Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Watch The Holiday (2006) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading A Romantic Comedy Film

see-turkeyThe Holiday a good romantic comedy film starting Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz. Kate and Cameron are fed up with the men in their lives and they decided to swap homes. Kate Winslet moves to Los Angeles and Cameron Diaz moves to London. It's a sweet romantic comedy featuring pretty houses, pretty people and pretty decent acting! I think you all will enjoy watching this movie. Let me know your thoughts.

How to watch The Holiday For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch The Holiday (2006) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. It's very easy. It's very easy. Watch The Holiday 2006 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Watch Home Alone (1990) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading A Family Comedy Movie

see-turkeyHome Alone a very good family film. The film is predictable right from the very first scene but it's funny and entertaining. It's one of those movies that the whole family can enjoy. I highly recommend it for everyone. It's one of the greatest Christmas movie of all time.

How to watch Home Alone For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch Home Alone (1990) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. It's very easy. It's very easy. Watch Home Alone 1990 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

NIlai kasih seorang anak

Seorang bapa pulang kerumah dalam keadaan keletihan setelah seharian bekerja. Kepulangannya disambut anaknya yang berusia 7 tahun...

"Ayah, kenapa  ayah balik lewat selalu?" tanya si anak

"ayah O.T. carik duit lebih untuk kita" jawab sang ayah lembut

" sejam ayah ot dapat berapa ringgit?"

"ahh.. menyebuk jer, Mirul budak-budak lagi tak perlu tau ni semua..  Mirul belajar sungguh sungguh sudah..bab duit biar ayah yang uruskan"

"Mirul cuma nak tau jer berapa Ayah dapat sejam kerja kat pejabat tu"..

"huh...20 ringgit"

"Oooo..." kata si anak sambil menunduk ke lantai seolah-olah sedikit kecewa. Kemudian dia memandang ke wajah Ayahnya seraya berkata. "boleh tak Mirul pinjam duit ayah 10 ringgit?"

Mendengar permintaan anaknya, sang ayah berang. "ooo..itu sebabnya kamu tanya pendapatan ayah ye..kamu nak buat apa dengan 10 ringgit tu..tak cukup ke apa yang ayah dah bagi duit belanja setiap hari? nak beli mainan la tu..toksah nak membazir.....dah pegi masuk bilik tidur..."

tergamam si anak kecil menerima jerkahan sang ayah lantas perlahan-lahan dia berjalan menuju ke biliknya.. Sang ayah duduk di sofa sambil memikirkan permintaan si anak kecil...mengapa anak sekecil itu sudah meminta-minta wang sebanyak itu. Namun hati seorang ayah cepat tenang dan mula berfikir mungkin anaknya memerlukan wang untuk tujuan membeli keperluan sekolah. Tambahan lagi anaknya tidak pernah meminta wang sebanyak itu sebelum ini. Dengan rasa bersalah sang ayah melangkah menuju ke bilik anaknya lalu membuka pintu bilik.

Didapati anaknya belum tidur."kalu Mirul betul-betul perlukan duit ambil ni sepuluh ringgit".kata sang ayah lembut seakan memujuk.

Anak itu bingkas bangun kegirangan. "terima kasi banyak banyak ayah." katanya dengan begitu gembira. lantas ia meraba-raba dicelah bantalnya dan mengeluarkan segumpal wang seringgit.

Bila terpandang wang sebanyak itu, hati si ayah menjadi berang kembali. "kenapa kamu mintak duit lagi sedangkan kamu ada wang yang banyak...dari mana kamu dapat wang itu?" jerkah si ayah..

Si anak tunduk tidak berani memandang wajah ayahnya. "Duit ini Mirul kumpul dari wang belanja sekolah yang ayah beri setiap hari. Mirul mintak 10 ringgit dari ayah sebab mirul nak cukupkan duit mirul". kata anak perlahan.

"tak cukup nak beli apa?"soal si ayah kembali.

"Ayah.. duit mirul simpan ada sepuluh ringgit saja, Mirul nak pinjam duit ayah lagi sepuluh ringgit buat bayar OT ayah sejam supaya ayah boleh balik awal. Mirul nak makan malam bersama ayah". jawab anak berani.

terharu sang bapa..kini barulah dia faham...

Moral :

Kadangkala kita terlampau sibuk sehingga mengabaikan insan tersayang yang dahagakan kasih sayang dan perhatian kita. Oleh itu, luangkan sedikit waktu untuk bersama mereka...


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

#Pic @ Taman Negara


Saje je nak letak gambar-gambar masa kat taman negara.Terima kasih kepada semua sebab bagi kerjasama yang sangat baik. Rasa berbaloi sangat usaha saya ni sebab semua yang pi cakap best dan betul-betul merehatkan minda. Hilang stress katanya.. Okey, insyallah  lepas ni kita buat program lagi yek.. ;)

TQ sebab semua sporting!

Baru sampai, semua lapaq..

Pemandangan kat taman negara

Tempat makan sepanjang kami kat sana

Jauh dari perlis!

Semua nak bergambar ye..

sejuk tau!


baru lepas mandi

suka je ada mat saleh..

Sebelum mendaki semangat je..

Ulat bulu ni bagi salam perkenalan!!

Tinggi tau!

Rehat jap.. masa ni semua dah ketaq lutut.. hehe..

Sumpit time!!

Tok batin dapat hamper! suka la tu..

bagi makanan kat diaorang..

mandi depan kampung orang asli.. ;)

model tak berbayar.. hehehe.. tu bos saya tau!


muka penat ke tu??

Gambar Misteri Bitterroot Footage Jadi Viral Di Internet

Misteri Bitterroot Footage ini menjadi viral di internet hujung tahun lalu. Bagi yang belum pernah baca pasal ni, ni saya nak share gambar dan sedikit info.

Seorang budak University of New York telah membeli sebuah kotak kayu yang berkunci. Dia bawa balik dan buka secara manual guna screw driver. Apa yang dia jumpa dalam box tu amat mengejutkan. Terdapat gambar yang agak menggangu dengan

Wordless Wednesday #32

 Kenangan di Kerteh, Terengganu April 2013

Cosmo buffet in Aberdeen

When I was in Aberdeen, I had one of the best buffet in the UK. Cosmo recently opened and the food served at the buffet tables were really delicious. Aberdeen was its first branch. They do have other locations now according to their website. None in Glasgow yet.

We made reservations online was not aware that Cosmo was fully booked for two whole weeks! So, we arrived at the restaurant thinking we had a reservation. But, all was good when it only took us 20minutes to get seats as walk-in customers. Thats the difference I noticed between Malaysian buffets and UK buffets. The people here do not spend hours filling their tummy and making their moneys worth unlike us in Malaysia. We can sit at the buffet for hours.

The service at Cosmo was very good. The interior and set up of the restaurant was well organised too. Another advantage of Cosmo is that it was located in Union Square shopping mall. This was the shopping mall where the main train station of Aberdeen was located. So, imagine just taking a train from Glasgow and arriving at Aberdeen, straight into the shopping mall and Cosmo is there. Fantastic!

Cosmo food reminded me of Malaysia. They had various sections like Indian, Japanese, Teppanyaki, Grilled meat, Dim sum and others. They did serve delicious freshly grilled lamb, lamb curry and salmon teriyaki. I opted out of trying any chicken. I only ate the seafood and lamb. They also had papadam and prawn crackers!

Unfortunately, dim sum standard there was not good. Siu mai tasted weird. Ha kou skin was not nice. They did have char siew pau and custard pau too which did not look appetizing to me to bother trying.

Dessert was a variety of cakes and ice creams. Most of the cakes looked good but it really was not that nice to eat. We shared half of every dessert because we were really full from the main meals.

Overall, I would highly recommend this place as its still better than other buffets.

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