Monday, October 7, 2013

Lukisan Yang Paling Menyeramkan Di Dunia

Lukisan biasanya dibuat dengan unsur seni yang sangat indah sehingga membuatkan harga lukisan tersebut menjadi sangat mahal apabila dijual.

Namun, bagaimana jika luksian yang dicipta menimbulkan kesan seram dan mengerikan, adakah ada lagi pembeli yang mahu membelinya?

Berikut adalah beberapa lukisan yang sangat menyeramkan di dunia yang pernah dicipta oleh beberapa orang pelukis terkenal;

Sunday, October 6, 2013

What does your home say about you?

Is your home different from your friends or very similar?  Could someone match you to your home?  Are there things around that denote your interests,  pursuits etc.  or do you have a generic home?    I asked my husband if our home is like other homes we are familiar with or is ours different?  I found it interesting that he did not  readily identify the things in our home that make it different from other homes e.g., he made most of the furniture, stained glass, railings, etc.  It has the distinct marks of both of our interests. 

In an effort to describe the individual aspects of one person's home when compared to another, the design world often refers to a home's "personality".   I love to go into a home that "feels like" the people who live there.   In my book, designing a home with "personality" (the homeowners , not mine)  is one of the most difficult aspects of being a decorator.  I spend quite a bit of time getting a handle on the people I am working with and trying to  reflect that knowledge in the choices I make for their home.   I don't understand decorators who are known for a set "look" and anything they do is recognizable as their work  I loved the lady who told me she was looking for a Pottery Barn decorator!  Silly me had to ask what that meant. I'm much better dealing with an individual look.

 I am helping a friend solve several home dilemmas. We have agreed to work on this project over a long term basis.  She has little interest in  new trends for 2014 or what the most popular colours are this year.  Here house is totally wood except for ceramic  floors downstairs, and it has  personality galore, but it is not a house for everyone. We talk about function, natural materials, textures, warmth, minimal living, wabi sabi, zen spaces and  the "feel" she wants.  We talk about how her interests have changed and how this influences her living space.  It is not my usual decorating job, but I enjoy our chats and the progress we are making.  I am up to the task because I truly believe that my job is to listen well and lead the homeowner to a place where they make their own decisions. It takes longer, but it is more rewarding for everyone in the end.

These rooms all have very different personalities.  What do they say about the owners?  Look at your own space.  What does it say about you and the people who live there?

interested in what is currently in style and being in style, seems more comfortable in darker spaces that are soothing, likes luxury,  some personal touches in photos, likes symmetry and order. 

not concerned with current trends,likes the warmth of wood and can't get enough of it,    likes contained spaces,   hand made objects are important, likes a simple life 

current trends are important, likes luxury, entertains larger groups, likes comfort,  interested in the trappings of "the good life"

not interested in current trends, recycling is important, likes the marks of history on objects, not afraid to be an individual,  likes comfort and a functional space, likes nature, has an artistic eye

Insert  a room in your home here.  What does it say about you? 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Watch Lucky You (2007) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading

see-turkeyLucky You an enjoyable movie about Texas Poker. Poker fans will love this movie. The story is good and the games are really realistic. The soundtrack is nice and Las Vegas looks really beautiful in this movie. A love story and a realistic poker, it's a movie for everyone. Enjoy.

How to watch Lucky You For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

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Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Say no to sunlight

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Business Online

Dah lama aku promot produk aku kat blog ni. Alhamdulillah, ada saja yg kol samada nak beli atau tanya berkenaan produk aku. Selain dari blog ni, aku ada gak promot kat FB. Tp FB cuma rakan2 ja yg tgk, kadang2 terlepas sebab terlalu banyak status rakan2 lain. Berbeza dgn blog, yg berminat akan search kat google, so google akan senaraikan web2 atau blog2 yg ada keyword yg dicari. X kira la sapa yg search tu. So bermakna lagi besar la dia punya market berbanding FB.
perniagaan internet 

 So kepada pembaca2 sekelian, kalu nak berniaga online jgn terlalu mngharapkan FB semata2. Buat blog sendiri dan muat info dan foto berkaitan, contact number...supaya boleh dihubungi. Kalu ada testimoni boleh muatkan sekali, update setiap kali ada pembeli.....

Insya Allah, kita berusaha menggunakan semua peluang yg ada. Asalkan niat nak berniaga, bukan nak menipu...


Compass Kiblat

Seblom ni aku rasa x penting pun kompas bila berpindah ke rumah baru ni kelam kabut gak nak tentukan arah kiblat dgn tepat. Setakat anggaran aku boleh la agak sebab masjid dekat ja. Nasib baik agakan aku tu agak tepat...hehehehe

Jadi supaya lain kali aku x perlu agak2, jadi aku pun beli la kompas kiblat. TP masa test ada  2 kompas, dua dua tunjuk arah x sama. Tanya pompuan yg jual tu dia pun x tahu. Mampos....Jadi aku pun guna la teori aku berdasarkan arah utara barat timur yg aku rasa la. Jadi aku beli la yg satu tu, mahal la sikit. Sampai di rumah, aku test, last2 aku jd keliru...

Maka utk menghapuskan kekeliruan, aku download je android app, compass kiblat.....ada setting lokasi lagi, kompas bergerak2, arah sama yg betul walau pun henset diubah ke arah lain2.. kepada sesiapa yg ada henset android boleh la download. Free jer...Jadi kalu nak solat di mana2 pun senang je kita nak hala ke mana kannnn...

arah kiblat bg kola lompo


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