Showing posts with label Me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Me. Show all posts

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Nexus 7

At first the craze was on handphones.
Then it moved on to handphones with cameras.
Then it was handphones with higher megapixels camera and video recording.
Then it was the ipod, smartphones, androids.....
Now, it is all about the tablet.

Yesterday Hot UK Deals posted an offer for Nexus 7 32GB tablet for 179 pounds. A 16GB was worth 159pounds. So, the 32GB Nexus 7 was really hot stuff yesterday. It was not available for order from Carphone Warehouse.

I never wanted a tablet till yesterday. The interest in Nexus 7 made me do some research on tablets and I must say, after reading and watching a few youtube videos, I looked at my tiny Acer minibook on my study table and thought "A tablet would be better and so much lighter"


Then I started recalling when I was so happy to get my salary to buy my first laptop which was the Acer minibook. I was happy I could carry it in my handbag, like how Paris Hilton carries here chihuahua in her bag, instead lugging around with a not so pretty computer bag. To be honest, the Acer laptop was only light to carry in the handbag if I didn't pack the portable charger and socket into the same bag. But, what is the point of a powerless laptop, right? In addition to the weight issue, my laptop speakers has started giving me problems and it gets really heated up after using it for a while.

Hah, I am like writing out points as to why I should get a tablet. Just because I looked up tablets, Google ads on most sites I go to advertise tablets now, which makes it even more irresistible  Even my own blog advert is advertising about Nexus 7!

Postitive, light bulb thought: Maybe a tablet would make me read more scientific journals for my research?

Oh, there was a bit of snow today in Glasgow.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Everything is fine

Maybe there was a reason for me to be here, at this time, this year.
I am happier this time... That is all that matters :)

Updates on Stirling, Loch Awe and Oban soon... lol.. maybe

Photography love

I am so in love with these photographs! In love and impressed.. Gives me a calming effect
Just a few favourites below:

Monday, November 12, 2012


MY sleeping pattern is such a blunder right now. I can say I only recall one day in Glasgow where I slept like a baby for 8 hours at a decent time too! Other than that day, I sometimes sleep at 12am, 3am, 4am... and wake up by 8am regardless of how late I slept...... Then sometimes during the day I get sleepy.. but there are plenty of things to do so I hardly nap, I do my stuff and then its midnight again......
This means that I am having insufficient sleep till I am tempted to get some drowsy cough mixture to make me sleep.

Maybe its jet lag syndrome??? I mean, when its 12am in Glasgow, it is 7am in Malaysia...... I am so awake at 12am!

Some people might think I am still in Malaysia........

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Very Estee perfume

I was shopping at Boots in Buchana Gallery yesterday and they were giving out ribbons smelling of Very Estee perfume by Estee Lauder. I took one, smelt it and didnt think much of it. When I was home, I placed the ribbon on my shelf and spent time in the kitchen cooking.

After dinner, I went into my room and I noticed a very nice smell. Everytime I walked pass the shelf (i jad forgotten about the ribbon) it smelled really good. Then, I saw the ribbon and realised the smell was Very Estee!

It really smells so good I am tempted to buy it. I checled the Boots website and It cost 51 pounds!! :( ah well, for now I will just have to live with that ribbon. Amazingly, the smell is still strong after a day.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Shit happens

When someone tells you that you will have a very long life but you dont actually want to live long

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Mail for me

Mail from Google for me! Sounds so cool.... Feeling proud when it is actually nothing yet laaa ;)

Monday, September 24, 2012

5 years ago..

I looked like that! Now after so much stress i look.... Old haih

Sunday, September 23, 2012

H&M opening at Lot 10

Were you at the H&M public opening at Lot 10?
Were you part of the tremendously long queue outside?
Were you part of the queue waiting to try on clothes?

Lol... I was not. I was only a passerby and the above scenarios was what I saw. H&M has two floors in Lot 10. I realised they took over Debenhams lot. Debenhams is now located in Star Hill. How many times has Debemhams moved already? Four? Five?

Anyway, I did not get a chance to step into H&M. I have been to the ones in USA, but was never a big fan of their stuff.

Then it had me thinking: with Forever 21 and H&M here, I really wish someome could bring New York and Company to KL. Thats my favourite brand from USA! Dang, brings back memories of being in USA....

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Snow Skin Mooncakes for sale

I am selling homemade snow skin mooncakes. 1 box consist of four mooncakes. 1 box cost RM56.

My mooncakes comes with a choice of filling:
1) Lotus
2) White lotus
3) Yam
4) Red bean

Free delivery. To order, send me an email to or sms or whatsapp your order(s) to 0122002169.
Tell me:
1) quantity ( as in number of boxes)
2) type of fillings
3) Full Name
4) Contact number
5) Address for delivery
6) Date of delivery

Since It is freshly baked, so special request such as lesser sugar or additional Almond bits for your mooncakes is possible.
Orders need to be sent in at least two days before the delivery date.

Any further inquiries, please email
Also, for more Obine treats for parties or tea or functions, visit

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Topshop event at KLCC

I went to Topshop's event at KLCC today. I received my goodie bag and met Joyce, the blogger for It just feels awkward to talk to bloggers because I know so much about them because I read their blogs and then when we meet face to face, reality hits that I do not really know them and I get stuck making conversation as there feels like there is an imaginary boundary... If u get what i mean :)

Monday, September 17, 2012

I won!!

Looks like i am really attending the Topshop event! I won the rm150 goodie bag!!! :)

Friday, September 7, 2012


The one time i cannot bear to look at myself in the mirror. Ugly purple bruises!
Anyone can help me? Five days dy...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Diamond facial at Beauty Century, Midvalley

I went for a facial today at Beauty Century. I have read good reviews about it and since it is my first time, I get a discount. I love discounts! Normal price for this Diamond Peel facial was RM98. But if you are a first timer, they charged RM38. RM38 covers consultation (45 mim), back massage (15min), diamond peel (10min), facial (15min), steam (15 min), extraction (30min), aloe vera mask ( 15 min) treatment, charcoal mask (15min), face massage (10min), toner, moisturiser, sun block and lastly, head massage (5min).
All the duration were just my estimation. Basically, they will ask you if you have three hours to do all those things as a first timer. Quite worth it!

Of course, the consultation part was where they try to recommend me to go for a 'better' treatment. She recommended I do the DFN facial which cost rm500 per treatment! I could not hide my shocked expression. I came prepared for a rm38 facial and to hear rm500 for a facial was way too much. DFN helps to make the pores smaller, reduce scars and make pimples smaller. Everything I wanted and needed, but im so not ready to fork out that amount. It does not even gurantee i will be satisfied after one treatment.

Aside from that, i had an awesome back massage there and everyone was really nice. The beautician was also very detailed in explaining what she was doing to my face and warn me if it was going to be painful. The diamond peel is a machinine that sucks up all the dead skin cells. She told me to feel my skin and it was so smooth, something like the after effect of sanding wood.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Because I am clumsy..

I do not play contact sports. I will always bruise easily so I stay away from volleyball, basketball, football etc. I am clumsy that even when playing tennis and swimming I can injure myself. Pictures of my injuries from my recent hiking trip to Bukit Tabur below! I slipped and fell on a rock and so the big square shaped looking purple bruise on my bum Also scraped my elbow. And i banged my head on a huge rock. My knee was also bruised from the occasional knocks on the rocks while climbing. No balance whatsoever lol

Monday, August 27, 2012


I was invited to go hiking at Gunung Nuang on this friday (Merdeka Holiday).... Ar first I agreed to go.

But then...

I read blog reviews that it was a 12 hour hike and there were plenty of leeches....

So, I chickened out.
As much as I want to hike, I have never hiked before in my life. I am telling myself I should not be too adventurous. The Gunung Nuang hike was a prep for them before hiking Gunung Kinabalu in September. Sooo nice!! I want, but can't.

Start small aye.. Bukit Tabur hike on Monday will test my stamina.

Maybe I should walk up and down my hill ten times and see how breathless I get as a test.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Gambar Belangkas