Sunday, November 24, 2013

Misteri Batu Guidestones Georgia

Juga dikenali sebagai versi Stonehenge Amerika, Guidestones Georgia yang terletak di Elbert County masih diselubungi misteri.

Walaupun batu itu telah didirikan hanya pada tahun 1979, namun apa yang tertulis di dinding batu ini adalah 10 'perintah baru' yang ditulis dalam Bahasa Inggeris, Bahasa Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arab, China, Rusia, dan Sepanyol.

Dan tiada siapa yang pasti mengapa atau

Accessories: Making it all work

 Decorators get all kinds of requests for services from furniture layout to full home designs. I like the variety of smaller jobs with  the ones that go on forever.  Two of my favourite tasks are rehanging art to best advantage and providing the last layer of accessories in a home. Sometimes I get to do both in the same house!

Over the next several posts I want to provide a glimpse into the thought processes I use when accessorizing a client's space.   Think about it as adding the icing to an already great cake. If you do it for your own home or as a professional service, the task is really the same. You have to juggle design principles with individual taste (both decorator& clients) and existing elements in the home.

 Sometimes homeowners have  objects  to incorporate in the design and other times you may  start with a clean slate.   As a decorator, I find  a  clean slate  more difficult  because I want to choose accessories that are "sensible" for the homeowner.  By that I mean  I want to select objects that relate to  family composition, budget, existing objects  and  interests.   Here's a little of how it goes.....

Use what is important to you

Re-use objects from other rooms

Mix shapes and scale

accessories: Making it all work

 This is a perfect example of  how existing objects  can  form the backbone of a great vignette.  The crystal vase was a wedding gift and  the lamp was in another room, but the scale was too small for that space. The homeowners had the mirror from their previous home.  When I saw the silver cut edged design in the frame that  mimicked the cuts in the crystal, I knew it would work.  I have to admit I am a firm believer in giving  new life to "previously loved" things.

There is  variety  in the  shapes in this vignette.  The major objects (table and mirror) are rectangles,  the bottle, vase and lamp are cylinders, the ceramic bowl a softened square.   Spheres are introduced in the top of the bottle and the floral shapes.  The leaves serve to soften all the shapes with their lovely droop.

 Have a mix of warm and cool tones

The homeowner wanted something to put keys in so the soft white ceramic bowl with a  coppery/bronze interior was chosen.  If everything is silver why add  warm tones ?  I like to mix metals for interest.  The jar behind  the bowl is mercury glass and it has a bronzy metal top- both work with the warm tones in the orchids.   So three cool tones and three warm tones.   I always mix warm and cool. 

Choose an accent colour from other objects or art

Move the accent colour around the vignette and the  larger space 

 Pay attention to the geometry in a space

Move  colours around the vignette.  This is a must for success.  When you have a mirror and a small space you can depend on what is on the opposite wall to add to your vignette.   You can see glimpses of  the opposite side of the porch  in the mirror. 

Choosing an accent colour
All the walls on the main floor are a cool blue gray.  You already know I like to mix warms and cools in any scheme, so I wanted a warm colour to offset the cools.   The first thing I chose for this room was the art. The pillow was second. The art was chosen based on what I observed hung in the home on my first visit. Two of the pieces had orange as a primary colour and both had elements of  landscape in them.  This is a more interpretative landscape which is also usually  a safe purchase.  The lines of design in the painting  bring the viewer in an up thus adding depth and height to this small space. it works well with the scale of the bench and the the nine foot ceiling.

I couldn't pass up the repetition of the back shape of the bench in the pillow.  It serves to break up the dark in this small space and moves your eye around.  I also love how the diamonds duplicate the linear quality of the trees but in a more complicated way.

 Choose items that can work in several formations

 If you choose your objects wisely you can move them around and add seasonal items to the decor when needed. And most importantly of all do not get over stressed when things mysteriously get bumped or shoved off centre as the table in the above shot!  People live there.   

And that is why homeowners call a decorator!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Expresso Lab Cafe @ Avenue K

Next to Urbean Cafe is Expresso Lab. It was my first time patronising that cafe. I actually left Urbean after my smoked salmon sandwich and as I passed expresson Lab, their tiramisu caught my eye. There was only one slice left and it looked like the Tiramisu from Alexis.

I gave it a go. RM12 per slice.

The verdict: Its still not up to Alexis standard. I do like that they put chocolate chips in between layers. 

The tiramisu from F by Buffalo Kitchens in  Telawi 3, Bangsar is better than Expresson Lab's.

Urbean Cafe @ Avenue K

The last time I was raving about the smoked salmon sandwich at Urbean Cafe in Avenue K. I just had some yesterday for the third time and it was still my favourite kind of meal. Their gourmet bread which is walnut bread topped with chives cream cheese makes it even more delicious.

My sister ordered Smoked Salmon linguini which was just as good. The pasta was cooked to perfection.

Another star for Urbean.

 Try their coffee too.

Fixie bike

Alhamdulillah.....setelah sekian lm org dah pakai beskal fixie, hari ni bru aku beli. Mgkin bdk ni dah cemuih kot. Atau nk pakai duit utk kawen. Dak pun sbb besika ni lm terperok x nek lgsg. Angin pun xdak.
Confiden jae aku bli walau xdak angin. Mcm tau nk isi angin, Macan keta mutu, rupanya xleh. Lagu mn dia punya kepla tiub. Semua kepla yg duk ada xleh masuk. Nk kn g tannya kedai pomeng lae....pomeng ttp henpon lak...
Gambr xdan nk ambk kelemahaN bli brg mln2 ni...masalah xleh setel sbb kedai dah tutup....
Dah krg sgt dah bdk2 nek fixie. Bg org tua nek lak. Seb bek kaler dia putih jae, xdak capur2 kuning hijau kae biru kae..... Kalu dak x lepah gak nk nek....x sesuai ngn org tua....

Kalu bli baru mau 3 4 ratus. Men ngN terdesak ni, dpt la murah2.
Wallahu a'lam.....

Sent from my Sony Ericsson Xperia neo

update 27/11: td p beli dia punya alat nk buh angin tayar, sekali harga dia RM6 bro.....mak aiiii tembaga kecik ni sampai gitu mahei nyer.....akhirnya boleh la isi angin....bila nak test ride.....segan lak dah beruban ni naik fixie......

update 4/12: Alhamdulillah, ada plak orang nak beli fixie bike aku ni.....kesian gak dah depa perlu, bukan saja2 nak naik....jual p la....aku beli saja2 ja....

gambar hiasan
adapter ni pun RM6

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Misteri Batu Terbakar Ribuan Tahun di Turki

Kira-kira 80 km sebelah barat daya ibu kota Turki, 'Antalya', bersebelahan dengan bandar Cirali di barat daya Turki, ada batu yang terus menyala yang terletak di sebuah gunung berbatu dan di dalam batu itu pula terus mengeluarkan api yang telah menyala selama ribuan tahun lamanya.

Nyalaan api itu membakar di bahagian yang berhampiran dengan gunung. Sebab-sebab api menyala dikatakan kerana

Chiang Mai ~ last


Hari ke3, awal-awal kami dah check out. Nak pi Chiang rai pulak, tapi bag tinggal kat hotel,sebab nanti nak patanh balik kat situ.  Perjalanan dalam 3 jam. Tapi tak terasa sangat sebab sepanjang jalan tu kami melawat Hot Spring Chang Rai. Ciput je tempat ni, biasa la, jual-jual baju & batu permata. Kami kat sini pun 45minit je.

kalau nak rebus telur pun boleh je..
air suam-suam kuku je..siap buat air pancut..

Pastu singgah kat Watt  Ronkun. Watt ni hasil dari sumbangan orang persendirian. Dia ni pelukis, banyak duit, so dia buat la watt, tapi kat sini tak ada sami, dia buat untuk tujuan seni, nak bapi pelancong menghayati kesenian yang tempat lain tak ada.

see... masuk-masuk je dah nampak seni ;)

adoi..kalau gantung kat rumah, mesti budak-budak dah xberani main bola depan umah .

semuanya putih.

Kat sini semua orang boleh masuk, tapi kena buka kasut. Saya tak masuk pun, panas sangat. hihi..

kat sini siapa nak masuk kat dalam watt tak boleh seksi, kena pakai kain ye.. kalau duduk luar je takpa la nak seksi..
ni tandas tau!! tandas!! cantik dan bersih sangat!!
sangat-sangat suka!! nak kena buat ni..

nilah pemilik watt ni, sempoi je..
Lepas tu dalam 30minit camtu, kami sampai kat segi tiga emas!!! Nak pi cari emas pulak. Hehehe... Sebenarnya Golden Triangle ni ialah tempat dimana kita boleh pergi ke Thailand, Laos dan Myanmar. Naik bot je.. Kat sini sebenarnya tempat kasino. Tapi ada la kat Laos tu tempat shopping, tapi biasa je, macam pasar tani kita je.. ;)

jom..jommm naik bot!!
inilah dia, dari kiri thailand, myanmar, laos!

boleh la study peta kat sini, nak pi china pun dekat dah tau!

kan dah cakap..macam nat je...

Kami kat sini pun dalam 1jam je kot. Sebab dah petang, nak check in  pastu makan. Lapo!!

akak ni suara dia power!
Lepas makan, jejalan lagi, kat sini cuaca tak sejuk,tapi baru nak masuk sejuk, semua kedai jual baju tebal-tebal. Kami tengok-tengok je la.

Besoknya kami jejalan kat depan hotel je. Sepanjang jalan tu orang menjual tau, macam-macam ada.
Hotel kami kat Maesai, sempadan Myanmar.

tu..tu...tu pintu pagar ke Myanmar, saya tak masuk pun, geng lelaki banyak masuk sana. Katanya sana lagi banyak kedai jualan. Nak masuk sana RM50!! baik beli kat belah sini je.. ;)
dekat sangat dah.. hehe

tradisional sangat!

the northern most of thailand. mat fariq, u nak sangat kat mai sini. ;) i datang tulu ye..

kat sini semangat kebangsaan sangat, pagi-pagi lagu kebangsaan kuat sangat depa ni pasang, masa tu semua orang kena berdiri, mamat ni punya la laju keluar dari kedai, tapi bila dengar lagu, terus berhenti. bagus tul.
teramat banyak kedai!!!
Tengah hari tu, kami dah bertolak ke Chiang mai balik. Malam tu, shopping kat sana pulak, tapi orang lain la shopping, saya sakit perut, so lepak bilik je! Banyak baju tak sempat nak beli. Tak ada pun baju Chiang Mai tau!! Sedih betul..

Kesimpulannya kat sini betul-betul tempat shopping!! Tapi ada banyak lagi tempat yang kami tak pi, macam naik gajah , perkampungan orang asli yang leher panjang, dan banyak lagi. Rasanya kena tambah lagi 1 minggu la kalau nak pi semua tempat. hehhee...Seminggu pun dah teringat pokok kat rumah, camna nak tambah lagi 1 minggu.

Apapaun, terima kasih sangat kat office yang sudi bawa saya!
Nanti-nanti bawa lagi tau!!

terima kasih

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