Showing posts with label personal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personal. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

setting up signboard

Salam..yesterday there's an activity on setting up our company's signboard. Starting at around 3 o'clock, the workers (from a company of sme complex factory at batu caves..) came in front of our factory. pst..peh, glamer abang nih..yang sorang tu tertutup laks muka die..

Until 5 o'clock, they tried their best to set up the signboard. Lastly, they finished all the setting up. This is what our factory looks a like...
The company from SME complex Batu Caves..

Thursday, March 12, 2009

from batu caves to upm..'s history..yesterday we started the chicken trial at upm..this time only 2 treatments with 6, today is the second day of cute the we stopped at the office first,at bt caves..before we went to has been raining all day since early in the day so dizzly..and the history is that the road at sentul is jammed..wah, so many cars..usually it's only take half and hour to reach upm from bt caves..but today, it's almost more than 1 hour journey..(very pity to the chiken..-eat & drink very late maa...)..luckily we don't use the mrr2..if not, we also doesn't know at what time we will arrive upm.the chicken seems ok, but very lazy maa..always want to sleep..(sampaikan tido dalam bekas makanan die..-teruk tul).. and also we managed to see a bird so sleepy..(tersengguk-sengguk ayam tu..pas2 bangun sebab cute..).however, the process took only 1 hour for us to change the feed and water for the lovely, all the chicken, please eat and drink nicely.. please grow well also..may you beat the other treatments..ok??

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

mee udang pulau sayak..

This time is about mee udang..yum yum..very delicious lo..mee udang yang paling disukai..ialah mee udang kat pulau sayak, area kuala muda, kedah.. From penang, quite near, by using new, xsusah2 nk ikut jalan lama naik jambatan kuala muda tu..kesedapan, yang masih boleh berfikir la..tapi syoknye, dah le kt tepi laut..mmg syok la..seronot jer lau cuaca xpanas.. But that area, actually fisherman's banyak sampan2 nelayan..udang fresh..lau banyak, udang tu kecik lau sket, maknanye udang tu besor2..Nih le keadaan kat tempat tu..hari tuh de masuk paper, tapi sebab hakisan tanah..kira glamor jap pakcik tempat mee udang tah nama pakcik ni..luper la..mee udang pic pun gambar orang yang makan jer..hHahAa..tapi, nice la..harga yang bpatutan..sedap la, sesape yang teringin nak join makan, lau gi tempat ni..lh la pegi yea.. pas2 lh singgah pantai merdeka..[teringt aku cinta pantai merdeka- adik aku suker sgt nih].
x habis2 de gambar budak kecik nih..HehheHHeee

my friend's wedding kabar semua?lama xblog..hari tuh lepas hujan lebat kt kl nih, line internet nak jadik nih..adoila..anyway, last sunday, I went to Padang Jawa, Shah Alam..xkesah la..went for my friend's wedding.Tahniah noreen & hisyam..wah, cam artis ler kawan aku sorang nih.. Perkenalan aku ngan noreen simple jer..dulu actually kitorang satu kolej matrik..kolej matrikulasi melaka (2000-2002)..tapi, besa la..mase nih xbape kenal..igt2 muka jer..pas2 kt upm, noreen tegur aku..tanye aku nih bdk kmm ke?pas2 kenal cm gitu2 jer..Then, mase kena wt latihan industri..aku jumpe balik dgn noreen, mase nih baik le sbb dr upm de 5 org jer..then, pas habis blajar, mase keje kt area2 upm tu, aku satu bilik dgn noreen, kira sewa satu rumah la..tu yg lh baik dgn die nih..nak citer psl kenduri..hahaa..well, congrates my friend..moga2 berbahagia selamanye..kitorang pun xleh lama2 sebenarnye..mase tuh baby pun tido jap jer..luckily baby x meragam..hari tuh pulak panas,cian kt baby kitorang pas makan, sembang2 dgn kkwan, amek gambar dgn pengantin, terus balik rumah..igt nk singgah kedai kereta..xjadik, to noreen, selamat pengantin baru, moga bahagia..noreen, jaga hisyam bbaik..hisyam, jaga noreen bbaik..hisyam ke sisyam??

Sunday, March 1, 2009

balik kampung..

salam..aahh..dah sampai kl..minggu lepas kami satu family balik ke terengganu.. Bukan pe, de sowang anak sedara lahir bulan 12 hari tu, tapi sampai skang, lum lagi, hari jummat we all cuti, pagi tuh bertolak dari gombak. Memang besh la, sebab keta x, kami ikut karak, lpt, then kuar ikut jabor..Best lalu jalan ni..sbb xde trafic light, jalan straight jer.. Sampai kampung, rehat2, dapat la tgk muka anak sedara..tapi, gambar xde la.. Gambar lain de, my baby, annur pun dah masuk 8 bulan..yang kelakar, sejak tumbuh gigi sebatang ni, banyak tul cakap..tapi satu patah pun xfaham..hahahaa..pas2 adik ipar pakaikan annur tudung..alahai..nampak pipi jer gambar annur..
annur pun pasrah jer masa org pakaikan die tudung.. Yang bagusnye, xde plak die nk buang2 tudung kt kepala die tu..banyak lagi gambar, tapi bagi tgk sket2 jer de beberapa lagi..annur comey..nampak tu pipi annur..

Thursday, February 19, 2009

a journey to remember..

Salam.. Didn't managed to open the blog yesterday. HUhuuu..Yesterday my boss, My collegue; Mr. Hafiz, Azim, Nadia and of course ME..went to Pekan Nenas, Johor.. We went to chicken farm (our contract farming).. to send the StellarLac plus to discuss the experiment that we want to carry out with them. The cronology of the journey that have to be remembered...

7.30 am : send our beloved baby to taska..(cian die..kena hantar awal...)

7.50 am : reach office. take the StellarLac in cold room, plus experiment product.

8.15 am : reached Setiawangsa.. Breakfast at boss's house

8.35 am : Started journey.. Seem all roads in KL quite jammed.. then we saw the Sultan's (Agong) car passing by (don't know where they're going)..Quite jammed, but car still can moved. Went with sorento 4WD..went along the highway with many cars, lorries, bus etc..the journey ok, but some fell sleep :) ..Hahhaa..

11.40 am: Exit at Kulai..Heading ahead to Pekan Nenas..Wah..jalan leh tahan ni..Lau drift, syok nih..(terpengaruh citer initial D)

12.00 pm : Reach main office.. The company called Flavour Right Sdn. Bhd. They claimed that their business is bigger than Leong Hup & others chicken producer in MAlaysia..Really big and many farms...HUHuhu... Discuss a little bit on method to do the experiment with the operation manager a.k.a shareholder.. (Fuh.Hebat nIh..Pakai rilek jER..t-sHIRt jer..).. Went to chicken farm, but there's no any chick..(Maybe MONday will arrive) - so the experiment will also start on Monday/Tuesday.. Also discuss on how they fed & gave water to chicken. A short discussion on last time result.. The growth quite slow, but still ok..

1.00 pm : Went to lunch (luckily it's malay restaurant) - however, not much food left..

1.30 pm : Start journey back to KL..(YeHH..yEH..can fetch my baby earlier than expected...)

2.25 pm : Take Ayer Hitam exit..planned to buy something (as a prove we went to johor), but ended up buy nothing..HAhahhaa..

3.00 pm : Entrance Ayer HItam.. Everybody felt dizzly..(not Iqram Dintzy)..But I still managed not to sleep...(cannot slept in car ma...). then, somehow, we heard something..- like a stone that hit the car..Positively thinking, there's nothing..We still keep going with 120-140km/h..(wah...- lebEY had lAju mA...).. After that, we heard something..ktung..ktung..ktung.. - so scaRy.. We stopped at the side of the that time we already passed the tangkak exit..When stepped out of the sorento..the diesel already got into my nose..HAHHAaa???Then we saw the diesel came out from a tank (Because of lack info about car/sorento, so,I don't know exactly from where the diesel came out...)..My boss called the tow truck-man to pick up his car..While waiting at the highland of the highway..(High KE?)..I keep thinking about my baby..OH what time I'm going to pick her up..huhuUHUHu..Then the 'tow truck-man' came..He said the drive shaft already broke..HHAAaa? Then he lift the sorento up, the 3-men (my boss+my hubby+my collegue) went to sit in sorento, while 2-women (my collegue+me) sit in front of the lorry together with the lorry driver..(Teringat dlu2..naik lori ayah..)

5.30 pm : Start the journey back (with LOrrY :0 )..

7.00 pm : reached the NAza workshop..beside mRR2 road, near the roudabout to Keramat AU.. take all our things and the NAZA's boy send us to Setiawangsa...(felt very pity to my boss- byk kali dah sorento nih wat hal kt die, hri tu dr johor antu johor nih-my fren said)..nape..mentang2 my boss org johor la...Haahhaa..

8.00 pm : Reach taska to take my baby..ciannye anak mama.. at the time of our reach, my baby is eating her bubur nasi..yum..yum.. Wait for a little while for her to finish her dinner..(kruk..kruk..- perut mama nyanyi2...)

8.30 pm : reach home, solat and eating..wah..what a day..very tired, very sleepy..very very..everything lah..

So, the journey will remain in our memories..hAHhahaa..A journey to rememBEr..Luckily, my daughter tak meragam and she do sleep well at that night...Alhamdulillah...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

annur got her license..

Hai..wanna know something?My 7++ months daughter already got her car license..HAA??? Really ka? Check this out...
And amazingly, we don't need to really hold her.. Pandai nya anak mama..hope you will be a good driver in the future..


Salam to all. This post is about 8 february 2009.. What's wrong with this date? Haha..nothing actually..although this date had passed, but..huhu..(should be posted on that date actually).. It was my hubby's birthday..Haha.. But of course it's an important date to remember.. I had difficulty on what to buy ang how to buy gift for my husband. Why? Because almost all the time, he was with me.. Working at the same company, went lunch together, get back from work.. all together gether (penggunaan bahasa yang salah ye..jgn amalkan..).. pendek kata mmg susah nk membeli ape-ape pun..huhu.. But then, I managed to self-doing the birthday card (of course in my office). Then, I asked him to wait at a certain place with our lovely daughter, while I'm going to buy a gift.. Just managed to buy a cutie mug for him. Then, on that day, we went to carrefour (tul ke eja nih??).. We went to 'Splendid' - as a birthday meal..haha.. De la gambar-gambar sket.. Yang bawah ni gambar my hubby punya 'birthday meal'..cuba tgk pe yang anda x pueh ati...

(Nih bukan botol susu mama ye..Nih Annur punya..)

Yang nih pulak tuan hamba punya meal.. Ade x mengalahkan birthday person?? HAhaaHA..Tapi..the chocolate drinks..Uhh..masyuk..cuma manis jer.. Anyway, hope my hubby be happy always.. yang x pueh ati tu?? Cuba peratikan air kopi kt sebelah kanan tu..adoi..mase datang, igt tambahan pe.. tapi tu la minumannye..ape namanye tah...adoi..xberbaloi dengan harganye.. If you wanna know how much, spend a little time at splendid ok... But for mine..okla..
To my lovely hubby, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.. Happy birthday to Mr. Ahmad Hafiz..Love you..

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Alahan Makanan

Adoila..huhu..pernahkah kowang mengalami alahan makanan?ade? xde?..lau kowang xpe..lau budak kecik..I mean baby..kena mesti kesian kan..
Alkisahnye begini..hari tu..minggu lepas dear baby..annur syazwani dihantar ke nursery..rutin biasa sebab mama abah die keje..dalam hati mama die ni kate mata baby cam xbakpe sihat jer..tapi gagahkan jua hantar ke nursery..sebab baby senyum ajer..
Tup-tup tengah hari, pihak nursery kol..kate muke baby, my hubby and I pun ke nursery..dalam ati kate merah sket2 jer..tapi bile tgk muke die..huhu..sedey rase ati..sebak jer..(ati seorang ibu kan..) muka baby dah mcm anak org lain dah..x nampak muke die yang cute (like her mother :) la..hihi).. muka baby dah bengkak.. Then I asked baby sitter, ade bg mkn pape ke? die kate just bubur nasi xnak la perasangka jahat kan...bwakla ke klinik..after bagi ubat, alhamdulillah..muka baby cian die..mama die terus balik rumah..tak masuk opis dah..haha..
So, yang nk citer psl alahan..until now, still doesn't know the cause of the allergy.. But I expected it's from the food.. My baby maybe alah pada susu tepung gak..but, that day, nursery bagi susu badan.. xtau la..
Anyway, thanks to Allah, my baby dah ok.. So, skang demi kesejahteraan baby, terpaksa la beli susu soya yg mahal tu..isomil utk tambahan susu.. Demi anakku..aku sanggup buat ape saje.. Mama sayang Annur..Sayang abah juge..hihi..Abah annur jgn marah ye..
Oh ye..nanti saya cari info tentang alahan makanan ni ye...

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Salam..Ni saje je..Info on what I'm dealing with my works.. In Stella Gen Sdn. Bhd., we are dealing with probiotic for poultry. The probiotic is Lactobacillus sp. There's 11 strains of differents Lactobacillus sp. in Stellar Lac (our main product). Stellar Lac is a growth promoter for animals which can replace the antibiotic uses in poultry.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Salam..sebelum tu..selamat tahun baru 1430 kepada semua..dah masuk tahun baru..tahun 2009 pun dh menjelma..masuk tahun baru ni bizi le sket..separuh tahun tu sebenarnye refer kepada baby..dh masuk 6 bulan usia baby kami..skg baru lh meniarap,merangkak lum lh going towards it..semoga berjaya anak mama..
Masuk tahun baru ni..mg2 dimurahkan rezeki..dmudahkan urusan, dikurniakan kesabaran, mcm2 lg family pun sihat sejahtera..hari tu baby bru baik demam campak..skg dh ok..alhamdulillah...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Gambar Annur

Ni masa mula2 lahir..

Ni masa dah cukur kepala..dah botak kepala sayer..

Ni pulak mase kuar jalan2 lepas pantang dgn abah, mama, mak tok dan achik syema..

Annur dengan baju biru..

Ketibaan yang ditunggu..

uih..dh lama xmsuk blog ni..sebenarnye, 2 bulan 4 hari yg lepas, ketibaan yang ditunggu dah muncul..hehe..apakah die?sebenarnye, pada 1 Julai 2008, lahirnye Annur Syazwani binti Ahmad Hafiz dengan berat 2.62 kg dengan selamatnye ke alam baru ini. Doa mama dan abah, mg2 Annur menjadi seorang anak yg baik, taat, mhormati org tua, jadi insan yg terbaik di sisi Allah..amin. skang ni, dh masuk 2 bulan lebih usia Annur (nama yg diilhamkan dr abahnye,dgn nama belakang nama ala2 mama die). Mg terus sihat dan membesar dgn baiknye..muah..sayang anak mama

Thursday, June 5, 2008

one month to go

aiyoo..sedar x sedar, lagi sebulan je tinggal sebelum rumah kami dihiasi dgn tangisan budak kecil..huhu..harap2nya semua bjalan dgn lancar..menurut dr., date due pada 12 julai..huhu..xsabar menunggu baby kuar nih..pas tu sebulan kendian, genap setahun majlis kuar lg sebulan setahun usia perkahwinan..alhamdulillah,dikurniakan rezeki dari Allah..dan kemungkinan jugak kuar baby girl..pape pun, mg baby lahir dgn selamat dan sihat. Ni jadik bukti percintaan dgn suami..alhamdulillah..doakan yang terbaik ye..

Monday, March 3, 2008

Lepas 'pantang'?

Tajuk: Lepas 'pantang'
Oleh : En. Apis

Salam..alhamdulillah..sedar atau tak, usia hubungan kami dah lbihkrg 6 bln. Agaknye dah lepasla kot tempoh 'pantang'nyer. Niela perkataan yg abg aku ngn sedara2 ckp..tgkla dlm 40hri,xpun 100 hari lpas kawen bru leh nmpk@ternampak(mksudnyer tak sengaja nmpk..kuikui) perangai sebenar psgn kite. Mybe de benarnyer gak kot..hehehe..hnya kite sendiri yg lbih tau..

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

after 3 weeks..

Hehe..salam semua..mase tulis nih..dh hmpir 3 minggu aku bergelar isteri kepada ahmad hafiz bin mohd..alhamdulillah..dimudahkan Allah..tapi selepas 2 mgu cuti..terus masuk keje..keje tempat y,xlh cuti pun tgh xde keje..lh la luangkan mase kt cn..k,doakan kebahagiaan kitorng hendaknye..amin..

angkat nikah

Ni gambar selepas malam angkat nikah..alhamdulillah dengan sekali lafaz,kami selamat bergelar suami isteri.syukur padaNya....selamat semuanye..

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A few days to go..

Salam..ape kabar?saje2 je try wat blog ni..well..lagi beberapa hari je ni..tgh mghitung hari untuk memasuki dunia baru.xsampai sebulan,gelaran akan bertukar..nervous gak..xtau pe yang bakal terjadi..tapi tu di luar kuasa kite..kla,doa2kan la y terbaik untuk kite semua.amin..

buah-buahan bersama rama-rama

Gambar Belangkas