Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Should I follow colour trends?

Do you plan to change your colour scheme in the new year?

Have you been  looking for a colour scheme you won't see in every other house you visit?

Washington Park Residence 06 traditional kitchen

Here's a post just for  you.

Striving for individuality in your home is an up hill battle as I know from choosing colour scemes for my own home. Six years ago I repainted the first floor of my house at a time when heavy earth colours were popular .

 The thought of using  dark  colours on my walls depressed me because they absorb too much outside light, and I need light to be happy.  So I choose a  colour scheme that was light and  neutral based on creams and grays.  I threw current trends to the four winds and created rooms I was happy in.  Six years have passed and now  my house is trendy!
While I'm very aware of design trends, there's an aspect of my personality that likes to fight them a little. Rather than giving advice to follow the latest colour trends, I feel the most important aspect of my role as an interior decorator is  to help clients develop a colour scheme that makes them happy  and comfortable.  That means keeping an open mind about all colour.

I'm a firm believer that you can use any colour you want in a room if it works with your furniture and the light. It's a matter of finding the value of the colour that works  and then expanding the scheme  with accents.  

You can develop your own style by starting with a colour you love and building on it. If you love yellow and think it is too much on walls, use it as an accent.

 If you love pink, use it!

If pristine is more to your taste , go there.  


"Be faithful to your own taste because nothing you really like is ever out of style." ~Billy Baldwin

Year`End Sale.....YES! Books!

Alhamdulillah...sekali lagi kami shopping buku-buku.....
tak ada beg tangan , kasut or baju... tapi buku.....
Jom.... saat ini semua anak-anak sudah tenggelam dalam dunia buku masing-masing....

3 Bulan 10 hari lagi....

6 bulan dah berlalu, means 3 bulan 10 hari lagi waktu yg ditunggu akan tiba.
takut ada suka pun yer gak. takut ? mau nyer x, wlaupun ada pengalaman melahirkan, bila diingat sakit nyer waktu nk bersalin dulu mak aiii.. hanya yg pernah mengalami yg tahu best ke tak bersalin ni hehe...

tapi harus di ingat setiap kesakitan tu ada hikmah nyer dan dari situ la kita rasa bertuah coz tak smua wanita mampu mengandung dan melahirkan. ada setengah tu bertahun2 kawin dan ada pula di sahkan oleh doktor x mampu utk
mempunyai zuriat.. ape2 pun kuasa di tangan Allah selagi kita x putus asa dan ikhtiar serta yakin insyaallah tiada yg mustahil kan..

Seawal 3 bulan sampai la skang, bleh dikatakan deena kerap ke klinik dan hospital coz ada kencing manis. tak penah kena pun sebelum ni.. harap2 pas bersalin nnt smua ok. persiapan baby pun satu pun blom beli lagi x pasti nk beli warna biru or pink :) . dah byk kali scan tapi dia x mau tunjuk la pulakkk..
baby malu kot hehe.. tak kisah la yang penting deena selamat dan baby sihat.

P/s : dira, syeera dan danish tak sabar nk dpt adik baru ! :)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas gifts - The exchange

To friends:

Picture taken from Amy coz I didn't take any pic of this.

Pretty christmas chocolates

From friends:
Just pictures of cards and gifts received for Christmas.

He said, She said

"i worry than im just goin to earn around rm3k monthy . thats not enough . im single and i know life will be good with this much money but its just not enough . i need more money. i need to be rich . I need to be filthy rich . its true that money cant buy me happiness but at least i can be unhappy at nice place."

"well yours is a normal feelings of a newly employed grad...let me tell you..20 yrs after graduation...i am not a millionaire but i have been to nice places in the world...my education brought me to such places. i m happily married wt children...things will turn out well for you too. Work hard without expecting returns for every bit of your work, do & think good & you will be rich of money & happiness."

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Cara pasang shoutbox melayang

shoutboxDalam artikel sebelum ini saya ada menerangkan cara bagaimana cara memasang shout box secara tersembunyi pada tepi paparan blog.Untuk kali ini pula agak berlainan kerana shoutbox yang diklik akan muncul dibahagian tengah  paparan blog dengan kesan gelap dan muncul secara perlahan lahan.Cara membuatnya juga agak mudah kerana  cuma perlu masukkan pada widget sahaja.
Cara memasangnya:

1.Masuk ke dashboard-klik pada Layout dan pilih add a gadget

2.Pilih HTML/Javascript

Dan masukkan kod ini:

<!-- Start flying Shoutbox  by ybl -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.pack.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
//select all the a tag with name equal to ybl
$('a[name=ybl]').click(function(e) {
//Cancel the link behavior
//Get the A tag
var id = $(this).attr('href');
//Get the screen height and width
var tbbHeight = $(document).height();
var tbbWidth = $(window).width();
//Set heigth and width to tbb to fill up the whole screen
//transition effect
//Get the window height and width
var winH = $(window).height();
var winW = $(window).width();
//Set the popup window to center
$(id).css('top', winH/2-$(id).height()/2);
$(id).css('left', winW/2-$(id).width()/2);
//transition effect
//if close button is clicked
$('.window .close').click(function (e) {
//Cancel the link behavior

//if tbb is clicked
$('#tbb').click(function () {

<style>a {color:#ffffff; text-decoration:none}
img { border: none; }
#tbb {
#ddt .window {
#ddt #yblshoutbox {
background:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjLZd3VZcZR4hbRkrSLWQAMR8M_voQIkUIm5bk7ySOTqxZ5RoIFK8aSRD17Y8N34Glilau4aEjy_v8RKHrOLtxuCPxSToIix1cvwwKujQi92SBLmG3ADFIv9U7kE9MyPR62b-QZExfXHDg/s1600/shout.gif) no-repeat 0 0 transparent;
padding:60px 0 20px 15px;
#ttp {
padding:2px 0 0 0;
<ul><center> <a href="#yblshoutbox" name="ybl"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhG8F0UvzujojOPdZ80JeNNDD0hmCxxe42P0QS7QCDLicpsoKUYIooBGgqRy8-6lL6CEoPSQxSZ2bZejPAdhcAAwUjAW1vBa0Ft3o5hHbMvaix4rTprVmDMDGMHc4PCG2vYBCako415kR0/s512/button.gif" border="0" width="128" height="58" /></a> </center> </ul>
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<div id="ttp"><input type="button" value="Close" class="close" style="background: #0066FF; color: #ffffff;"/><a href="http://teknikbuatblog.blogspot.com/2010/12/cara-pasang-shoutbox-melayang.html"><font size="1">get this</font>
</a></div></div><!-- End Shoutbox -->
<div id="tbb"></div></div>
<!-- End of flying Shoutbox  by ybl -->
Kemudian klik save
#Jangan lupa masukkan kod shoutmix pada ruangan diatas.Ubahkan kod shoutmix/Cbox contoh width="240" height="380" supaya memenuhi ruang bingkai.

contoh kod shoutmix

Naungan Allah SWT

Hadis Sahih Bukhari Jilid 1. Hadis Nombor 0376.
Dari Abu Hurairah r.a., dari Nabi saw., sabdanya: "Allah swt. akan memberikan naungan kepada tujuh jenis orang pada hari kiamat, di mana tidak ada naungan ketika itu kecuali naungan Allah. 

1. Imam (pemimpin, kepala pemerintahan yang adil.)
2. Pemuda yang terdidik/terlatih sejak kecil dalam menyembah Allah.
3. Seseorang yang hatinya tergantung di mesjid.
4. Dua orang yang saling mengasihi kerana Allah; mereka berkumpul kerana Allah dan berpisah kerana Allah
5. Seorang laki-laki yang dirayu untuk berbuat maksiat oleh wanita bangsawan yang cantik, lantas ia menolak dengan berkata halus, "Aku takut kepada Allah."
6. Seorang yang bersedekah dengan sembunyi-sembunyi, sehingga tangan kirinya tidak tahu apa yang telah diberikan tangan kanannya.
7. Seorang yang mengingat Allah waktu bersunyi-sunyi, lantas meleleh air matanya."

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