Friday, November 2, 2012

I am in Glasgow..

It feels like I have been in Glasgow forever already. Being back to Glasgow this time round did not feel as exhilirating like the first time. I knew where to get the bus to campus from the airport. I knew when to press the button for the bus driver to drop me off. I knew where I was lugging my luggage to. I was mentally and physically prepared to WALK and CARRY my almost 30kg worth of goods up the four flights of stairs, if I were to get the highest floor to stay... Which I did! Basically, not feeling clueless or not being a noob in this city practically makes Glasgow feel like home.

My housemate: Funny how we never spoke to each other for three years and now we speak to each other everyday!
The only huge difference compared to KL is that I do not have the luxury of sitting in a car to get from A to B... BUT I have the luxury of using my legs to walk to get from A to B. Heh it is a 'luxury' because in KL, the chances of me having to drag my heavy luggage for a 20 minute walk is slim. In KL, once I arrive at the airport, I collect my luggage and get a trolley and someone who loves me will have a car waiting.... :)The flight to Glasgow was bearable. I was always the kind of person that gets pretty comfortable in an airplane. I can sleep the entire journey, without meds. As usual, I requested for a window seat so I get to see whatever awesome view there is outside. Its not everytime I get to see views from up above. So, why not grab the opportunity when given :)
Emirates served awesome food! It was also pretty filling that I had to save the bun for another time. The list of in-flight movies were abundant. I managed to watch the movies I wanted to, but never got the chance to watch when in KL. I watched the Katy Perry's Part Of Me movie. It was so good, I loved it.
Then, I watched A Little Bit Of Heaven, a romantic comedy starring Kate Hudson. Damn that movie made me cry a river during the flight. I had to constantly cover my face with the pillow because I did not want others to see me cry. It was such a heart warming movie. Then, while I was watching another movie, I saw the person sitting next to me watching A Little Bit Of Heaven. She was a Japanese lady. I was looking at her to see if she was crying or not..... At first no emotions from her, so I thought I was the crazy sensitive one. But, eventually I saw her take a tissue and dab her eyes... Now, thats how good the movie was:):)

What is currently happening to me in Glasgow? The weather is so dry that when I eat m&m's with peanut my pimples start popping out like nobody's business. I tried so many times to call to make an appointment to see a doctor at the Infirmary but they dont bloody pick up the phoen. So, I have been delaying my doctor's visit since my arrival.I should really do it soon before the snow falls and ice comes and then I will have to wait till spring to see the doc *yes, I am exaggerating* Temperatures in Glasgow are single digits already.It is cloudy mostly.
There are days when it get sunny and everyone falls in love with the sun when we are in Glasgow. Such a rare sight! THe sunlight does not burn like the one in KL
To try to cure my pimples, I bought vegetables like broccoli, cabbage and carrots.... I left it in the shelf till some became mouldy. So, in one day I had to cook all the good looking vege and spent the entire week finishing it. That is why I hate buying vegetables. I procrastinate when it comes to cooking vegetables. Feels like too much effort to cut, wash and peel off the skin. And then have to stand in front of the stove and boil it which then makes my shirt stink. But for a better pimpleless face, I need to cultivate the habit of eating those greens. Heh, my apples were in the fridge for a month before I ate it :P
My hand itches when I am back in Glasgow to try to experiment new ways of making things in the kitchen. Basically, its making a meal with whatever things I have in my fridge.Heres one: Bread topped with garlic, butter, smoked salmon, mozzarella cheese and McDonalds chilli sauce! Its a pizza la. Absolutely fatty but satisfyin to my tastebuds.
People ask me if there was anything new in Glasgow. I found out there was a Morrisons nearby.
My brother's injured leg because he twisted it while playing basketball!
I am trying a more healthier approach to my food intake. So, to start off, I change my choice of breakfast. At first it was chocolate milk or mot milo. Now, because I can make yoghurt thanks to Easiyo, strawberry homemade yoghurt with berries cornflakes has been my daily breakfast staple.
My pancakes
Lamb beriyani
Two of my other housemates are Indian, so they were using these sauces which I have never heard of. Balti, Jalfrezi, Masala.... so on. I had the urge to eat lamb beriyani, so I googled and they said to use Balti curry paste. Its actually so easy to find these sauces in the supermarket. I ended up using the Balti sauce to mix with my cabbage, carrots and potatoes. It tasted like dahl. Jalfrezi is good to make curry chicken. I found beriyani sauce in Aldi selling for 99p. I made Lamb Beriyani with it and it turned out really well and spicy too :)thats all for now.....

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