Monday, August 5, 2013

Kisah Nabi kena sihir...

Kisah nabi disihir boleh baca di sini.

Apa yg nak aku kongsi di sini ialah selepas nabi sembuh dari sihir itu. Nabi tidak pula mengambil apa2 tindakan kepada pembuat sihir walhal baginda tahu, siapa orang itu (yahudi) spt diberitahu oleh malaikat.

Moralnya di sini biarpun org berbuat jahat ke atas nabi tp nabi masih xsuka untuk berbuat keburukan kepada org lain padahal Allah telah menyembuhkannya. Kalu kita??? mapuh dah org tu kalu konpom dia la...satni salah p belasah org lain lak..Akhlak nabi adalah akhlak tertinggi, patut dicontohi..

Lagi satu, 2 surah yg nabi diwahyukan iaitu Surah An-Nas dan Al-Falaq. Boleh la kita jadikan amalan membacanya insyaAllah semoga dijauhkan dari perbuatan sihir ni...

Pret A Manger and Itsu

I love Pret A Manger and at Victoria Street, I found out they have one of the biggest Pret A Manger shop I have seen.

If you have not been to London, you need to know that there is Pret A Manger at almost every corner of London streets especially where the tourist attractions are situated.

The owners of Pret A Manger also recently opened Itsu, which is a Japanese restaurant.

Its concept is similar to Pret A Manger where dine in was more expensive than take-away and the 'products on shelf' concept was the same.

I personally enjoy dining in Pret A Manger and Itsu because everything from the sandwiches to the sushi and to the tables were always well arranged and organised. The floor is never filthy and the  staff make it a point to serve within 1 minute and clean the tables within that time too.

I have tried Itsu's salmon teriyaki and salmon sushi box.

Most of Itsu's fish range are salmon, either sashimi, sushi or  rolls. They also have tuna fish sushi and edamame. Recently, the bento boxes came out which was a variety like teriyaki chicken and others. I love edamame so I liked that they have meals which comes with a side of edamame. Besides cold food, they also serve hot food like duck hot pot and others. I would have tried the duck hot pot when I visited Itsu but unfortunately they do not serve duck on weekends. Itsu also have their own range of drinks. I tried their raspberry water. It tasted like water and cough medicine. Not my taste at all.

Best of all, with this concept, customers get to see the end products of the food before making their choice. Its better than looking at a list of menu with no pictures and trying to guess how the food will turn out.

On another note, while strolling around london I stumbled upon the house of the guy who made penicillin! 
I know this because it was written on that blue round sign on its wall.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Pelik! Cendawan Tangan Zombie

Kekayaan flora dan fauna dunia sangatlah luas dan bermacam rupa bentuk dari yang biasa sehinggalah yang pelik malah yang belum pernah kita lihat sebelumnya.

Cendawan pelik.

Seperti gambar diatas, satu spesies cendawan baru yang mempunyai nama latin 'Clathrus Columnatus' atau juga disebut 'Octopus Stinkhorn' dan boleh juga disebut sebagai “Deadman’s Finger” berbentuk Tangan Mayat atau

Crussh smoothie

Gotta love the smoothies from Crussh at Kensington High Street. I had a smoothie with a blend of raspberries, strawberries, banana and apples. I can't get enough of that!

I saw this cute statue in Chinatown.

If you have not been to a Salsa bar, you should.

Basically, everyone dances salsa! It was amazing to watch the more experienced dancers doing their thing. Its also cool to see random strangers partner each other just to salsa dance to one entire song and they gel so well together!!

Malam 7 Likur

Lama x dgr, atau mlm 27....Ada kendri lepas teraweh kt mesjid tp xleh mkn dah. Ms buka lg dah balun. Sampai tersengguk2 ms teraweh. Dahaga jer rs...mungkin sbb teghri g basuh jeta 2 bj, moto sebj...pastu ada kelas part time lak. Panas lak tu....bule duk dlm ekon lega la skit...Tu yg p bazar beli cendol. Dah nk habis ramadan baru rasa buka ngn cendol. Tp lebih puas minum tea o jer. Yg suam2, kalu sejuk x sdp lak. Ank umur 4 taun baru duk bljr main bunga api. Mmg bhy, dah kena jari aku, melecur....Cuba kalu kena jari dia. Mmg kn tgk ms dia main. Kdg2 bunga api menyala sampai ke jari dia. Satu lg mercun. Mmg x leh bg la. Stkt mercun pop tu buleh la. Tp berkotak2, sat ja abih.Yg aku suka ialah pistol yg ubat dia belerang dlm plestik merah tu. Yg ni best. Bunyi x kuat sgt, x slow, x bhy walau pun melotop kt tgn gak. Ubat dia lak murah, 9x8 das buleh tmbk baru singgit.... Tp nk petik tu la sakit tgn. Bdk2 mmg sakit, kn bantu...Jd aku tolong tembakkan....
Sent from my Sony Ericsson Xperia neo

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Misteri Wanita Incredible Hulk Sebenar Zaman Moden

Kisah filem Incredible Hulk mengenai seorang lelaki, Bruce Banner yang boleh bertukar menjadi makhluk perkasa berwarna hijau telah mendapat sambutan menggalakkan di pawagam seluruh dunia pada tahun 2008.

Stephens menggelarkan dirinya sebagai Incredible Hulk selepas 

otot-otot tubuhnya boleh membengkak tatkala menghadapi tekanan.

Banner yang merupakan seorang lelaki normal secara tiba-tiba

Harga Barang Naik....Apa kata menteri

Harga ayam naik, jgn mkn ayam beli ikan.....ikan lagi mahal....Harga sayur naik, tanam sendiri...ikan...bela sendiri, bela ayam sendiri. Bila bela sendiri lg la segar, racun krg, xdak main cucuk nk bg besau...

Mmg bagus idea ni. Kerajaan pun dah bela lembu, apa kata bela ayam lak, tnm sayur mcm FAMA.

Sent from my Sony Ericsson Xperia neo

Gambar Belangkas