven't done any of those in a year! It was not easy to do laps without goggles though. Two small kids ended up chatting and playin with me in the water. They did not want to leave the pool eventhough their mum was calling them lol I had to 'swim' the kids to their mum standing near the pool. Then I met them at the dressing room again and the little girl says:
"I have a joke for you"
What is it?
"What is pink and hot?"
Uhm I do not know. Is it you?
"No, its a pig!"
Why is the pig hot?
"Because its summer!!"


Dinner was at Giggling Squid, a tapas and Thai Restaurant. Crawley's High Street has these amazing row of restaurants. I love Giggling Squid's decoration! Its all wood from the flooring to the tables, the walls and the ceiling.

The tables were tastefully set up with cutleries and purple napkins. Looked good to me :)

The staff were real Thai people so imagine how authentic the service and food was :):)

Drinks we had
Jack and coke
Lemonade martini: tasted more like just lemonade.

Food we ordered:
1. Crispy duck spring roll - Coming down to London I always craved for duck. The spring rolls were very good. It came with a side of hoisin sauce too.

2. Vegetable tempura - Lightly battered and deep fried brocolli, onions, sweet potato and something else. It tasted really delicious too.

1. Morning glory - a vegetable

2. Coconut rice

3. Jasmine rice with Seafood Tomyam

4. Pad Thai

Food portion was pretty satisfying. From Trip Advisor, a reviewer wrote, "The best Thai food I have ever tasted." I couldn't agree more, at least in the UK!

It was a good day. It ended with a view of the sunset from my window.

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