Showing posts with label Me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Me. Show all posts

Saturday, February 23, 2013

15/21 days

“The happiness of life is made up of minute fractions - the little, soon-forgotten charities of a kiss or smile, a kind look, a heart-felt compliment, and the countless infinitesimals of pleasurable and genial feeling”

--- Samuel Taylor

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cutest thing

This is the cutest thing ever. Looks easy to do. Some people are just so creative.

Don't ask

I like to share through writing.
So, when you read, just read.
Don't ask.
I don't do verbal to every single person.

Monday, February 18, 2013

21 days

Dear Alex.

Strawberry season 2013

Winter is coming to an end and I saw plenty of strawberries for sale. During winter, the strawberries were tiny. But now, it is double the size! Its cheap too, so I bought two boxes of strawberries and two packs of green apples. That will be enough to make my smoothies for a week :)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Snow in Glasgow

This year's snowfall in Glasgow was inpredictable. The forecast would show it would snow, but in then end it was only rain. Finally, when people stopped expecting snow anymore, we woke up to a blanket of white snow few days ago. That was the heaviest snow we saw in central glasgow for thos winter. It only lasted one day and it was all melted away by the rain.

Come to think of it, the weather all year round in Glasgow has been not normal. There were weeks when it was really sunny. Just like this week, after the snow, it will be sunny for the next few days. There were a fee windy days and plenty of rainy days. But, I think we had more sunny days than rainy days this year. This makes Glasgow the perfect place to stay, not too hot and not too cold.

My housemate and I built a few snowmen behind the halls. Good thing we were early risers. While everyone else were sleeping, we used up most of the snow to make the snowmen :)

Note that the huge snowman buttons and mouth were made of Burger King's ketcup :p One snowman's eyes were capsules.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Hello, readers

Its nice to know that I have readers from different parts of the world. Its also amazing that I get about 5000 readers a month. (My blog gets more attention than the amount of attention my ex gave me :p) I know that stats is not a lot compared to bloggers like Xia Xue who gets more than that amount in a day!
But, its amazing that my random writings are of interest to people LOL thanks and clickmyAdsPlease so i can earn more money :):) i really dont get paid much..

My stats this week based on countries:

My 'bow bun' pictorial

If I skyped with my mum looking like this, I can imagine her laughter :D

Bow bun

I attempted to make a 'bow bun' with my hair. I also tried to do it on my housemate's hair but I GAVE UP! Lol

Its not as easy as it seems.
My arms were aching trying to get the bow to look right. I should blame it on my layered hair and its also probably not long enough till it looks like a mess in the midst of making the bow.

Pictures below :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Cutest baby

I saw a picture of the cutest baby ever with very chubby cheeks and big eyes. Adorable and I must share :)

Friday, February 1, 2013

The drive

So, i stayed up for 48 hours to push myself to finish my research project.

Amazingly I did it!

I thought I lost that kind of motivation.

Side effects: dizziness- literally felt like the room was spinning; feeling heavy in the head...

After I was done, I went out for Burger King. Not a good choice coz the brain which was dead and couldnt jump start anymore made me feel oblivious to my surroundings. Looking left and right also took effort! Lol

Anyway, completing a research project does feel like a very heavy weight has been lifted off my shoulder. It was undeniably stressful. I think I grinded my teeth more and had cold sweat too many times while sleeping because of this.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Mayan forecast

Here is a picture I found about the Mayan forecast. So many people are worried that 21st Dec would be disastrous. I was told by a friend to buy extra water to keep, buy batteries and torch light amd stock up on food. People are saying that there will be no sunlight for three whole days, which means it will be freezing cold here. I remember last time when it was too cold in New York i think, the water pipes were frozen amd so some people did not have water supplies. How true is the Mayan? NASA says nothing will happen. Wikipedia says it is just a change of the era where some countries might be affected due to tsunami and earthquakes.

Latest news I read in Yahoo! Says that Malaysia will have medium sized earthquakes in the near future. Those affected would be the places which has felt tremors before. Previously, small earthquakes and tremors were know to cause damage to our country's building structure. Therefore, a medium earthquake might cause major destruction as our buildings are not earthquake safe.

Predictions - u wanna believe it and yet you also dont want to....

Half the world is probably stocking up for safety while the other half go on with their lives not fretting about THE day.

For me, I have chocolates :p

Friday, December 14, 2012

Non-biological twins

I read an article saying that Everybody has a twin. While reading it, I thought the pictures were amazing and it was pretty cool to have a twin. In my mind I thought, they would be bestfriends! But when I finished reading the article, I recalled a time back in high school when I had a schoolmate who looked like me. Well, at least that was what most people said. I remember resenting having someone who looked like me. I avoided her like a plaque. I did not want to get to know her at all. We may look alike, but we do not have the same character. Generally, people's assumption when there are twins is that, they behave the same way and like the same things. Ask me again why I detested knowing that I had a lookalike - I do not know. Maybe its like having another girl wear the same dress like you at a party and you thought your dress was the prettiest until she wore it too??!!

But, of course, NOW I think it is cool to find out that you have a non-biological twin. Just do not expect them to be best of friends. See more pictures here: DAILYMAILUK

Thursday, December 13, 2012

My New Year Resolution for 2013

My New Year Resolution for 2013 is to turn back the clock to look like the picture below again. That was the time when fried chicken was a no-no, I was active in gym and danced a lot... Which I haven't done much of since I started university......

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Jolly season 2

Ok, this picture looks more jolly than the previous one. It felt joyful maybe because of the christmas songs I was listening to. Those songs never grow old! the photo was taken to show the things I used to block out the fire alarm ringing as it was testing day and it rang on and off about 30 times today. It was too cold to leave the house!

Life itself

Bad things do happen;

how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life.

I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness,

immobilized by the gravity of my loss,

or I can choose to rise from the pain

and treasure the most precious gift I have - life itself.

Monday, December 3, 2012


Dear you,
Turned off
Not respected

Dread Fear Stress Pressure

A waste of time!

When we drop/leave all that HATE, everything seems more beautiful.


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