Sunday, October 13, 2013

Watch The Brave One (2007) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading

see-turkeyThe Brave One. Jodie Foster one of the best actresses in Hollywood. The movie and story tell an good message about how bad people should be punished but still Jodie Foster made a mistake by doing it herself instead of leaving it to the police and law. Terrence Howard and Jodie Foster give excellent performances. Enjoy.

How to watch The Brave One For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch The Brave One (2007) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. It's very easy. It's very easy. Watch The Brave One 2007 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Watch The Bank Job (2008) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading

see-turkeyThe Bank Job a fast-paced thriller action movie. It has the 70's feel and look. It's one of the most intelligent, entertaining and sharp movies you will ever see. The plot is great, good script and dedicated performances. It was based on a true story. Enjoy watching and let me know what do you think about it.

How to watch The Bank Job For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch The Bank Job (2008) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. It's very easy. It's very easy. Watch The Bank Job 2008 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Misteri Kalung 'The Heart of The Ocean' Yang Berpuaka

Anda masih ingat kalung berlian biru yang dipakai Rose dalam filem Titanic? Kalung yang diberi jolokan 'The Heart of The Ocean' akhirnya dicampakkan ke dasar laut pada penghujung filem itu.

Kalung berlian itu sebenarnya diinspirasikan daripada perhiasan sebenar yang kini dipamerkan di muzium di Washington D.C, Amerika Syarikat. Berlian biru tua pada kalung itu menjadi salah satu bahan

Friday, October 11, 2013


Insyallah awok akan menulih., banyak info nak dikongsi dengan semua.. Insyallah...

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Lokasi Paling Pelik Di Seluruh Dunia

Planet Bumi adalah ciptaan yang menakjubkan untuk diteroka dengan daya tarikan nilai estetika. Malah di era yang sarat dengan teknologi ini, wujud beberapa tempat yang dianggap sebagai pelik. Mari kita lihat tempat-tempat yang paling pelik di bumi.

Kauai, Hawaii

Kauai adalah pulau yang paling kuno di Hawaii yang keempat terbesar yang terletak di pulau-pulau utama. Lava ditepi pantai

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Hana' 11 tahun

29th September 2013

Hana, anak ke-8 dan bongsu ku, sudah genap 11 tahun pada 29hb September yang lalu, tetapi baru kini ku berkesempatan hendak menulis di blog ini mengenainya. 
Super duper busy ibunda ini!!! bukan sahaja weekdays, tetapi weekends juga..ada sahaja agenda yang hendak dan perlu dilakukan..Ummi minta maaf Hana' sayang ... (Dia dah tanya banyak kali, bila Ummi nak update pasal birthday dia di blog Ummi...hehe)

Birthday Hana jatuh pada hari Ahad, mmg plan nak ajak Hana celebrate kat luar..dan juga hendak melawat anak ke-6 ku, Mu'adz yang akan menjalani peperiksaan PMR nya, di asrama di Jeram., tapi nak dijadikan cerita, Atok dan Wan Hana' (iaitu ayahanda dan bonda ku) , minta tolong saya hantar mereka balik kampung minggu itu juga... Wan dah lama duduk di rumah MakLong, jadi dah tak sabar2 nak balik kampung...
Jadi saya terpaksa beralah...lagipun kenalah utamakan ibu bapa kan... akhirnya saya balik kampung ditemani Wafa (anak k-5) dan Anas (anak ke-4).  Abi tak dapat balik kerana kerja pada hari Sabtu dan melawat Mu'adz pada hari Ahad...
Birthday girl, si Hana pula, sebenarnya sejak balik sekolah hari Jumaat, telah bermalam di rumah bff (best friend forever) dia di Bukit, bila di tanya, dia tak mahuikut balik kampung...akhirnya ambil package 3 hari 2 malam (ahaks...) terus tidur di rumah bff dia...
so, bonda bff dia rajin tolong buatkan kek dan celebrate birthday di sana ... advance terus ...

Hana' dan bff, Aisyah dan adik2 Aisyah

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