Thursday, November 14, 2013

Infrared Thermometers

How ghost hunters use Infrared Thermometers?
How do infrared (IR) thermometers work?
IR thermometers capture the invisible infrared energy naturally emitted from all objects. Infrared radiation is part of the electromagnetic spectrum which includes radio waves, microwaves, visible light, ultraviolet, gamma, and X-rays. Any object warmer than absolute zero emits energy somewhere within that range.
How does this apply to ghost hunting?
IR thermoemters read the surface temperatures of things. The wall below is giving off a infrared heat signature of 78 degrees and the IR thermometer picks it up. If something invisible to the naked eye gets in between the wall surface and the thermometer and it has a lower you IR heat signature you will get a colder temperature reading.

Olympus EVP Recorder with USB and LIVE Listening

This easy-to-use EVP recorder is designed to be plugged directly into your computer for fast file transfer. Always get the best sound recording, no matter what your environment, with built-in stereo microphones and the new Scene Select function. And with 2GB of internal memory, and over 500 hours of recording there is plenty of memory to record and store files.
•Live EVP Listening Capability (when using headphones or external speaker)
•No cables needed! Plug the recorder directly into your computer with the pop-out USB
•2GB for over 500 hours of recording
•Backlit display for easy viewing during a nighttime investigation
•Very Easy To Use
•MP3 and WMA format for ease and quality
For Live Listening plug in headphones or an external speaker into the headset jack. Note: When using an external speaker, for best results, hold the speaker at least a few inches from the recorder to eliminate feedback. If need be, you can get an extension cable from your local electronics store when using an external speaker.

•Built in 2GB Memory (over 500 Hours or Recording Time)
•Direct USB Link to your computer - no cables needed
•Backlit display for easy viewing during a nighttime investigation
•High quality stereo sound in MP3 or WMA formats
•Optional voice activation capability
•Advanced optional noise reduction functions (voice filter, low-cut filter and noise cancel)
•File marking function
•Up to 27 hours of recording time on one battery

Additional Gadget for EVP`s
Mini Parabolic Microphone with Monocular for Long Range Sight and Sound

Not just for the average spy! This listening device is also an excellent tool for the nature lover that wants to watch and listen to their favorite animals in the wild without alerting them to their presence.
     •    It has the ability to record and play back up to 12 seconds of
          audio with a single press
     •    Monocular for remote viewing
     •    Bionic ear amplifies sound with crystal clarity
     •    Hear sounds from up to 100 meters away
 Technical Specs:
     •    Up to 100m range
     •    Power supply: 1 9V Battery
     •    Record time: 12 seconds, auto overwrite
     •    1 BioDish-1000
     •    1 Instruction Booklet
     •    1 Headset

Spirit Box (Mini Radio)

Ghost Boxes & Spirit Boxes
Ghost boxes and spirit boxes and a great way to promote communication in both directions with a potentially intelligent entity. A ghost box utilizes various environmental queues through software to give the spirits a voice while a spirit box emits raw radio frequencies.

NEW Spirit Box SB7-2 with AM+FM sweep
The NEW 2011 Spirit Box Model B-PSB7 (SB7)
The B-PSB7 Spirit Box is a great compact tool for attempting communication with paranormal entities. It uses both AM and FM radio frequency sweeps to generate white noise which theories suggest give some entities the energy they need to be heard. When this occurs you will sometimes hear voices or sounds coming through the static in an attempt to communicate.
This unit utilizes a milli-second adjustable Forward or Reverse frequency "sweep" technique coupled with a proprietary high frequency synthetic noise or "white noise" distributed between frequency steps. There are two discreet audio outputs; (1) Earphone, and (2) A Internal Speaker. It also features a bright LED back light display with manual ON/OFF select ideal for viewing in the dark.

•Compact Spirit Box for Communication
•Listen to LIVE responses with the internal speaker or headphones
•Sweeps AM and FM more frequencies than any other Spirit Box / Ghost Box on the market
•Compact size like a typical MP3 player

Ghost Meter (EMF)

The most important tool for a ghost hunter is the EMF meter. When paranormal activity takes place, theories suggest that electromagnetic anomalies often take place in the environment. This meter allows you to detect these disturbances.
Low-cost, easy-to-use single-axis EMF meter featuring both audio and visual alarms.

Technical Specs      
•Dimensions: 5 1/8" x 2 1/2" x 1 1/8"
•Power: 9-volt battery

•Delivers audible and visual alerts upon detection with on/off control
•Detects & measures fields generated by power lines, computer monitors, TVs, Appliances, Wiring & more
•Detects 0-5 milli Gauss
•Requires one 9V battery (not included)

Lelaki Kemaruk Mahu Menjadi Seekor Anjing!

Sesetengah orang memang menggemari haiwan, tetapi bagi Gary Matthews, 47, dia mengimpikan untuk menjadi seekor anjing.

Matthews yang juga juruteknik teknologi maklumat yang menganggur berhasrat menjadi haiwan berbulu itu jika diberi kesempatan.

Apabila mendapat peluang, biasanya dia akan memakai kostum anjing ketika berada di rumah bersama keluarga dan rakan, selain turut menggelar dirinya

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Inspitari 2013: Part ii


Untuk memenuhi janji yang telah dipateri...Ohooooyyy... Terpateri sangat kan... Mrs. Yan keluarkan Inspitari 2013: Part ii pulak. Entry ni adalah sambungan dari Inspitari 2013: Part i hari tuh. Dan dengan secara tak langsungnya, Mrs. Yan terpaksa membuat Inspitari 2013: Part iii sebabnya ada sikit lagi gambar yang tak dipilih... So, sekarang ni kita tengok Inspitari 2013: Part ii dulu okkaip... :)

Sampai sini jela dulu yang sempat edit... Maap bebanyak la ye sebab takde niat pun nak ber'part-part' ni. Huhuhu...
-Thanks for reading-

November o November

Lama dah x update. Sibuk duk biz biz dah slow boleh la update blog. Hjung taun ni org  byk belanja kot sbb tu kurg nk bersopping online. Tambah lak k/tangan awam dapat gaji awal raya aji ari tu, nk tunggu gaji bln ni terik gak oooo...

Banyak juga berita hot sepanjang bulan ni macam kematian artis, terbaru Arwah Ahmad Busu, rompakan Ambank, pengasuh dera budak. X abis2 kes dera ni....Ni la guna nya spy cam, murah ja pun. Memory card kena le besor baru leh rakam sampai 1 hari....Memang bijak betul bapa budak tu....Ni la gunanya teknologi, bkn setakat nk fb, watsap jer, main game, jadi detektif pun boleh. Elok seblom nk tuduh tu, siasat dulu...

Pencuri sekarang mmg makin berani. Sebb depa tau kita krg prihatin, dan x bersedia kalu dah kena, jd blur x tau nk wat apa2. Pencuri mmg kerjanya mencuri, kita la kena jg brg2 kita supaya x mudah dicuri. Kalu dpt dicuri juga stlh mengambil langkah berjaga2, biar je lah. Dah bkn rezki kita pun. Bkn buleh bw mati pun, asal jgn mengancam keselamatan diri sudah.

Pastikan keadaan selamat baru start buat keja. Contoh nk ambik duit kat bank, p sorang ka berdua ka ramai2, kalu sorang nk wat camana, duit simpn tang mana, lock keta dak, org nampak dak, org perasaan dak kia bawak duit, ada org ikut dak, kiri kanan kita sapa, kawasan lengang ke ramai org. Semua, macam2 kena cek. Bila jadi, baru leh kata dah xdak rezeki. Ini idak letak merata2, bila hilang kata dah bukn rezki, padahal kau yg tolak rezki.....


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