Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Apa Allah kata?

Bila kita buat sesuatu mesti kita akan pikir apa org akan kata. Pernah x kita pikir apa Allah kata, halal ka haram, dosa ka pahala...
Padahal di akhirat nanti yg nak tolong kita bukan depa ni, pahala kita la yg akan ditimbang.

Tgk contoh cerita Nabi Adam, Malaikat dan Iblis. Apabila Nabi dijadikan dari tanah oleh Allah swt, malaikat dan Iblis diperintahkan sujud kepada Adam. Malaikat pun x mau sujud sebab Adam dijadikan dari tanah sedangkan dia dari cahaya, lebih mulia. Tapi kerana ruh yg Allah tiup kan ke dalam jasad Adam itulah yg menyebabkan malaikat pun sujud. Tp Iblis tidak memandang kepada ruh itu tetapi kepada kejadian Adam dari tanah sedangkan dia dari Api.. Sebab itulah dia x mahu sujud walaupun sebenarnya Allah telah meniup ruh kepada Adam.

Begitu juga manusia sentiasa memandang pada luaran. Perbuatan yg elok pun kalu ditgk dari luaran akan jadi x elok. Contoh perempuan yg memakai hijab, org akan kata mungkin mulutnya, pipinya ada kecacatan yg x elok nak didedahkan. Tapi bg yg memandang lebih jauh, sebenarnya dia melindungi dirinya terpelihara dari pandangan yg bernafsu jahat.Sedangkan itulah yg Allah perintahkan...


Of Nandos, Football and Battersea Park - London

A sunny day in London calls for granny sunglasses.....

And also ditching the jeans. These dresses are so beautiful OMG!
A walk around Battersea Park was amazing with such a great weather. I will make a special post on Battersea Park soon because it is such a beautiful and awesome park :)

Of course, too much time spent under the sun leads to ugly wrinkles and freckles. A hat and suncream is necessary!

Hello, Chelsea Football Stadium. I know nobody there except Ashley Cole because he cheated on Cheryl Cole. 

There is a game on tonight so there were a number of stalls selling Chelsea souveniors outside the stadium. I love blue colour.

Chelsea Footbal Stadium was located near Nando's. I saw a few people wearing Chelsea jerseys and football attire. Sorry, I dont watch football so if you are a famous person, I would not know ;p

A whole chicken for a meal in Nando's with the extra spicy sauce to give the extra kick yumyum.

The sunny hot weather and three hours of walking calls for almond magnum ice cream.

Lovely lovely day!

Instavideo of Chelsea Football Stadium:

Watch Leonardo DiCaprio Movies Online For Free Without Downloading in English

Jennifer Aniston MoviesAre you Looking for Leonardo DiCaprio movies? You have come to the right place! You will find here a list of movies that Leonardo DiCaprio starred in. You can watch Leonardo DiCaprio films online 100% free here. Streams are compatible with all mobile devices iPod, iPhone, iPad and Android phones.

Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio (born in Los Angeles, California in November 11, 1974) is an American film actor and producer. He was known throughout the world with his role as Jack Dawson in Titanic and other successful films like Romeo + Juliet, Catch Me If You Can, Blood Diamond, Shutter Island and Inception. He has been nominated three times for an Academy Award, twice for a BAFTA Award and four times for a SAG Award. He won a Golden Globe, two NBR Awards and a Silver.

How to watch Leonardo DiCaprio Movies For Free - click on the name of the movie you want to watch and follow instructions posted in movie page. Enjoy the movie.

Watch Leonardo Di Caprio movies Online Free Here No Downloading Required. Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.
Romeo and Juliet (1996)
Titanic (1997)
The Man in the Iron Mask (1998)
The Beach (2000)
Don's Plum (2001)
Gangs of New York (2002)
Catch Me If You Can (2002)
The Aviator (2004)
The Departed (2006)
Blood Diamond (2006)
Body of Lies (2008)
Revolutionary Road (2008)
Shutter Island (2010)
Inception (2010)
J. Edgar (2011)
Django Unchained (2012)

Watch Jennifer Aniston Movies Online For Free Without Downloading in English

Jennifer Aniston MoviesAre you Looking for Jennifer Aniston movies? You have come to the right place! You will find here a list of movies that Jennifer Aniston starred in. You can watch Jennifer Aniston films online 100% free here. Streams are compatible with all mobile devices iPod, iPhone, iPad and Android phones.

Jennifer Aniston born in February 11, 1969 is an American actress. She won a Golden Globe and an Emmy Award for her role in the television series Friends in which she played from 1994 to 2004.

How to watch Jennifer Aniston Movies For Free - click on the name of the movie you want to watch and follow instructions posted in movie page. Enjoy the movie.

Watch Jennifer Aniston movies Online Free Here No Downloading Required. Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.
The Object of My Affection (1998)
Along Came Polly (2004)
Derailed (2005)
Rumor Has It (2005)
The Break-Up (2006)
Management (2008)
Marley and Me (2008)
Love Happens (2009)
The Bounty Hunter (2010)
The Switch (2010)
Just Go with It (2011)
Wanderlust (2012)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Fakir di dunia Rahmat di syurga

Dari Ibn Abbas ra berkata, Nabi SAW bersabda : Saya melihat surga, tiba-tiba kebanyakan penghuni surga adalah orang-orang fakir dan aku lihat di neraka, maka kebanyakan penghuninya adalah wanita. (HR. Muslim).

Dari Ibn Umar ra, Rasulullah SAW berkata ; Hai Orang-orang fakir, sukakah saya beritakan kepadamu kabar gembira, sesungguhnya orang -orang fakir dari kaum mu’minin akan masuk surga sebelum orang-orang kaya, kira-kira setengah hari, yaitu lima ratus tahun.

Dari Abu Hurairah ra berkata ; Nabi SAW bersabada: Sesungguhnya di antara dosa-dosa itu ada dosa-dosa yang tidak dapat ditebus dengan salat, puasa, haji dan umrah, hanya dapat ditebus dengan kerisauan hati dalam mencari nafkah hidup. (HR Ibn As Sakir, Abu Naim.)

Abu Said ra berkata ; Rasulullah SAW bersabda : Hendaknya merasa bergembira orang-orang fakir dari kaum mu’minin, mereka beruntung pada hari akhir masuk surga sebelum orang-orang kaya sekira lima ratus tahun, mereka telah bersuka ria di dalam surga, sedangkan orang-orang kaya masih dihisab. (HR Abu Na’iem).

Jadi kenapa masih berbangga dgn kekayaan dunia. Kalu zaman nabi dulu, sahabat2 sedekahkan semua harta utk digunakan dalam dakwah. Kita guna utk keselesaan dunia, rumah mau besar supaya selesa, tv mau besar baru puas, dalam bilik ada ekon baru nyaman, kereta mau besar buleh naik ramai, bawa brg banyak, laju cepat sampai destinasi kalu eksiden x remuk, ciri2 keselamatan tinggi, airbag, abs....

Semua nak jadi kaya. Ada sapa2 nak jadi miskin. Nak derma singgit pun berkira, takut org yg minta tu malas, tipu, ntah2 dia dapat lagi byk dr gaji kita sbb ramai duk derma.


Kalu org kaya derma 100, org miskin derma singgit, agak2 pahala sama dak? Klu kaya kena derma lebih la. Kalu org gaji 1000 buleh derma singgit setiap hari, org gaji 5 ribu xkan 10 hinggit sari x buleh? Ye la nak bayar ansuran banglo, keta 2 3 biji, sofa, personal loan dll....

Orang ramai takut miskin, krja gaji nak mahal, berniaga untung mau lebih, keja mau senang. Sebab tu ganjaran tinggi diberi kat fakir sebab bertungkus lumus mencari sesuap nasi kadang2 miss suro...

Jadi bersederhana lah dalam hidup, ada rumah kecik pun xpa, keta second hand yg keluaran taun 80-90an, moto buruk janji x buat hal, tgk tv kecik xyah la lcd, kalu murah sapu p la. Baju, kasut local dah la xyah branded. Henfon seken, janji buleh kol sms. Simpan duit utk kecemasan lagi bagus dari duk perabih beli yg x berbaloi, hutang sana sini. Sedekah la sebanyak yg termampu, itulah harta kita di akhirat.

Ada keta, moto, rumah besau pun, mati tinggal gak keculai 3: ilmu yg bermanfaat, anak yg soleh yg mendoakan kita dan amal jariah. Kalu rumah di dunia harga 200 ribu, rumah diakhirat besar mana? Kalu di dunia pakai keta ratus ribu, diakhirat naik apa melintas titian sirat?

Renungan utk diri sendiri......terima kasih kerana membaca semoga mendapat info yg berguna....


terima kasih sumber...

Prawn noodles - simple recipe

When you cook for one and eat at home, you get to eat as much TIGER PRAWNS as you want! I should add, it cost so much lesser than eating tiger prawns in a restaurant. 100% satisfied :):)

Meet my prawn noodle! It is so easy to cook. Just clean and remove the shell of the prawns and put it in a pot of boiling hot water. Then, put some noodles into the same pot. Voila! Its so easy because the prawn's flavour is all you need to make the meal tasty ;)

Oh, I should also say Chinatown is awesome because everything is so much cheaper there than the other supermarkets! Even a dozen eggs is 1pound cheaper than co-operative. My prawns came from Chinatown :)

On another note, one calorific meal I have been loving is my wholemeal bun with melted chedder mixed with mozarella cheese. 
Sometimes after sinfully satisfying my unhealthy cravings, I go back to being healthy by eating salad.

I am all about food heee

Wordless Wednesday #34

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