Thursday, August 1, 2013

Wajah-wajah bahagia


Rasa bahagia bukan boleh dibuat buat
Rasa bahagia lahir dari jiwa
Hati juga penting
Suci hati
Sucilah jiwa

Bahagia ini bukan ciptaan
Bahagia ini kenyataan

Terima kasih Allah
Rasa ini sangat syahdu

Anjing kena soal siasat...

SEGAMAT: Wanita yang dipercayai memuat naik rakaman video kontroversi menyambut Aidilfitri bersama anjing, ditahan reman selama dua hari sehingga esok bagi siasatan lanjut kes berkenaan. 

Wanita itu dibawa dari Bukit Aman awal pagi tadi sebelum terus ke Mahkamah Majistret Segamat bagi mendapat perintah tahanan reman. 

Pendaftar Kanan Mahkamah Sesyen Segamat, Mohd Anuar Ostadi, membenarkan permohonan polis bagi menahan wanita berkenaan selama dua hari sehingga esok. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Misteri Kematian Mangsa Tidak Dikenali Yang Membingungkan

Kes-kes jenayah misteri melibatkan orang yang tidak dikenali di Amerika Syarikat seolah-olah tiada penamat dan kes ini tidak pernah selesai selepas pelbagai ujian forensik dan siasatan dilakukan. Mangsa yang ditemui mati dengan identiti misteri yang tidak diketahui dan Jabatan Forensik mengklasifikasikan sebagai "John Doe" atau "Jane Doe" sehingga identiti sebenar mereka dapat dikenali pasti.

Chinatown in London

I finally managed to spend some quality time in Chinatown before salsa classes. I had my duck rice for dinner at a restaurant next to Four Seasons. Four Seasons was always the recommended restaurant to go to for roasted duck on Google and other sites. But, I did not really fancy their roasted duck. Maybe the reviews written were outdated. There were plenty of restaurants selling roasted duck in Chinatown so I decided to try my luck with a different restaurant - the one located next to Four Seasons!

I highly recommend this restaurant which I unfortunately forgotten its name. The roasted duck was so good and the price was much more reasonable. My roasted duck cravings were satisfied that day.

After dinner, I popped into See Woo, the Asian supermarket and lol behold, there were durians for sale! It is durian season afterall back home in Malaysia. I already had my share of durians a few weeks back therefore I did not buy any this round.

The reason I was in See Woo was to buy fish balls. I miss eating something so simple as fish balls  so I just had to get some. Besides that, I also wanted to make dried shrimp sambal because I craved for spicy food too. Dried shrimp sambal was one of my favorite recipe thanks to my mum. Its such a simple dish to cook and it goes well with everything from bread to rice to vegetables or meat. Just yesterday I made pork loins salad with the sambal. The sambal gives the necessary 'kick' to make food taste fab.
Heres the salad:

Five minutes away from Chinatown was where my salsa classes were held - at a Salsa bar. The teacher taught a really interesting dance set that day. It was worth recording. Video at the end of post.

The weather has been a bit chaotic here. It has been cold and wet the past few days. But, the heat will be back tomorrow again. Truthfully, I am not really sure if I prefer the heat or cold.

I learnt a new word: toodle pip - means goodbye 

Rekorderlig cider

A new cider I tried which was absolutely to die for is Rokorderlig cider. It wasn't very sweet like other ciders and it had this crisp to it which was amazing. It was like drinking a fizzy juice or champagne. The flavour was wild berry and best of all, it is pink! So feminine and gorgeous just having it on the table :)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Masjid Cina Ipoh

Selama ni kite tau pasei Masjid Cina di Kelantan je kan???
di Ipoh pun ade satu Masjid Cina yang dibangunkan oleh MACMA (Persatuan Cina Muslim Malaysia Perak)....
Insyallah akan dirasmikan pada 4 Ogos 2013 bersamaan dengan 26 Ramadan 1434h.....
moge2 Islam akan terus tersebar ke semue ceruk alam...
dan kepada semua bangsa......

P/S: Gambo2 kredit kepada pesbuk Xifu Naser II

Bela anjing....

Bela anjing sebagai hobi, suka2 adlah dilarang. Buleh bela kt luar sj, utk tujuan tertentu spt menjaga keselamatan rumah tanaman atau ternakan.
Kalu tersentuh anjing basah dgn basah perlu dicuci dgn air tanah.
Kalu bela luar sekali pun, mcmn dgn najis dan air kencingnya. Kalu dirantai atau di kurung, tau laa tmptnya.
Bela anjing juga dikhuatiri menggangu jiran2 krn bising atau bahaya pd ank2. Kawalan dan pemantauan yg baik amat perlu utk memastikan kebersihan dari najisnya.
Bela dlm rmh lg la x buleh. Malaikat x masuk, jd hlg la keberkatan dlm rumah. Mcmn nk pastikan kebersihan dr najisnya. Tmpt solat, pinggan mangkuk, tandas yg sentiasa basah. Byk sgt benda kecik2 yg boleh terlps pandang, so x pyh la bela.
Nk bela la d kebun. Jgn lupa bg mkn. Di rumah buh rantai, kurung....kejam la plak....
Wallahualam ......

baca lagi....

Sent from my Sony Ericsson Xperia neo

Daripada Abu Talha r.a, “Aku mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w berkata, “Malaikat (Pembawa Rahmat) tidak akan memasuki rumah yang di dalamnya ada anjing atau gambar yang berupa dari makhluk bernyawa”.” (Hadis Riwayat al-Bukhari, Kitab Penciptaan (4/54), no. 448)

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