Monday, October 21, 2013

Mr. Aid Style


 Pengasas Jurus Ke-101; Mr. Aid Style

Dah kenapa pepagi buta nak ber'Mr. Aid Style' lak tetibe kan... Sila jangan gosok mata sebab Mrs. Yan memang nak tulis Mr. Aid Style, bukan Gangnam Style okkaip... Dari gambar kat atas tuh la jadi titik mula kepada anak didik Mr. Aid yang sangat taksub untuk mengamalkan jurus ni.

Mesti korang tak paham apa yang Mrs. Yan cuba nak sampaikan kan... Tapi sebelum tuh, Mrs. Yan nak ingatkan korang supaya tak ketagih dengan amalan jurus ni sebab bila dah ketagih akan menjadi parah.. Buktinya ada kat bawah ni kalo tak percaya....

Pengamal pertama yang mempraktikkan Jurus Ke-101; Mr. Aid Style. Mr. Jamal a.k.a Amane Komatsuza dan Mr. Fahizuan Amri (Gambar tidak diletakkan atas sebab-sebab keselamatan)

Merebak kepada Mr. Kamrul Adli

Lebih teruk jika orang-orang atasan juga berjangkit

 Ini kerana jurus ini boleh merebak kepada kakitangan yang lain.

Nampak tak pengaruh jurus ni sangat bahaya... JADIII... Don't try this at home... Paghohh mung...

* Sonok hari ni jalan tak jem... Huhuhuhu...

**Update : 24 Oktober 2013

**Update : 30 Disember 2013

Ni betul-betul paghoh... Virus merebak... 

-Thanks for reading-

Watch Knocked Up (2007) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading A Touching Movie

see-turkeyKnocked Up a very good comedy and romance movie that's well worth watching. It's one of those movies that doesn't get old. It was more a romance film than comedy though. The story is about parenthood and sex and it gives good lesson. I hope you will enjoy watching it.

How to watch Knocked Up For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch Knocked Up (2007) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. It's very easy. It's very easy. Watch Knocked Up 2007 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Lagi order pinhole glass

Setelah di promot2 akhirnya ada gak yg berminat. So order jer 4 biji....Depa dah cuba dan embira dgn kesan yg serta merta. Nampaknya kena giat lagi promot ni....

Packing pun ringkas ja...

Sapa yang berminat boleh order ngan saya.....jadi dropship ler. Whatsapp pun kat iklan jimat minyak sebelah kanan...hehehehe


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Kuiz Pelancongan Sempena Tahun Melawat Malaysia 2014

Bersempena dengan Tahun Melawat Malaysia 2014 nanti...
Opis awok ade menganjurkan kuiz pelancongan yang akan ke udara setiap haghi Khamis jam 5.45 - 6.00 petang....
Kuiz Pelancongan yang dah pun bermule minggu lepas ni akan bersiaran di stesyen Radio PerakFM  .......
yang awok tau ...hadiah2 nye memang lumayan....
contohnye macam minggu lepas (17 Oktober 2013)... Lost World of Tambun dijemput untuk minggu tu ....
dan hadiah yang deme beghikan bernilai RM600.00........

setiap soalan serta hadiah diberikan berdasarkan tetamu jemputan pada minggu tersebut......
kalo minggu tu Gua Tempurung....... soalan dengan hadiah nye deme le yang bagi....... dan sama le mengikut minggu...lupe pulak nak bagi nombor telefon nye ye!!! 05-545 0343......
pade yang berkesempatan kome bulih mencube....

errr....awok ade try caghi streaming link PerakFM....
tapi awok tak bulih bukak..... tapi takpe awok tinggei kan link nye dibawah untuk kome cube....

Link 1
Link 2
Link 3

Sementaghe Yob dengan Yong yang ade di Perak dan sempadan Perak ...
kome bulih tuko frekuensi kome mengikut tempat kome beghade....

IPOH                                    FM 95.6 MHz
BUKIT LARUT                    FM 104.1 MHz
GRIK                                   FM 96.1 MHz
LENGGONG                         FM 94.2 MHz
PERAK SELATAN              FM 97.3 MHz  &  89.6 MHz
Selamat Mencube!!!!!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Pelik! Lukisan Menggunakan Kopi Dan Teh

Pelukis berbakat ini mahukan satu kelainan ketika menghasilkan lukisan.

Toni menggunakan bahan asas utama 

kopi dan teh untuk setiap lukisannya.

Dipetik laporan DailyMail, Gerard Toni, 38, mendakwa dia mendapat idea untuk menggunakan kopi dan teh sebagai bahan asas utama dalam lukisannya sejak enam tahun selepas mendapat inspirasi daripada cara penyediaan minuman panas masyarakat Asia.

Is there beauty in imperfection?

I find beauty in imperfection and impermanence.  It's all over my art. 

 The petal that is captured as it starts to decay, 

the rusted objects found in debris, the peeling layers of wallpaper in old homes, 

  and objects no longer needed for their original function, the list is endless.

Accepting  transience and  imperfection (flawed beauty) can also  relate directly to your living space.  The Japanese world view/aesthetic of wabi sabi   acknowledges three simple realities: nothing lasts, nothing is finished, and nothing is perfect.

Wabi Sabi  reveres authenticity. When you look for authentic furniture and objects for your home you will rarely find them  in big box stores.  Natural materials predominate in wabi sabi homes: paper, aged wood, linens, cottons, etc. Look for anything that celebrates the  marks of time , weather, and  the effects of loving use.

This graphic is a good summary of the characteristics of wabi sabi. 


Characteristics of wabi-sabi include: asymmetry, asperity (roughness, irregularity), simplicity, economy, austerity,  and appreciation of the integrity of natural objects and processes.  Look for: natural flawed beauty, patina, handmade, irregularity, bareness. How refreshing!


 This aged cabinet maintains the marks of its history.  No effort could make it perfect.  The vignette on top is simple, asymmetrical  and references the beauty and temporality found in nature. While there is austerity in the products, there is also tranquility.

Many  examples of wabi sabi contain little or no colour, but I feel  colour is not exclusive of this aesthetic.  Here's a good example that has all the characteristics noted above. The marks of time are evident, even more so on colour.

The delicacy of pink blossoms against all the weathered wood pits naturalness against roughness. 

Not every space that has  wabi sabi characteristics looks exactly the same.  All of these spaces have some wabi sabi elements.  

 The wood console table is a hint of wabi sabi against the glass.  The space is simple and tranquil.

  I love the imprefection of this countertop against the modern, pristine cabinets.  Am I the only person who craves warmth in countertops?  Imagine the difference if this island were finished in granite.

 Lots of natural materials, simplicity and economy is line and adornment, and a focus on the handmade.

If you want a little wabi sabi in your home here are suggestions for a start: 

If you want to find out more about this aesthetic ....

And remember ...

And a lesson we can all learn from Wabi can also interpret it in a much looser fashion to accept what you have as beautiful and to live with only what you need.

All links to images and many more examples  on my Pinterest board Wabi Sabi 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Misteri Kewujudan Kerajaan Misteri Di Puncak Himalaya

Ada sebuah kepercayaan yang meyakini bahawa di antara puncak-puncak bersalji Himalaya dan lembah-lembah yang terpencil ada sebuah tempat yang tidak tersentuh, sebuah kerajaan dimana kebijakan universal berada di sana.

Di dalam teks-teks kuno, seperti Kalachakra dan Zhang Zhung disebutkan, kerajaan tersebut bernama Shambahala yang berasal dari bahasa Sanskrit yang bermaksud 'Tempat Kedamaian'

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