Friday, December 2, 2011

Kraf tangan

Cuti sekolah sudah 2 minggu berlalu... apa yang anak-anak lakukan sepanjang cuti sekolah ini ... ? masing-masing dengan aktiviti masing-masing... Wafa akan naik ke Tingkatan 5 tahun hadapan..oleh itu kena bersedia dari sekarang... terutama subjek yang "kurang" faham ..seperti Fizik dan Matematik Tambahan ... kena minta tolong Abg Zaid ajar... Ammar sudah habis cuti semester selama 1 bulan..Ahad ini akan kembali ke USIM semula... Mu'adz pula tiada cuti..biasa lah pelajar tahfiz tidak dibenarkan bercuti lama..nanti takut lupa kembali hafazan mereka... perlu selalu mengulang bacaan Al-Quran...Zubair pula akan masuk Maahd Tahfiz tahun hadapan, jadi saya rasa tidak perlu menghantar beliau ke mana-mana program masa cuti ini... kerana apabila masuk sahaja tahfiz, beliau akan selalu sibuk... saya rasa saya perlu beri beliau peluang berehat dahulu... 

Hana anak bungsu saya pula..sekarang berada di kampung ..sudah seminggu mengikut Mak Long nya balik minggu lepas... tetapi minggu pertama cuti, beliau sudah memulakan aktiviti yang hendak beliau buat semasa cuti iaitu kraf-tangan ... beliau berminat untuk membuat kraf tangan menggunakan kain felt dan butang... nak lihat apa yang Hana sudah buat? 
Key-Chain dan purse dari kain felt dan dihiasi dengan butang-butang comel dan cantik!
Cantik tak? ok lah kan bagi seorang kanak-kanak berumur 9 tahun!
Ada sesiapa nak tempah key-chain dari Hana?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thursday Tip # 10 - A splash of colour

My favourite decorating style  revolves around walls and furniture in neutrals enhanced  with splashes of colour .  This is a very easy style for anyone to pull off.  The colour is usually in accessories, but sometimes it can be in  a piece of furniture.  Let's take a look at several rooms to see how it's done.

The largest block of yellow is the door. It could just as easily have been a chair or an area rug.  The yellow is repeated in a print duvet cover.  A print always adds interest.  The throw is yellow and very textured.  The yellow follows through to the bathroom in the vases, mat and towel.  That's probably enough.  After that there would be too much yellow and it would not longer be neutral and a splash!

The room below has a very subtle splash of pink in the wallpaper and two chairs.  I'm craving at least one other splash somewhere in the room to make it three (counting the chairs as one).  Perhaps it's outside of the photograph frame.
High Point Market 2011 Color Trends
High Point Market 2011 Color Trends
Pangaea Interior Design, 

Turquoise blue/teal works with any decor.  We have a colour triangle in this room with the chair, pillows (as one), and art work. 
Glenwood Residence contemporary living room
Tobi Fairley

Tobi Fairley loves to use very vibrant pops of colour in here room designs.  The artwork  and ottoman are the most prominent features. but the strip on the drapes and the flowers help  move your eye around  the room and provide varying proportions of red. 

I'm getting ready to redecorate my master bedroom and I plan to use a  soft green with cream. A full post is coming up on this minor transformation.   The splashes of colour do not have to be vibrant.  Check these out.  

Similar to what I have in mind for my own room, Sara Richardson has used soft greens in different patterns on the bed, and then sprinkled several green accessories around the room. 

 The pink in this design is so soft it is barely discernible, but it enhances the gray and off white just enough to make the room interesting. Again, pattern plays a prominent role in how the pink moves around the room. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Akan Datang..

Kesihatan yang baik #1

Alhamdulillah, telah membeli buku ini di salah satu jualan yang diadakan di fakulti..sangat tertarik membaca judulnya, mesti isinya juga menarik dan penuh informasi.....
penulis nya : Dr Adi Hashman

Ia menjelaskan :

* Formula penjagaan kesihatan fizikal, mental dan emosi yang diajarkan oleh Rasulullah SAW
* Teknik menjaga kebersihan yang terbaik serta dapat membantu meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh
* Tip-tip sihat yang mudah dan murah mengikut sunnah Rasulullah SAW
* Kriteria makanan sihat serta bermenafaat mengikut Al-Quran dan sunnah Rasulullah SAW
* Kesan berpuasa pada kesihatan tubuh manusia
* Rahsia kesihatan di sebalik gerakan dalam solat

~ bersambung di entri akan datang  ~

Spesis Terancam 2005 - Burung ( Takau Rakit)

Monday, November 28, 2011


28 November 2011 jam 10.30 malam.2 Orang kru PAG bersama 3 orang kru PF bergerak ke satu lokasi yang dikatakan mempunyai kisah mistik dan misteri yang selalu diperkatakan oleh masyarakat sekitar yang duduk berhampiran dengan kawasan tersebut.Ada yang menyatakan banglo tersebut dibina pada tahun 1979 oleh sebuah keluarga yang begitu kaya raya.Bayangkan di waktu tahun 70an dan orang tersebut mampu membeli sebuah tanah di puncak bukit dan membina sebuah banglo idaman.Banglo 3 tingkat tersebut yang  mempunyai 8 bilik tidur dan 4 bilik mandi.Bayangkan betapa mewahnya keluarga tersebut di zaman itu.Difahamkan menurur cerita cerita mulut ke mulut,ada yang menyatakan 4 atau 5 orang ahli keluarga tersebut dibunuh atau membunuh diri.Kesahihannya kenapa dan atas sebab apa mereka mati masih tidak dapat terjawad dengan jelas.Walau apa pun 5 orang kru ini masih tetap ingin menyingkap fakta sejarah banglo terbabit.Ada sedikit gambar di lokasi untuk tatapan anda.
Laluan masuk yang dahulunya ber-tar kini telah di litupi hutan.
Mazidul sempat merakam beberapa gambar pegun di sekeliling semak.
Tibanya kami di dalam rumah tersebut yang kelihatan dindingnya telah di conteng oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab dan keadaan lantainya yang agak bersih.
Kru memulakan siasatan di tingkat 1.
Atoi PAG bersama Suhaimi kru PF meninjau suasana tangga di belakang rumah.
Mazidul berehat seketika.
CCTV Infra Merah siap sedia untuk dipasang..
Beginilah keadaan di bahagian hadapan pintu masuk banglo tersebut.
Suasana di bahagian lobi yang di penuhi semak samun.
Mazidul terus menangkap gambar pegun di sekitar banglo terbabit.
Zali sedang menerangkan sesuatu kepada Suhaimi.

Setelah selesai membuat siasatan di seluruh banglo tersebut,kesemua kru bersetuju memberi rating terhadap tahap keseraman banglo tersebut.Kesemua kru bersetuju memberi 2 bintang sahaja daripada 5.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Choosing great end tables

It requires a lot of patience to find the perfect end tables for a room. These tables are  part of your overall room design and you should follow some general guidelines to make sure they don't distract from your focal point or create too much conflict with everything else that is going on in the room. It's a delicate balance between your personal preferences and basic standards of design.

 Do end tables have to match the coffee table?

NO!  Having three tables in a space all matching sounds like a recipe for boredom in my opinion.  I know it's easy when you buy a set and  I know many homeowners opt for this solution, but I like a more curated look where each piece has obviously been given careful consideration and chosen for the space.  It is important that the pieces harmonize in the space or provide an impact whichever you are going for.

 Glenwood Residence contemporary living room

In this room the end tables match each other and are light and airy which is in  opposition to the coffee table which is upholstered and dark. While they don't match the whole room is harmonized.

Glenwood Residence eclectic living room

This is another living room design by Tobi Fairley which has matching end tables with a very different coffee table. I would argue that the end tables, while very interesting  in the overall design scheme, are too high.  I could see more than one elbow smacked on these! That leads to the second consideration.

What's the perfect height for end tables?

 By function an end table is usually placed by a chair or sofa and you have to lift your arm over the arm of the furniture to lay something on the table.  Remember function first.  They also need to be tall enough to provide a base for a lamp which should be a reasonable height to shed light.  24 - 26" is the usual  the  height of an  end table (some are as tall as 30in.), but the chosen table should work with the proportions of your other furniture.  A simpler way to say this is have your tables just  below the height of the arm of the sofa/chair. But these are guidelines. The round table in the room below is taller than the chair but doesn't look out of proportion with the other furniture.

While at CHil Design Group contemporary family room
 There are  also four different types of tables in this room and it doesn't look disjointed  because they are all in the same wood tones. When you have this many tables, a mix of shapes is imperative.  Some should be round  to play against all the rectangles.

Domicile id contemporary living room
Domicile Interior Design

 While this is a lovely room, I personally find the end table too low for the high arm on the sofa.  You would have to reach way up and then down to place a drink on the table.  The lamp is also overpowering the table.   Tables and lamps have to work together, but that's a topic for another post. 

 Strictly speaking this is a side table, but the same principles apply to its selection. These nesting tables work beautifully with the lines of the chair.  I like the use of the floor lamp with this vignette rather than having an overpowering lamp on these delicate tables.Threes always make interesting pairings.

How do you choose a style/shape/colour?

Your end tables can match the style of your other furniture or they can make a statement by having a dissimilar style. There are many ways to go when choosing shape. A square shape is a good connecting piece when you have sofas or sofa and chair at right angles to each other.  It fits into the shape well and creates continuous flow.    Some may find it too continuous and seek out a round shape to soften the look.  

If you have soft furniture with rounded lines, a table with clean, straight lines adds variety to the look. The colour should be different enough so that it stands out from the floor colour.   If you don't plan to invest in an area rug on hardwood floors, choose tables that are lighter or darker than your wood floors. This is one of the biggest mistakes homeowners make when choosing  tables of any kind. I call it the disappearing furniture syndrome.

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